It boggles my mind some of nutjob workout programs there are out there now.
Everybody seems to have some sorta gimmick now. A gimmick piece of equipment, a gimmick workout schedule, a gimmick type of training...ugh.
Whatever happened to just goin' out and working hard?
Take getting stronger.
Now, I'm about to let you in on a MAJOR secret to getting stronger. This secret is something I've just recently discovered, and I can't believe I'm about to tell you in a newsletter...I should be charging TOP DOLLAR for this kinda info. But, I'm "cool like that", so here you go.
If you wanna get stronger, you've gotta...wait for it....wait for it...lift heavy shit.
Yeah, I know - pretty mind-blowing, right? Lift heavy shit. Get stronger. Who'd have thunk it?
But guess what? Lifting heavy shit is HARD. It takes a lot of effort, work, and "testicular fortitude". Which is why nobody wants to do it.
And that's why all the fitness geeks, gurus, and wannabes come up with every conceivable method in the world to try and convince you that you can get strong w/o lifting heavy shit.
Well, tell me this - when you were in school, did you ever get smarter by studying stuff you already knew? Yeah - didn't think so. So why would you get stronger by going easy on the weights?
Ain't gonna happen.
Listen - dump all the gimmicks and crap that most of the modern fitness industry tries to convince you will "work". They might sound cool, or neat, or hip, or whatever...but you can pretty well assume that if they sound like they can get you out of hard work, that they suck ass.
Now, if you're ready to dump all the crap, buckle down, put some effort in, and *really* get some damn results, then go check out "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
It's six completely different, all-encompassing 8-week programs, each w/a different focus, so that you maintain (maybe even improve) everything else, you really get good at one particular thing.
Maybe you get really strong while maintaining endurance and cardio. Or maybe you really get fast while maintaining strength, cardio, & work capacity. Or maybe you do nothing but bodyweight exercise for a while.
You get the idea.
So, forget all the gimmicks, and start really'd be surprised at just what you can do.
=>Get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans | MMA Training | MMA Workout
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Some People Are IDIOTS
I know - y'all think I'm about to go on a monster rant, huh? Well, I'm not today...
...well...maybe a *small* ;-)
Here's the thing people - some folks just don't wanna wise up...esp when it comes to their cardio workouts.
Ever know somebody who was just making a bunch of STUPID decisions, but no matter what you did or told them, you knew you were never gonna change their mind, and they were never gonna pull their head outta their ass?
B/c you care and are a friend, you really wanna help 'em. But after a while, you just say "the hell w/it", and leave 'em be...and try really hard not to say "I told you so" when it all backfires."
That's about how I am these days w/people and their cardio workouts.
Now, I know many of you "get it". You've been on my list long enough, and are smart enough to figure this stuff out...esp when I tell you "what's what".
But you have no idea how many people I know that no matter how much I try to tell them that intense, athletic-based circuit training is the way to go, they wanna just
argue with me.
*face palm*
Yeah, going jogging for a mile or two a few times/week is decent exercise. I'm not disputing that. But, why do that (and wreak havoc on your knees, ankles, & hips in
the process), when you could:
-increase your strength & power
-build a more muscular physique
-burn more calories during...and after...your intense workout
-improve *both* your aerobic and anaerobic capabilities (meaning even better cardio) at the same time
-develop work capacity to the point that it'd take a forklift to outwork you
-do your workouts virtually anywhere you wanted, and at any time
-build stronger & healthier muscles...heart...lunges...joints...bones...should I keep going?
Listen, like the friend I was telling you about, I'm not gonna go nuts all day to try and wise somebody up if they don't wanna listen.
You wanna continue on for endless, mindless, boring hours doing traditional cardio? Knock yourself out.
But, if you wanna get more results...better results...and in a lot less time...then go get the =>"Working Class Cardio Workout"
It'll do all that...and a ton more. Believe dat.
That link again... =>
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
...well...maybe a *small* ;-)
Here's the thing people - some folks just don't wanna wise up...esp when it comes to their cardio workouts.
Ever know somebody who was just making a bunch of STUPID decisions, but no matter what you did or told them, you knew you were never gonna change their mind, and they were never gonna pull their head outta their ass?
B/c you care and are a friend, you really wanna help 'em. But after a while, you just say "the hell w/it", and leave 'em be...and try really hard not to say "I told you so" when it all backfires."
That's about how I am these days w/people and their cardio workouts.
Now, I know many of you "get it". You've been on my list long enough, and are smart enough to figure this stuff out...esp when I tell you "what's what".
But you have no idea how many people I know that no matter how much I try to tell them that intense, athletic-based circuit training is the way to go, they wanna just
argue with me.
*face palm*
Yeah, going jogging for a mile or two a few times/week is decent exercise. I'm not disputing that. But, why do that (and wreak havoc on your knees, ankles, & hips in
the process), when you could:
-increase your strength & power
-build a more muscular physique
-burn more calories during...and after...your intense workout
-improve *both* your aerobic and anaerobic capabilities (meaning even better cardio) at the same time
-develop work capacity to the point that it'd take a forklift to outwork you
-do your workouts virtually anywhere you wanted, and at any time
-build stronger & healthier muscles...heart...lunges...joints...bones...should I keep going?
Listen, like the friend I was telling you about, I'm not gonna go nuts all day to try and wise somebody up if they don't wanna listen.
You wanna continue on for endless, mindless, boring hours doing traditional cardio? Knock yourself out.
But, if you wanna get more results...better results...and in a lot less time...then go get the =>"Working Class Cardio Workout"
It'll do all that...and a ton more. Believe dat.
That link again... =>
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, May 28, 2010
You 'Walk the Walk'?
You know the old saying - "Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk."
This kinda thing is big in the fitness world - esp when it comes to being strong, looking good, doing intense cardio workouts, etc.
See, there are a ton of people out there who might look awesome, but when it comes to backing it up, they fall *way* short. Some of these goofs get in the gym, and as "jacked" as they might be, can't lift any more than my grandma.
Others might be able to lift a ton in the gym, but when it comes to doing anything in the real world like playing a sport, helping a friend move, or whatever, they're still "all show and no go".
And don't even get me started cardio or work apacity. You'd never think that somebody that looked so good (and usually talked so much damn trash) would be suckin' wind or pussing out after just a few mins of any kinda activity.
Argh. Pansy asses.
Then you've got the exact opposite. You've got the peeps who can move a ton in the gym, or even in the real world, but look like total slobs. Dude...why? So, body composition isn't imperative to you lifting heavier shit. You ever think that maybe being in better shape will make you a healthier person (not to mention make you not look like a sloth)?
And for goodness sakes, don't get me started on all these people's hangup w/doing a little direct arm work. (Here's a major tip people - doing 3-4 sets of biceps at the end of your otherwise athletic-based workout won't turn you into a "curl monkey" or automatically make you wanna be that d-bag who curls in the squat rack.)
Then there's the cardio guy...yeah...he's got some awesome wind. Too bad he's the size of a twig...and twice as frail.
Listen people, this isn't that damn difficult. Lift hard, lift fast. Train heavy and explosively . Do circuit training so that you're not only strong & powerful, but have great cardio, sky-high work capacity, and have a physique that makes you actually wanna take your shirt off now & then.
In other words, let how you look "talk the talk" and how you perform "walk the walk".
And the perfect way to do this is with the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
Get stronger, more powerful, look better, have a healthier heart & lungs, better wind, train pretty much anywhere you want, and a whole crap-ton of other awesome stuff.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
This kinda thing is big in the fitness world - esp when it comes to being strong, looking good, doing intense cardio workouts, etc.
See, there are a ton of people out there who might look awesome, but when it comes to backing it up, they fall *way* short. Some of these goofs get in the gym, and as "jacked" as they might be, can't lift any more than my grandma.
Others might be able to lift a ton in the gym, but when it comes to doing anything in the real world like playing a sport, helping a friend move, or whatever, they're still "all show and no go".
And don't even get me started cardio or work apacity. You'd never think that somebody that looked so good (and usually talked so much damn trash) would be suckin' wind or pussing out after just a few mins of any kinda activity.
Argh. Pansy asses.
Then you've got the exact opposite. You've got the peeps who can move a ton in the gym, or even in the real world, but look like total slobs. Dude...why? So, body composition isn't imperative to you lifting heavier shit. You ever think that maybe being in better shape will make you a healthier person (not to mention make you not look like a sloth)?
And for goodness sakes, don't get me started on all these people's hangup w/doing a little direct arm work. (Here's a major tip people - doing 3-4 sets of biceps at the end of your otherwise athletic-based workout won't turn you into a "curl monkey" or automatically make you wanna be that d-bag who curls in the squat rack.)
Then there's the cardio guy...yeah...he's got some awesome wind. Too bad he's the size of a twig...and twice as frail.
Listen people, this isn't that damn difficult. Lift hard, lift fast. Train heavy and explosively . Do circuit training so that you're not only strong & powerful, but have great cardio, sky-high work capacity, and have a physique that makes you actually wanna take your shirt off now & then.
In other words, let how you look "talk the talk" and how you perform "walk the walk".
And the perfect way to do this is with the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
Get stronger, more powerful, look better, have a healthier heart & lungs, better wind, train pretty much anywhere you want, and a whole crap-ton of other awesome stuff.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Thursday, May 27, 2010
**Soldier Needs Your Help**
Am taking time out to post something a little different today.
As some of you know, I spent the better part of 2.5 years (late '05 to early '08) doing govt. contract work in Iraq. While there, I met a lot of great people, and
made friends that I know I'll have forever.
Well, recently on Facebook, one of my friends post a plea for help he received for a friend whose daughter was seriously injured in Afghanistan. For any of you that are military, LEO, EMS, or the like, please read the below, and if you can at all help, please do:
I have a huge favor to ask of you and your brothers. Please correspond with all your friends near and far.
My Daughter has been seriously injured in Afghanistan. She is a Paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne. Military Police. She has lost her Left Leg to an IED. Please ask all Fire, Police, EMS and School Children you know to send pictures of their department, apparatus, co-workers, classrooms and T-shirts....
I am reaching out to you and others to SHOW Kendra that AMERICA Cares about her.
CPL Kendra Coleman
WRAMC-Ward 57
6900 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20307
Now I know not everybody feels the same about our involvement in the Middle East over the past few years. For now, I'm saying shut your pie hole over the matter.
Instead, realize that one of our nation's soldiers has been injured in a way that will critically change her life forever, and really needs some support. Let's band together and let CPL Coleman know that we have her back.
Thanks gang.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
As some of you know, I spent the better part of 2.5 years (late '05 to early '08) doing govt. contract work in Iraq. While there, I met a lot of great people, and
made friends that I know I'll have forever.
Well, recently on Facebook, one of my friends post a plea for help he received for a friend whose daughter was seriously injured in Afghanistan. For any of you that are military, LEO, EMS, or the like, please read the below, and if you can at all help, please do:
I have a huge favor to ask of you and your brothers. Please correspond with all your friends near and far.
My Daughter has been seriously injured in Afghanistan. She is a Paratrooper with the 173rd Airborne. Military Police. She has lost her Left Leg to an IED. Please ask all Fire, Police, EMS and School Children you know to send pictures of their department, apparatus, co-workers, classrooms and T-shirts....
I am reaching out to you and others to SHOW Kendra that AMERICA Cares about her.
CPL Kendra Coleman
WRAMC-Ward 57
6900 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20307
Now I know not everybody feels the same about our involvement in the Middle East over the past few years. For now, I'm saying shut your pie hole over the matter.
Instead, realize that one of our nation's soldiers has been injured in a way that will critically change her life forever, and really needs some support. Let's band together and let CPL Coleman know that we have her back.
Thanks gang.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Get a "Six-Pack" w/o Ab Work?
HA - I kinda surprised the hell out of a dude the other day when I told him that a kickass cardio workout was the best thing he could do for a good looking stomach
and midsection.
Listen, for the VAST majority of people that want to look better, it comes down to one simple thing:
Take a look at all the people that want "six-pack abs". I get asked all the time via email, in person, and on forums what the best ab exercises are to get a "six-pack". And truth be told, is that no abdominal exercise in the world
will give you a "six-pack".
See, the thing is, is that EVERYBODY (that includes you) has "six-pack abs". However, you just can't SEE them b/c of the bodyfat covering them up.
So if you wanna get a "six-pack", you're never gonna have one if you have a gut. Get rid of your gut, and all of a sudden that "six-pack" is gonna be visible. The lower
your bodyfat, the better looking the midsection.
Crank out some basic abdominal work after getting your bodyfat down, and you're good to go.
And the best way to get your bodyfat down is via a well-designed and intense circuit training program. This kinda workout will:
-help you lose bodyfat (which we've been talking about)
-develop your overall musculature so that your entire physique is impressive (who doesn't want that?)
-get you stronger & more powerful (b/c you don't wanna look like a champ but perform like a chump)
Circuit training isn't just about cranking out a buncha reps on all the machines your gym has, though. It's about athletic movements, training heavy & explosively, using bodyweight exercises, ramping up intensity & backing off, and a bunch of other stuff that makes a good workout.
If you're ready to take that next step in developing your physique...including getting those "six-pack abs" everybody wants...then get the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
It's virtually a "plug & play" workout in that all the work has been done for you. All you gotta do is do the work.
And when you put in the work, you get the results. Like Aaron B. who lost over 30 lbs. Or Eric W. who has lost 61 lbs...and is still losing. (Congrats guys!)
Ready to do the work?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Since you're gonna build that awesome physique anyway, why not win some awesome prizes while you're at it? =>Find out how.
and midsection.
Listen, for the VAST majority of people that want to look better, it comes down to one simple thing:
Take a look at all the people that want "six-pack abs". I get asked all the time via email, in person, and on forums what the best ab exercises are to get a "six-pack". And truth be told, is that no abdominal exercise in the world
will give you a "six-pack".
See, the thing is, is that EVERYBODY (that includes you) has "six-pack abs". However, you just can't SEE them b/c of the bodyfat covering them up.
So if you wanna get a "six-pack", you're never gonna have one if you have a gut. Get rid of your gut, and all of a sudden that "six-pack" is gonna be visible. The lower
your bodyfat, the better looking the midsection.
Crank out some basic abdominal work after getting your bodyfat down, and you're good to go.
And the best way to get your bodyfat down is via a well-designed and intense circuit training program. This kinda workout will:
-help you lose bodyfat (which we've been talking about)
-develop your overall musculature so that your entire physique is impressive (who doesn't want that?)
-get you stronger & more powerful (b/c you don't wanna look like a champ but perform like a chump)
Circuit training isn't just about cranking out a buncha reps on all the machines your gym has, though. It's about athletic movements, training heavy & explosively, using bodyweight exercises, ramping up intensity & backing off, and a bunch of other stuff that makes a good workout.
If you're ready to take that next step in developing your physique...including getting those "six-pack abs" everybody wants...then get the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
It's virtually a "plug & play" workout in that all the work has been done for you. All you gotta do is do the work.
And when you put in the work, you get the results. Like Aaron B. who lost over 30 lbs. Or Eric W. who has lost 61 lbs...and is still losing. (Congrats guys!)
Ready to do the work?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Since you're gonna build that awesome physique anyway, why not win some awesome prizes while you're at it? =>Find out how.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
It's Beach Weather, Right?
Well, it's about that time, right? If summer isn't here yet, then it's sure as heck is right around the corner.
And w/the summer, comes hot weather. And w/the hot weather, comes lots of other stuff - work outside, going for hikes, days at the lake, going to the beach,
or whatever.
What does all that mean? Well, for us dudes, that means taking your shirt off. And for the chicks, it means wearing "more revealing" clothing (tank tops, bikinis, etc.).
Now the $64,000 question - do you look good enough to take your shirt off in public? (And I don't mean how is your tan...)
If not, then it's time to get in shape. And getting "in shape" means two main things:
(...I swear, if somebody says "getting toned", I'm gonna kick their ass...)
1 - making muscles bigger
2 - making the fat covering the muscles smaller (or having less of it)
Simple, huh?
So how should you do it? A good circuit training workout program. Why circuit training? B/c all at one time, you can:
-get bigger muscles (which makes you look better)
-decrease the bodyfat covering those muscles (no point in having muscle if you can't see it, right?)
-get stronger (b/c what good is looking good if you perform like a chump?)
-have great cardio (b/c above all else, you should be healthy)
And the best part of can DO IT ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
No need for a ton of different programs, doing this kinda training on this day, that kinda training on that day.
Instead, just get the "Working Class Cardio Workout"...which is based on circuit training...and do the same kinda training every day.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - As long as you're getting in shape, why not get rewarded for it? Here's how.
And w/the summer, comes hot weather. And w/the hot weather, comes lots of other stuff - work outside, going for hikes, days at the lake, going to the beach,
or whatever.
What does all that mean? Well, for us dudes, that means taking your shirt off. And for the chicks, it means wearing "more revealing" clothing (tank tops, bikinis, etc.).
Now the $64,000 question - do you look good enough to take your shirt off in public? (And I don't mean how is your tan...)
If not, then it's time to get in shape. And getting "in shape" means two main things:
(...I swear, if somebody says "getting toned", I'm gonna kick their ass...)
1 - making muscles bigger
2 - making the fat covering the muscles smaller (or having less of it)
Simple, huh?
So how should you do it? A good circuit training workout program. Why circuit training? B/c all at one time, you can:
-get bigger muscles (which makes you look better)
-decrease the bodyfat covering those muscles (no point in having muscle if you can't see it, right?)
-get stronger (b/c what good is looking good if you perform like a chump?)
-have great cardio (b/c above all else, you should be healthy)
And the best part of can DO IT ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
No need for a ton of different programs, doing this kinda training on this day, that kinda training on that day.
Instead, just get the "Working Class Cardio Workout"...which is based on circuit training...and do the same kinda training every day.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - As long as you're getting in shape, why not get rewarded for it? Here's how.
Yeah, It's a Gimmick, But...
When it comes to getting in the best shape of your life, sometimes all it takes is a big juicy "carrot" (a giant reward) to really get your motivational juices flowing again.
Here's a perfect example...
Tom Venuto and the guys over at the "Burn The Fat" websites have launched what they are calling "the world's first body composition transformation contest."
They're giving away a CRAZY reward to the winners...
They're sending the winners to one of the world's most luxurious resorts in Maui - The 5-Star Four Seasons on Wailea beach.
I saw the photos of this place, and I have to admit, even I am tempted to enter this contest!
See the contest info here:
I mean c'mon...who doesn't wanna go to Hawaii?
Really. Get in shape. Go to maui.
Of course, there may be a few thousand other people who want that vacation too, but that's the fun of it - this is a body transformation competition.
This one is very different from most fitness contests these days. It's definitely NOT like the "biggest loser" because it's NOT a wt. loss contest.
In "wt loss" contests, people are rewarded even if they avoid weight training, lose muscle, drop buckets of water weight or even cheat by taking laxatives or diuretics... It's all about the almighty scale.
As tom wrote on one of his recent blog posts, "Hmpf! Big deal! I know wrestlers who can sweat out 20 pounds overnight!"
When you accept this challenge and enter the Burn the Fat contest, you will not only take before and after pictures, you will also measure your body fat percentage so you can be judged visually and numerically on your improvement in body composition.
Great idea!
You can see more about the contest judging criteria and rules here:
But in a nutshell, here's how it works:
When you purchase the Burn the Fat, feed the Muscle ebook, known by many as "the fat loss bible" - you get automatic entry in the contest. not just this contest, but every burn the fat challenge in the future... forever.
You can also get entered in the contest by getting a membership to the Burn the Fat Inner Circle - the private members-only motivation and support community where the contest is being held.
That's good for people who want extra support and accountability.
This contest is held only twice a year and the current Burn the Fat challenge - the summer "BIG BURN" challenge as they're calling it, is open for registration until Sunday, May 30th.
After that, the gates close until the next summer contest a year from now.
All of the contest details, including information about the grand prize trip for two to Maui (you gotta see this place), have been posted here:
Now is a trip like this a gimmick to sell stuff? Well...uhhh...yeah. Duh.
But look at it this way - you enter the contest, and have a chance at winning a badass trip. (And who couldn't use a free vacation...esp a badass one like this?)
Even if you don't're still in the best shape you've likely been in, in...well...who knows how long.
Sounds win-win to me.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - contest registration closes on Sunday, May 30, so be sure to take a look at this now so you're not left out:
PS #2 - Oh yeah...and in case you need a good cardio workout to get you in shape...(b/c you wanna look good on the beach, right?)
Here's a perfect example...
Tom Venuto and the guys over at the "Burn The Fat" websites have launched what they are calling "the world's first body composition transformation contest."
They're giving away a CRAZY reward to the winners...
They're sending the winners to one of the world's most luxurious resorts in Maui - The 5-Star Four Seasons on Wailea beach.
I saw the photos of this place, and I have to admit, even I am tempted to enter this contest!
See the contest info here:
I mean c'mon...who doesn't wanna go to Hawaii?
Really. Get in shape. Go to maui.
Of course, there may be a few thousand other people who want that vacation too, but that's the fun of it - this is a body transformation competition.
This one is very different from most fitness contests these days. It's definitely NOT like the "biggest loser" because it's NOT a wt. loss contest.
In "wt loss" contests, people are rewarded even if they avoid weight training, lose muscle, drop buckets of water weight or even cheat by taking laxatives or diuretics... It's all about the almighty scale.
As tom wrote on one of his recent blog posts, "Hmpf! Big deal! I know wrestlers who can sweat out 20 pounds overnight!"
When you accept this challenge and enter the Burn the Fat contest, you will not only take before and after pictures, you will also measure your body fat percentage so you can be judged visually and numerically on your improvement in body composition.
Great idea!
You can see more about the contest judging criteria and rules here:
But in a nutshell, here's how it works:
When you purchase the Burn the Fat, feed the Muscle ebook, known by many as "the fat loss bible" - you get automatic entry in the contest. not just this contest, but every burn the fat challenge in the future... forever.
You can also get entered in the contest by getting a membership to the Burn the Fat Inner Circle - the private members-only motivation and support community where the contest is being held.
That's good for people who want extra support and accountability.
This contest is held only twice a year and the current Burn the Fat challenge - the summer "BIG BURN" challenge as they're calling it, is open for registration until Sunday, May 30th.
After that, the gates close until the next summer contest a year from now.
All of the contest details, including information about the grand prize trip for two to Maui (you gotta see this place), have been posted here:
Now is a trip like this a gimmick to sell stuff? Well...uhhh...yeah. Duh.
But look at it this way - you enter the contest, and have a chance at winning a badass trip. (And who couldn't use a free vacation...esp a badass one like this?)
Even if you don't're still in the best shape you've likely been in, in...well...who knows how long.
Sounds win-win to me.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - contest registration closes on Sunday, May 30, so be sure to take a look at this now so you're not left out:
PS #2 - Oh yeah...and in case you need a good cardio workout to get you in shape...(b/c you wanna look good on the beach, right?)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
New Article @ MMA Weekly - Aerobic or Anaerobic?
Just wanted to let y'all know that my new article, "What's Better - Aerobic vs Anaerobic?" is up at MMA
You can check it out here.
Take a look and lemme know what you think.
Oh, and if you're not already doing a whole lot of very intense skills training, then you're gonna need to up the game on your anaerobic training. Simple as that.
(The article will explain why.)
If this is you, the smartest thing you could do is to =>GO HERE and get your cardio, conditioning (as well as your strength, power, work capacity, and a whole ton of other stuff) on point.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
You can check it out here.
Take a look and lemme know what you think.
Oh, and if you're not already doing a whole lot of very intense skills training, then you're gonna need to up the game on your anaerobic training. Simple as that.
(The article will explain why.)
If this is you, the smartest thing you could do is to =>GO HERE and get your cardio, conditioning (as well as your strength, power, work capacity, and a whole ton of other stuff) on point.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, May 21, 2010
Final Notice!
The special half-off sale for the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout Program originally designed for a UFC Champ ends at midnight *tonight*.
Here's the full scoop:
This rare half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU' for taking action and wanting to put the effort into a real and effective MMA workout so you can have more strength and power, have better wind, be in better shape, and never "gas" in the ring, cage, or mat.
Here's the special website where you save 50%:
Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50% Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND* Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working Class Guns"...for nothing!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:
* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get
* Get free content, and action plans that you can plug into your workouts ASAP
* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!
* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all your other strength, power, & endurance!
* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with "Working Class Guns", including video resources, workout logs, and more!
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Cardio Workout Plans
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight tonight.
If you'd like to get the kickass MMA Workout that so many people the world over got have gotten such amazing results with...and was originally designed for a UFC Champ, then go here now:
Here's the full scoop:
This rare half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU' for taking action and wanting to put the effort into a real and effective MMA workout so you can have more strength and power, have better wind, be in better shape, and never "gas" in the ring, cage, or mat.
Here's the special website where you save 50%:
Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50% Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND* Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working Class Guns"...for nothing!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:
* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get
* Get free content, and action plans that you can plug into your workouts ASAP
* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!
* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all your other strength, power, & endurance!
* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with "Working Class Guns", including video resources, workout logs, and more!
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Cardio Workout Plans
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight tonight.
If you'd like to get the kickass MMA Workout that so many people the world over got have gotten such amazing results with...and was originally designed for a UFC Champ, then go here now:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
1 More Day for These MMA Workouts
The special half-off sale for the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout Program originally designed for a UFC Champ ends at midnight tomorrow.
Here's the full scoop:
This rare half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU' for taking action and wanting to put the effort into a real and effective MMA workout so you can have more strength and power, have better wind, be in better shape, and never "gas" in the ring, cage, or mat.
Here's the special website where you save 50%:
Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50% Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND* Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working Class Guns"...for nothing!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:
* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get
* Get free content, and action plans that you can plug into your workouts ASAP
* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!
* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all your other strength, power, & endurance!
* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with "Working Class Guns", including video resources, workout logs, and more!
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Cardio Workout Plans
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight tomorrow.
If you'd like to get the kickass MMA Workout that so many people the world over got have gotten such amazing results with...and was originally designed for a UFC Champ, then go here now:
Here's the full scoop:
This rare half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU' for taking action and wanting to put the effort into a real and effective MMA workout so you can have more strength and power, have better wind, be in better shape, and never "gas" in the ring, cage, or mat.
Here's the special website where you save 50%:
Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50% Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND* Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working Class Guns"...for nothing!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:
* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get
* Get free content, and action plans that you can plug into your workouts ASAP
* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!
* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all your other strength, power, & endurance!
* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with "Working Class Guns", including video resources, workout logs, and more!
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Cardio Workout Plans
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight tomorrow.
If you'd like to get the kickass MMA Workout that so many people the world over got have gotten such amazing results with...and was originally designed for a UFC Champ, then go here now:
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
In case you missed it...
I posted yesterday to tell you about the incredible deal you can get on my "Championship Edition" MMA Workout, as my way of saying "THANK YOU" for reading my blog.
...And I wanted to make sure that you saw the post.
Until midnight on Friday, 21-May-10, you can get my entire "Championship Edition" MMA Workout Program - the same workout designed for a UFC Champion - for HALF OFF.
Here's where you can grab your copy for half off:
I'm holding this special sale as a way to say THANK YOU to all the people who read
the Working Class blog :-)
Here's where you can grab your copy and save 50%:
Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50% Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND* Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working Class Guns"...for nothing!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:
* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get
* Get free content, and action plans that you can plug into your workouts ASAP
* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!
* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all your other strength, power, & endurance!
* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with "Working Class Guns", including video resources, workout logs, and more!
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Cardio Workout Plans
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight on Friday, 21-May-10.
...And I wanted to make sure that you saw the post.
Until midnight on Friday, 21-May-10, you can get my entire "Championship Edition" MMA Workout Program - the same workout designed for a UFC Champion - for HALF OFF.
Here's where you can grab your copy for half off:
I'm holding this special sale as a way to say THANK YOU to all the people who read
the Working Class blog :-)
Here's where you can grab your copy and save 50%:
Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50% Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND* Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working Class Guns"...for nothing!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:
* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get
* Get free content, and action plans that you can plug into your workouts ASAP
* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!
* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all your other strength, power, & endurance!
* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with "Working Class Guns", including video resources, workout logs, and more!
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Cardio Workout Plans
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight on Friday, 21-May-10.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I Gotta Say THANKS
Until midnight on Friday, 21-May-10, you can get my entire
"Championship Edition" MMA Workout Program - the same
workout designed for a UFC Champion - for HALF OFF.
Here's where you can grab your copy
for half off:
I'm holding this special sale as a way
to say THANK YOU to all the people who read
the Working Class blog :-)
Here's where you can grab your copy and save 50%:
Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50%
Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND*
Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working
Class Guns"...for nothing!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to
my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these
two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:
* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get
* Get free content, and action plans that you can
plug into your workouts ASAP
* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing
exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt.
contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!
* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated
to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all
your other strength, power, & endurance!
* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with
"Working Class Guns", including video resources,
workout logs, and more!
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you
try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight on Friday, 21-May-10.
If you'd like to get the MMA workout program designed for a UFC
Champion...and save 50%, then go here now:
"Championship Edition" MMA Workout Program - the same
workout designed for a UFC Champion - for HALF OFF.
Here's where you can grab your copy
for half off:
I'm holding this special sale as a way
to say THANK YOU to all the people who read
the Working Class blog :-)
Here's where you can grab your copy and save 50%:
Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50%
Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND*
Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working
Class Guns"...for nothing!
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to
my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these
two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:
* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get
* Get free content, and action plans that you can
plug into your workouts ASAP
* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing
exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt.
contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!
* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated
to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all
your other strength, power, & endurance!
* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with
"Working Class Guns", including video resources,
workout logs, and more!
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you
try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight on Friday, 21-May-10.
If you'd like to get the MMA workout program designed for a UFC
Champion...and save 50%, then go here now:
Monday, May 17, 2010
I Don't Like Tony Horton? Huh?
It's crazy how some people read way too much into things sometimes.
For example, I've been comparing the "Working Class Cardio Workout" to the infomercial fitness giant P90X...and telling you how much better WCCW is.
And for some reason, a small few of y'all have taken that to mean that I think Tony Horton (the guy who created P90X) is a d-bag or poser.
Nah man - that's not it at all. I don't know Tony, but I'm sure he's a cool dude. He's in awesome shape, and he can bring it. He looks to be a dude that can "walk
the walk".
But that doesn't mean that the "Working Class Cardio Workout" still isn't a better program. A few reasons why:
-the workouts are constantly're never getting bored
-use more compound, explosive, & "bigger" exercises in your workouts, meaning you burn more calories in a workout
-genuine progression over the span of the whole program...not just performing the same workouts more times
-"benchmark" type workouts - have something to compare past performances to, so you'll feel yourself getting & performing better...not to mention what you see in the mirror
Oh yeah...and did I mention that P90X costs THREE TIMES as much?
Listen, I'm sure Tony Horton is a super-cool dude and all...but the choice here should be pretty clear...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Be sure to watch out for tomorrow's post. I'm gonna be doing something I wasn't sure I'd do again...and surely not so soon. It's good stuff.
For example, I've been comparing the "Working Class Cardio Workout" to the infomercial fitness giant P90X...and telling you how much better WCCW is.
And for some reason, a small few of y'all have taken that to mean that I think Tony Horton (the guy who created P90X) is a d-bag or poser.
Nah man - that's not it at all. I don't know Tony, but I'm sure he's a cool dude. He's in awesome shape, and he can bring it. He looks to be a dude that can "walk
the walk".
But that doesn't mean that the "Working Class Cardio Workout" still isn't a better program. A few reasons why:
-the workouts are constantly're never getting bored
-use more compound, explosive, & "bigger" exercises in your workouts, meaning you burn more calories in a workout
-genuine progression over the span of the whole program...not just performing the same workouts more times
-"benchmark" type workouts - have something to compare past performances to, so you'll feel yourself getting & performing better...not to mention what you see in the mirror
Oh yeah...and did I mention that P90X costs THREE TIMES as much?
Listen, I'm sure Tony Horton is a super-cool dude and all...but the choice here should be pretty clear...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Be sure to watch out for tomorrow's post. I'm gonna be doing something I wasn't sure I'd do again...and surely not so soon. It's good stuff.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Don't Take My Word For It...
Have been comparing the "Working Class Cardio Workout" to the super-popular P90X as of late...and I keep telling you why WCCW is so much better.
But then again...I might be biased a little.
So take a look at two comments I got late (as in past midnight, when everybody should be in bed!) last night on my Facebook page. I don't want you to just take my word for it...see what other folks say:
"Working Class Cardio all the way! I have some friends who do the 'pfft whatever' and I challenged them to try one session of WCCW...I kept it 'simple' with a week 1 work out. Halfway through they were ready to quit and were amazed at the work
required...I'm on week seven and have never felt stronger."
-Jayson G.
And then there's this one...
"No comparison. P90X is more like an intro to a more intense program for those whose gym time used to be spent on the treadmill and the machine weights. Wiggy's material is for serious combat athletes and those seeking elite GPP. To put it simply if Working Class Cardio was easy they would call it P90X."
-Brandon G.
Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks the "Working Class Cardio Workout" kicks ass.
Oh...and nobody even mentioned that P90X costs 3x as much.
So why not save a bundle & get a *real* program?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
But then again...I might be biased a little.
So take a look at two comments I got late (as in past midnight, when everybody should be in bed!) last night on my Facebook page. I don't want you to just take my word for it...see what other folks say:
"Working Class Cardio all the way! I have some friends who do the 'pfft whatever' and I challenged them to try one session of WCCW...I kept it 'simple' with a week 1 work out. Halfway through they were ready to quit and were amazed at the work
required...I'm on week seven and have never felt stronger."
-Jayson G.
And then there's this one...
"No comparison. P90X is more like an intro to a more intense program for those whose gym time used to be spent on the treadmill and the machine weights. Wiggy's material is for serious combat athletes and those seeking elite GPP. To put it simply if Working Class Cardio was easy they would call it P90X."
-Brandon G.
Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks the "Working Class Cardio Workout" kicks ass.
Oh...and nobody even mentioned that P90X costs 3x as much.
So why not save a bundle & get a *real* program?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Wiggy vs P90X?
The other day I talked about the really popular fitness program P90X, and how it stacked up to the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
Now call me biased, but I think that while P90X is a great program, the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is just better all the way around:
-progression in the workouts themselves...meaning you're sure to get stronger, more powerful, & get better cardio
-more athletic exercises used...meaning a more athletic workout, teaching your body to work as a unit (not a bunch of parts) - and also meaning more calories are burned during (and after) the workout
-new workouts all the time...meaning you never get bored
-"benchmark" workouts...meaning you'll see & feel how much better you're getting (beat that for motivation)
And how about the fact that "Working Class Cardio" is like 1/3 the price of P90X?
Which one sounds like a better deal to you?
Oh yeah...I can't comment on it yet, as I'm still trying to get more info, but it looks like there is somebody from the team of a *very* high-profile MMAist who uses the "Working Class Cardio Workout" to train some of his own clients. When I know
more on this, you'll know.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Now call me biased, but I think that while P90X is a great program, the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is just better all the way around:
-progression in the workouts themselves...meaning you're sure to get stronger, more powerful, & get better cardio
-more athletic exercises used...meaning a more athletic workout, teaching your body to work as a unit (not a bunch of parts) - and also meaning more calories are burned during (and after) the workout
-new workouts all the time...meaning you never get bored
-"benchmark" workouts...meaning you'll see & feel how much better you're getting (beat that for motivation)
And how about the fact that "Working Class Cardio" is like 1/3 the price of P90X?
Which one sounds like a better deal to you?
Oh yeah...I can't comment on it yet, as I'm still trying to get more info, but it looks like there is somebody from the team of a *very* high-profile MMAist who uses the "Working Class Cardio Workout" to train some of his own clients. When I know
more on this, you'll know.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Working Class Cardio or P90X?
You know, a lot of people are always asking me about P90X - whether it's a good workout, worth the money, and how it compares to "Working Class Cardio Workout".
I've seen P90X, and for a tv-based infomercial fitness product, it's pretty good. Surely better than the ab gadgets and fad diets out there.
But honestly (and call me biased), the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is just a lot better:
1 - Genuine progression in the workouts themselves, not just adding more workouts to your schedule over time
2 - Specific sets & reps to perform, not just time blocks to crank out reps - that way you know to use more weight, and build more strength & power
3 - More intense, compound, & explosive exercises used - which means more muscle built and calories burned (both during and after the workout)
4 - Constantly changing workouts - not just repeating the same 12 workouts in a different order for 3 months
5 - How about the simple fact that P90X costs THREE TIMES as much?
So is P90X good? Sure.
But is the "Working Class Cardio Workout" better? Yup.
And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Recently had a happy customer - Alan - email me to tell me that his wife had gotten him P90X as a gift not long after he bought the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
After seeing what P90X had to offer in comparison, he sent it back and got a refund.
And he's still doing the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
What are you waiting for?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Remember the "Holy Grail" diet plan I told you about that my buddy Tom Venuto is giving away for F-R-E-E? Well, today is the LAST DAY to get it. After today, the only way you're gonna be able to get it is to shell out close to fifty bucks. =>GET YOUR COPY NOW FOR F-R-E-E
I've seen P90X, and for a tv-based infomercial fitness product, it's pretty good. Surely better than the ab gadgets and fad diets out there.
But honestly (and call me biased), the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is just a lot better:
1 - Genuine progression in the workouts themselves, not just adding more workouts to your schedule over time
2 - Specific sets & reps to perform, not just time blocks to crank out reps - that way you know to use more weight, and build more strength & power
3 - More intense, compound, & explosive exercises used - which means more muscle built and calories burned (both during and after the workout)
4 - Constantly changing workouts - not just repeating the same 12 workouts in a different order for 3 months
5 - How about the simple fact that P90X costs THREE TIMES as much?
So is P90X good? Sure.
But is the "Working Class Cardio Workout" better? Yup.
And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Recently had a happy customer - Alan - email me to tell me that his wife had gotten him P90X as a gift not long after he bought the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
After seeing what P90X had to offer in comparison, he sent it back and got a refund.
And he's still doing the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
What are you waiting for?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Remember the "Holy Grail" diet plan I told you about that my buddy Tom Venuto is giving away for F-R-E-E? Well, today is the LAST DAY to get it. After today, the only way you're gonna be able to get it is to shell out close to fifty bucks. =>GET YOUR COPY NOW FOR F-R-E-E
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The "Holy Grail"??
A couple months ago, my buddy Tom Venuto (nutritionist, natural bodybuilder, author, and about a hundred other important titles) came out w/his new book - the "Holy
Grail Body Transformation Program".
Yeah, I know, I know. "Holy Grail"? Jeez. I was rolling my eyes, too. That is, until Tom sent me my copy.
Ho-ly Cow.
Now, I love reading about training. I can read about anything in the training world, and still enjoy it...even if I already know a lot what I'm reading. I just enjoy the stuff. It's "my thing".
Reading about diet and nutrition, on the other hand....not so much. Just doesn't "float my boat".
Tom's "Holy Grail" is the exception to the rule, though.
See, first of all, Tom has a cool writing style. Reminds me a lot of my own, really. He's got this knack for taking complicated and complex stuff and putting it into simple words - making it easy to understand.
I can't stand it when people who deal w/complex stuff, try to convey their info to people who don't deal w/it, but act like they are. Yeah, you use big words that I don't know. I get it. Now get over yourself and put it into a format I understand, or else all your big words and knowledge are pretty well useless to anybody but you.
Well, Tom is cool - b/c he makes it all super-easy to understand.
Then there is the fact that Tom doesn't mind telling it like it is...even if it won't be popular among the "critics". (HINT: know how pre- and during workout nutrition is all the 'rage' right now? Wait 'till you see what Tom has to say on it.)
Listen, bottom line is that the "Holy Grail" book is friggin' awesome, and you owe it to yourself to get a copy.
And here is where it gets cool as hell.
Tom is GIVING AWAY the "Holy Grail" book for F-R-E-E if you pick up his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" (a #1 best-seller in its own right) at regular price.
Yeah...F-R-E-E. As in gratis. Nothin. Nada.
Not long after this promotion ends, the ONLY WAY you'll be able to get this awesome book will be to buy it from the tune of roughly 50 bucks.
So don't be stupid - get your copy for NOTHIN' now by just picking up "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle".
Hell, the fact that you're getting "2-for-1" alone makes it worth it.
And tell Tom that Wiggy sent ya...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Grail Body Transformation Program".
Yeah, I know, I know. "Holy Grail"? Jeez. I was rolling my eyes, too. That is, until Tom sent me my copy.
Ho-ly Cow.
Now, I love reading about training. I can read about anything in the training world, and still enjoy it...even if I already know a lot what I'm reading. I just enjoy the stuff. It's "my thing".
Reading about diet and nutrition, on the other hand....not so much. Just doesn't "float my boat".
Tom's "Holy Grail" is the exception to the rule, though.
See, first of all, Tom has a cool writing style. Reminds me a lot of my own, really. He's got this knack for taking complicated and complex stuff and putting it into simple words - making it easy to understand.
I can't stand it when people who deal w/complex stuff, try to convey their info to people who don't deal w/it, but act like they are. Yeah, you use big words that I don't know. I get it. Now get over yourself and put it into a format I understand, or else all your big words and knowledge are pretty well useless to anybody but you.
Well, Tom is cool - b/c he makes it all super-easy to understand.
Then there is the fact that Tom doesn't mind telling it like it is...even if it won't be popular among the "critics". (HINT: know how pre- and during workout nutrition is all the 'rage' right now? Wait 'till you see what Tom has to say on it.)
Listen, bottom line is that the "Holy Grail" book is friggin' awesome, and you owe it to yourself to get a copy.
And here is where it gets cool as hell.
Tom is GIVING AWAY the "Holy Grail" book for F-R-E-E if you pick up his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" (a #1 best-seller in its own right) at regular price.
Yeah...F-R-E-E. As in gratis. Nothin. Nada.
Not long after this promotion ends, the ONLY WAY you'll be able to get this awesome book will be to buy it from the tune of roughly 50 bucks.
So don't be stupid - get your copy for NOTHIN' now by just picking up "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle".
Hell, the fact that you're getting "2-for-1" alone makes it worth it.
And tell Tom that Wiggy sent ya...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Monday, May 10, 2010
More Work = More Gas
I like to preach about how sometimes people worry about theory too much, and would be better off just getting their ass in gear and doing some damn work.
Well, here is a perfect example. Got another awesome email, and I just had to share it:
"I just got back from the Ukraine where I participated in a Combat Sambo tournament. I used your Working Class Cardio program in order to get my cardio and stamina
back into shape...
...I got to the semi-finals where I severely strained my ankle trying to block a throw and therefore had to quit...
...Nonetheless, Working Class Cardio is great for combat preparation! All the guys I spoke to were only doing long runs and sprints to prepare for competition, thinking that weights would have slowed them down. Combination of calisthenics and heavy dumbbell work really improved my gas tank, and made me retain my strength gained from 5x5 program."
Now, I keep reading (and getting involved in) all these "aerobic vs anaerobic" conditioning discussions - esp as it relates to MMA and other combat sports training.
The Working Class Cardio Workout bases itself on something a lot more simple than all that:
-do a bunch of freakin' work
-do it heavy
-do it fast
-rest as little as possible
Know what the end result is?
You get your ass in friggin' shape. That's what.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - WATCH OUT for tomorrow's post...a buddy of mine ran a *massively* successful promotion a couple months ago, and he's dusting it off for one more go-round. You're not gonna wanna miss this.
Well, here is a perfect example. Got another awesome email, and I just had to share it:
"I just got back from the Ukraine where I participated in a Combat Sambo tournament. I used your Working Class Cardio program in order to get my cardio and stamina
back into shape...
...I got to the semi-finals where I severely strained my ankle trying to block a throw and therefore had to quit...
...Nonetheless, Working Class Cardio is great for combat preparation! All the guys I spoke to were only doing long runs and sprints to prepare for competition, thinking that weights would have slowed them down. Combination of calisthenics and heavy dumbbell work really improved my gas tank, and made me retain my strength gained from 5x5 program."
Now, I keep reading (and getting involved in) all these "aerobic vs anaerobic" conditioning discussions - esp as it relates to MMA and other combat sports training.
The Working Class Cardio Workout bases itself on something a lot more simple than all that:
-do a bunch of freakin' work
-do it heavy
-do it fast
-rest as little as possible
Know what the end result is?
You get your ass in friggin' shape. That's what.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - WATCH OUT for tomorrow's post...a buddy of mine ran a *massively* successful promotion a couple months ago, and he's dusting it off for one more go-round. You're not gonna wanna miss this.
Saturday, May 08, 2010
$30 Off 'till Midnight
Ok - gonna make this quick and to the point.
Yesterday I told you about Joel Marion's new "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet". In case you missed yesterday's email, here are the cliff-notes:
1 - Joel is an original "Body For Life" winner - you know, the contest that was put on by Bill Phillips a few years back? Well, Joel won the thing. And he's only gotten better/smarter since then.
2 - He's just put out a new diet plan called the "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet".
3 - The new diet has a corny name, but it is one of the most intense plans I've ever seen. Like a good buddy (sports performance trainer) said, "It's like somebody applied conjugate periodization to how you eat."
4 - Dedication and discipline aren't needed to stick to this diet. You need to go way beyond plain old discipline. If intense discipline is what you're looking
for, then skip this. This goes way beyond that.
5 - If you're willing to do what it takes though...and that is a helluva lot w/this plan...if you're willing to succeed at all costs, no matter how tough it is, then
this is for you.
6 - Joel is promising you'll lose 25 lbs in 25 days...or your full money back.
7 - IMO, this is NOT for everybody. But if it's for you, and you can stick to it, you'll see some awesome results.
8 - Some 20,000+ copies of this thing have sold in the first few days, and it's currently ranked like the #1 book in the world or something crazy like that.
Now, if you think this is for you, and you have what it takes to dedicate yourself to this plan for the next 25 days, then =>GO HERE NOW TO CHECK IT OUT.
Joel has an introductory sale going - $30 OFF - but it ENDS AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (Saturday).
Better get on your horse and get over to Joel's site, pronto.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Remember, the sale is over tonight at midnight. So if you wanna save $30, =>GET TO JOEL'S SITE RIGHT NOW
Yesterday I told you about Joel Marion's new "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet". In case you missed yesterday's email, here are the cliff-notes:
1 - Joel is an original "Body For Life" winner - you know, the contest that was put on by Bill Phillips a few years back? Well, Joel won the thing. And he's only gotten better/smarter since then.
2 - He's just put out a new diet plan called the "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet".
3 - The new diet has a corny name, but it is one of the most intense plans I've ever seen. Like a good buddy (sports performance trainer) said, "It's like somebody applied conjugate periodization to how you eat."
4 - Dedication and discipline aren't needed to stick to this diet. You need to go way beyond plain old discipline. If intense discipline is what you're looking
for, then skip this. This goes way beyond that.
5 - If you're willing to do what it takes though...and that is a helluva lot w/this plan...if you're willing to succeed at all costs, no matter how tough it is, then
this is for you.
6 - Joel is promising you'll lose 25 lbs in 25 days...or your full money back.
7 - IMO, this is NOT for everybody. But if it's for you, and you can stick to it, you'll see some awesome results.
8 - Some 20,000+ copies of this thing have sold in the first few days, and it's currently ranked like the #1 book in the world or something crazy like that.
Now, if you think this is for you, and you have what it takes to dedicate yourself to this plan for the next 25 days, then =>GO HERE NOW TO CHECK IT OUT.
Joel has an introductory sale going - $30 OFF - but it ENDS AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (Saturday).
Better get on your horse and get over to Joel's site, pronto.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Remember, the sale is over tonight at midnight. So if you wanna save $30, =>GET TO JOEL'S SITE RIGHT NOW
Friday, May 07, 2010
This Ain't For Everybody...
To get anything done in life, you need to put in hard work. There are just no shortcuts. The fitness industry tries to tell you that there are, but there just aren't.
And the better you want to get, the more dedication & discipline you need to have.
Nobody ever got awesome by being lazy.
Make no mistake about it, the old saying that goes "the harder I work, the luckier I get" is more true than most would like to admit.
But every now and then, something comes along and takes the idea of hard work, dedication, and discipline and just beats the crap out of it.
That's Joel Marion's "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet".
I know, I're prolly rolling your eyes right now, and wondering what kinda hyped-up junk this is. But stick w/me for a minute...
I've seen this diet. And believe me when I say - "Whoa".
This thing ain't for everybody - by no means. It's the kinda thing that would be tough as hell to stick to.
Now, I don't mean that it's hard, or takes a lot of discipline. I mean that to pull this kinda diet off, you likely would have to center a lot of aspects of your life around your diet and training.
It's that intense.
Listen - if you're looking for a good diet to lose some extra weight, and are willing to be disciplined about it, then this IS NOT the program for you.
However, if you ARE willing to take an all-out, no holds barred, "I'm gonna f@cking succeed no matter what" approach, then this is right where you wanna go.
You don't have to be this way forever though - just 25 days. And in that time, Joel claims you'll lose 25 lbs...or your $$$ back.
(Can't really lose out w/a deal like that, you know?)
Want a hint as to what makes the diet so crazy? Well, as a good friend of mine (who's also seen the diet) put it, "It's kinda like somebody took the idea of conjugate periodization, and applied it to how you eat."
Wild stuff.
Like I said, though - it's not for everybody. But, if you think you can (and want to) put the massive dedication this thing takes - for the awesome results - then you
should check it out.
Oh - and you might wanna get on the ball if you're interested. This product just released, and Joel has a sale going right now...$30 off. It's only good for another
day though. So you'd better hop to it.
Have a kickass weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Remember Bill Phillips, EAS, and the whole "Body For Life" contests that were so popular a few years back? Well, Joel won the thing. And he's only gotten better since then. Point is, he knows his stuff.
PS #2 - This thing is selling like crazy - over 20,000 copies sold in something like 3 days. Wow. I don't care how slick a presentation you put behind don't sell that many copies of something unless it's good. =>CHECK OUT THE
And the better you want to get, the more dedication & discipline you need to have.
Nobody ever got awesome by being lazy.
Make no mistake about it, the old saying that goes "the harder I work, the luckier I get" is more true than most would like to admit.
But every now and then, something comes along and takes the idea of hard work, dedication, and discipline and just beats the crap out of it.
That's Joel Marion's "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet".
I know, I're prolly rolling your eyes right now, and wondering what kinda hyped-up junk this is. But stick w/me for a minute...
I've seen this diet. And believe me when I say - "Whoa".
This thing ain't for everybody - by no means. It's the kinda thing that would be tough as hell to stick to.
Now, I don't mean that it's hard, or takes a lot of discipline. I mean that to pull this kinda diet off, you likely would have to center a lot of aspects of your life around your diet and training.
It's that intense.
Listen - if you're looking for a good diet to lose some extra weight, and are willing to be disciplined about it, then this IS NOT the program for you.
However, if you ARE willing to take an all-out, no holds barred, "I'm gonna f@cking succeed no matter what" approach, then this is right where you wanna go.
You don't have to be this way forever though - just 25 days. And in that time, Joel claims you'll lose 25 lbs...or your $$$ back.
(Can't really lose out w/a deal like that, you know?)
Want a hint as to what makes the diet so crazy? Well, as a good friend of mine (who's also seen the diet) put it, "It's kinda like somebody took the idea of conjugate periodization, and applied it to how you eat."
Wild stuff.
Like I said, though - it's not for everybody. But, if you think you can (and want to) put the massive dedication this thing takes - for the awesome results - then you
should check it out.
Oh - and you might wanna get on the ball if you're interested. This product just released, and Joel has a sale going right now...$30 off. It's only good for another
day though. So you'd better hop to it.
Have a kickass weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Remember Bill Phillips, EAS, and the whole "Body For Life" contests that were so popular a few years back? Well, Joel won the thing. And he's only gotten better since then. Point is, he knows his stuff.
PS #2 - This thing is selling like crazy - over 20,000 copies sold in something like 3 days. Wow. I don't care how slick a presentation you put behind don't sell that many copies of something unless it's good. =>CHECK OUT THE
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Did You See These Pics?
A couple months back, I put together a little article about one of my long-time customers - a dude named Aaron.
This guy has kicked some major ass, and he had sent me some pics of his progress.
And here's the thing - he's not even done...sort of a "work in progress" kinda thing.
What do I mean by that? Ah, just go check the article and find out...
=>See Aaron's Pics
Aaron isn't the only badass in his family, though. His brother Matt has been kickin' ass, too. In fact, Aaron and Matt have a little "sibling rivalry" going in who can do their workouts best, w/the most weight, the shortest rest, etc.
(In fact, keep your eyes peeled over the next couple weeks - I've got Aaron & Matt beta-testing my new workouts...and they're killer!)
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
This guy has kicked some major ass, and he had sent me some pics of his progress.
And here's the thing - he's not even done...sort of a "work in progress" kinda thing.
What do I mean by that? Ah, just go check the article and find out...
=>See Aaron's Pics
Aaron isn't the only badass in his family, though. His brother Matt has been kickin' ass, too. In fact, Aaron and Matt have a little "sibling rivalry" going in who can do their workouts best, w/the most weight, the shortest rest, etc.
(In fact, keep your eyes peeled over the next couple weeks - I've got Aaron & Matt beta-testing my new workouts...and they're killer!)
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Get a "Six-Pack" in Six Weeks!
What would you do if I told you I could show you *exactly* how to get "six-pack abs" in just six weeks?
Well, for those of y'all that know me, know how I train, and know my stance on the fitness industry as a whole, I'd hope that you'd find a way to seek me out and kick
my ass for making such a bogus claim. That or have me committed, b/c I just went nuts.
You're not stupid, and I'm not gonna treat you like you are. We've all seen enough late night infomercials promising crap like "get sick-pack abs in six weeks".
And hopefully, you know - like I do - that 99.9% of them are pure BS.
However, there is one exception to the rule...and I'm gonna tell you about it. It's my buddy Jim "Smitty" Smith (from the Diesel Crew) and his "Combat Core" manual.
Now Smitty doesn't make any bogus claims or false promises like the rest of the hucksters out there. (If he did, I wouldn't be telling you about him.) Rather, Smitty is probably one of the most knowledgeable dudes in the entire fitness industry.
And he has put together what I consider to be the QUINTESSENTIAL core training program.
This isn't about doing a few crunches or a bunch of silly "toning" movements. This isn't about some wacked out diet that you'll never be able to stick to.
Rather, "Combat Core" is all about:
-hardcore training that makes your core strong
-teaching you anatomy & physiology, so you know the "whys" of what you're doing
-combat specific movements that will help you become a better fighter, MMAist, boxer, wrestler, etc
-strengthening your core in all directions (curling your trunk, extending your body, rotational movement, etc)
Don't just take my word for it. Smitty's "Combat Core" gets the seal of approval from guys like:
-Ross Enamait (of - a complete monster)
-Alwyn Cosgrove (if you don't know who he is, then I don't know what to tell you)
-Jim Wendler (author of likely the greatest strength training book on the market today, "5/3/1", has squatted 1000 lbs)
-Joe DeFranco (has trained more pro athletes and #1 draft picks than you can shake a stick at)
Listen, do yourself a favor - =>GO HERE - and get quite literally the best core training manual on the market today...and the last one you'll ever need (or want) to even consider looking at.
And be sure to tell Smitty that Wiggy sent ya... ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Did you see yesterday's post about all the before & after stats of Alan after using my cardio workout? They were pretty awesome...
Well, for those of y'all that know me, know how I train, and know my stance on the fitness industry as a whole, I'd hope that you'd find a way to seek me out and kick
my ass for making such a bogus claim. That or have me committed, b/c I just went nuts.
You're not stupid, and I'm not gonna treat you like you are. We've all seen enough late night infomercials promising crap like "get sick-pack abs in six weeks".
And hopefully, you know - like I do - that 99.9% of them are pure BS.
However, there is one exception to the rule...and I'm gonna tell you about it. It's my buddy Jim "Smitty" Smith (from the Diesel Crew) and his "Combat Core" manual.
Now Smitty doesn't make any bogus claims or false promises like the rest of the hucksters out there. (If he did, I wouldn't be telling you about him.) Rather, Smitty is probably one of the most knowledgeable dudes in the entire fitness industry.
And he has put together what I consider to be the QUINTESSENTIAL core training program.
This isn't about doing a few crunches or a bunch of silly "toning" movements. This isn't about some wacked out diet that you'll never be able to stick to.
Rather, "Combat Core" is all about:
-hardcore training that makes your core strong
-teaching you anatomy & physiology, so you know the "whys" of what you're doing
-combat specific movements that will help you become a better fighter, MMAist, boxer, wrestler, etc
-strengthening your core in all directions (curling your trunk, extending your body, rotational movement, etc)
Don't just take my word for it. Smitty's "Combat Core" gets the seal of approval from guys like:
-Ross Enamait (of - a complete monster)
-Alwyn Cosgrove (if you don't know who he is, then I don't know what to tell you)
-Jim Wendler (author of likely the greatest strength training book on the market today, "5/3/1", has squatted 1000 lbs)
-Joe DeFranco (has trained more pro athletes and #1 draft picks than you can shake a stick at)
Listen, do yourself a favor - =>GO HERE - and get quite literally the best core training manual on the market today...and the last one you'll ever need (or want) to even consider looking at.
And be sure to tell Smitty that Wiggy sent ya... ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Did you see yesterday's post about all the before & after stats of Alan after using my cardio workout? They were pretty awesome...
combat core,
combat core strength,
core training,
core workout
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Before & After
Got a million things goin' on this morning, but I had to tell you about this really bitchin' email I woke up to from Alan H. on Facebook.
Alan is in the Canadian Military (Infantry) and has been using the "Working Class Cardio Workout" to get in better shape for the past 7 weeks.
Like I said, I gotta make this email a quickie, so I'll just throw some stats out there:
1 - DB Clean & Press (8 sets x 3 reps)
Before - 67.5 lbs w/60 secs rest
After - 82.5 lbs w/35 secs rest
2 - DB Rows (8 sets x 3 reps)
Before - 90 lbs w/60 secs rest
After - 110 lbs (biggest the gym has) w/25 secs rest
3 - DB Snatches (8 sets x 3 reps)
Before - 62 lbs w/60 secs rest
After - 80 lbs w/35 secs rest
4 - Burpees x 100
Before - 16 mins
After - 9 mins
5 - 5k run
Before - more than 25 mins
After - under 21 mins
(and that's w/doing NO RUNNING IN SIX WEEKS)
I want to send a MONSTER Congrats to Alan, as he's kicking some major ass w/the "Working Class Cardio Workout"!!
Wanna do the same thing, and make the same kinda gains?
=>GO HERE to Get Stronger, Faster, Leaner, & Have a Bigger Gas Tank
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Alan is in the Canadian Military (Infantry) and has been using the "Working Class Cardio Workout" to get in better shape for the past 7 weeks.
Like I said, I gotta make this email a quickie, so I'll just throw some stats out there:
1 - DB Clean & Press (8 sets x 3 reps)
Before - 67.5 lbs w/60 secs rest
After - 82.5 lbs w/35 secs rest
2 - DB Rows (8 sets x 3 reps)
Before - 90 lbs w/60 secs rest
After - 110 lbs (biggest the gym has) w/25 secs rest
3 - DB Snatches (8 sets x 3 reps)
Before - 62 lbs w/60 secs rest
After - 80 lbs w/35 secs rest
4 - Burpees x 100
Before - 16 mins
After - 9 mins
5 - 5k run
Before - more than 25 mins
After - under 21 mins
(and that's w/doing NO RUNNING IN SIX WEEKS)
I want to send a MONSTER Congrats to Alan, as he's kicking some major ass w/the "Working Class Cardio Workout"!!
Wanna do the same thing, and make the same kinda gains?
=>GO HERE to Get Stronger, Faster, Leaner, & Have a Bigger Gas Tank
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Monday, May 03, 2010
Only Eating Once a Day?
I've told y'all more than once that I'm not afraid to admit when I'm not an expert at something. (Unlike the other fitness "gurus" on the internet.) Trust me, my ego
just ain't that big.
Diet is one of those areas where I know some, but just "not enough" (if you know what I mean).
That's why when people have diet questions for me, I almost always turn them onto Tom Venuto, and his #1 best-selling book "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle".
But some folks have a problem w/that book.
See, Tom is a big-time advocate of eating several small meals per day. And that just doesn't work for some people (or at the least, is such a royal pain in the
ass, that it's next to impossible to stick to).
That's when I recommend Intermittent Fasting (IF).
Again, I'm no diet guru, but the basics behind IF are like this:
-fast most of the day (sometimes as high as 16-20 hours out of a 24-hour day)
-only eat at the end of the day
-you get to eat a large meal when you do (and can even sometimes be a little less "strict")
-nothing but water, coffee, and other non-calorie drinks during your "fast"
This kinda diet really lends itself to being easy to stick to for busy folks, and has shown many times to be superior for fat loss.
I've actually done this kinda eating plan before (w/o even trying) and really liked it...and lost a good chunk of weight while doing it.
Like I say though, Im no expert. However, the course "Eat, Stop, Eat" will tell you everything you wanna know.
It's good stuff.
(Oh - and if you're interested in this for fat loss, and need a good cardio workout, then =>CLICK HERE)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
just ain't that big.
Diet is one of those areas where I know some, but just "not enough" (if you know what I mean).
That's why when people have diet questions for me, I almost always turn them onto Tom Venuto, and his #1 best-selling book "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle".
But some folks have a problem w/that book.
See, Tom is a big-time advocate of eating several small meals per day. And that just doesn't work for some people (or at the least, is such a royal pain in the
ass, that it's next to impossible to stick to).
That's when I recommend Intermittent Fasting (IF).
Again, I'm no diet guru, but the basics behind IF are like this:
-fast most of the day (sometimes as high as 16-20 hours out of a 24-hour day)
-only eat at the end of the day
-you get to eat a large meal when you do (and can even sometimes be a little less "strict")
-nothing but water, coffee, and other non-calorie drinks during your "fast"
This kinda diet really lends itself to being easy to stick to for busy folks, and has shown many times to be superior for fat loss.
I've actually done this kinda eating plan before (w/o even trying) and really liked it...and lost a good chunk of weight while doing it.
Like I say though, Im no expert. However, the course "Eat, Stop, Eat" will tell you everything you wanna know.
It's good stuff.
(Oh - and if you're interested in this for fat loss, and need a good cardio workout, then =>CLICK HERE)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
'70s Workouts = All Wrong
Was catching up w/an old friend recently...a guy I hadn't seen or talked to since high school. We were talking about what we were doing, where we'd been, and the like.
Of course, it wasn't long before I brought up business and my site,
When I told him it was all about circuit training, he began to laugh at me. See, we were both big into working out in high school.
"Circuit training?" he scoffed at me. "What man, does your program come with a velvet jump-suit and a discount on a universal machine, too?"
I had to laugh...esp since it sounded like he'd swiped a line right out off my website - LOL.
But fact of the matter is, is that his reaction is not at all uncommon. This is the kinda thing that many folks think of when you mention circuit training...goofs on
old, ugly, monstrous universal machines in the '70s, pumping reps away with no real effort...or weight, either.
And that's what's why circuit training got such a bad rap over the years. You had a bunch of people really screw it up, and therefore that's what everybody thought
it was all about.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
For instance, the circuit training in the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is all about:
-athletic exercises to make you move your own body better
-lifting heavy to make you stronger
-lifting fast to make you more powerful
-stacking exercises together to give you great cardio
-ramping up workouts to increase intensity, then backing off to let you rest & recover
Does any of that sound like the crap you normally think of when you think "circuit training"? Didn't think so.
=>GO HERE and see what *real* circuit training is all about
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Of course, it wasn't long before I brought up business and my site,
When I told him it was all about circuit training, he began to laugh at me. See, we were both big into working out in high school.
"Circuit training?" he scoffed at me. "What man, does your program come with a velvet jump-suit and a discount on a universal machine, too?"
I had to laugh...esp since it sounded like he'd swiped a line right out off my website - LOL.
But fact of the matter is, is that his reaction is not at all uncommon. This is the kinda thing that many folks think of when you mention circuit training...goofs on
old, ugly, monstrous universal machines in the '70s, pumping reps away with no real effort...or weight, either.
And that's what's why circuit training got such a bad rap over the years. You had a bunch of people really screw it up, and therefore that's what everybody thought
it was all about.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
For instance, the circuit training in the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is all about:
-athletic exercises to make you move your own body better
-lifting heavy to make you stronger
-lifting fast to make you more powerful
-stacking exercises together to give you great cardio
-ramping up workouts to increase intensity, then backing off to let you rest & recover
Does any of that sound like the crap you normally think of when you think "circuit training"? Didn't think so.
=>GO HERE and see what *real* circuit training is all about
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
The "Anti d#uche-bag"
Let me put this bluntly - I motherf@cking HATE excuses. With a passion.
*takes deep breath*
Ok, now that I've calmed down a bit, let me explain...
Today I got this email, and needless to say, it pretty well pissed me off. It was from a guy who was complaining b/c his cardio workouts just "couldn't get him in shape".
(I shoulda known early I wasn't gonna like this email.)
This douche-bag goes on to bitch and complain about how all he has access to is his local commercial gym, and he doesn't have money for kettlebells, and doesn't have room to flip tires, and his gym doesn't have concept 2 rowers, and a bunch of other BS excuses.
He then goes on to list how he's done "everything under the sun" and none of the programs he's done ever worked...and then goes on to list about 5-6 different workout plans & products that supposedly suck.
I usually let this kinda junk go, but I had to respond to this guy and rip him a new one.
First of all, all the programs he said supposedly didn't work have all been released in the past year or less (one just a couple months ago). How the hell has he done 5-6 different programs, when each one is 3-4 months long (minimum), in a year or less?
Second of all, as much crap as commercial gyms get, if you can't get in shape there, then you're just a jackass.
Third of all, did this guy ever think that maybe he just wasn't putting the damn effort in? Getting in shape ain't takes "testicular fortitude". And if you ain't got it, you ain't gonna get it.
News flash people - you can get in awesome shape, almost anywhere you want by doing circuit training. You can get:
-strong & more powerful (do I have to tell you why this is good?)
-have great cardio (meaning healthier heart & lungs)
-more muscle (meaning you burn more calories at rest & look better)
-actually do shorter workouts (giving you more time to do other stuff)
-do workouts using mainly only dumbbells (meaning you can work out pretty much anyplace and own your own equipment for next to nothing)
Listen, I could go on and on, but it's simple as this - unless you're ready to put the damn work in, you ain't gonna get in shape...circuit training or not.
If you're the opposite of the douche-bag that sent me this email, and are ready to put in the effort, then get to right now.
Be a real man (or woman) - be tough. Be strong. Be in shape.
Be the "Anti Douche-Bag".
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
*takes deep breath*
Ok, now that I've calmed down a bit, let me explain...
Today I got this email, and needless to say, it pretty well pissed me off. It was from a guy who was complaining b/c his cardio workouts just "couldn't get him in shape".
(I shoulda known early I wasn't gonna like this email.)
This douche-bag goes on to bitch and complain about how all he has access to is his local commercial gym, and he doesn't have money for kettlebells, and doesn't have room to flip tires, and his gym doesn't have concept 2 rowers, and a bunch of other BS excuses.
He then goes on to list how he's done "everything under the sun" and none of the programs he's done ever worked...and then goes on to list about 5-6 different workout plans & products that supposedly suck.
I usually let this kinda junk go, but I had to respond to this guy and rip him a new one.
First of all, all the programs he said supposedly didn't work have all been released in the past year or less (one just a couple months ago). How the hell has he done 5-6 different programs, when each one is 3-4 months long (minimum), in a year or less?
Second of all, as much crap as commercial gyms get, if you can't get in shape there, then you're just a jackass.
Third of all, did this guy ever think that maybe he just wasn't putting the damn effort in? Getting in shape ain't takes "testicular fortitude". And if you ain't got it, you ain't gonna get it.
News flash people - you can get in awesome shape, almost anywhere you want by doing circuit training. You can get:
-strong & more powerful (do I have to tell you why this is good?)
-have great cardio (meaning healthier heart & lungs)
-more muscle (meaning you burn more calories at rest & look better)
-actually do shorter workouts (giving you more time to do other stuff)
-do workouts using mainly only dumbbells (meaning you can work out pretty much anyplace and own your own equipment for next to nothing)
Listen, I could go on and on, but it's simple as this - unless you're ready to put the damn work in, you ain't gonna get in shape...circuit training or not.
If you're the opposite of the douche-bag that sent me this email, and are ready to put in the effort, then get to right now.
Be a real man (or woman) - be tough. Be strong. Be in shape.
Be the "Anti Douche-Bag".
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
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