Monday, May 03, 2010

Only Eating Once a Day?

I've told y'all more than once that I'm not afraid to admit when I'm not an expert at something. (Unlike the other fitness "gurus" on the internet.) Trust me, my ego
just ain't that big.

Diet is one of those areas where I know some, but just "not enough" (if you know what I mean).

That's why when people have diet questions for me, I almost always turn them onto Tom Venuto, and his #1 best-selling book "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle".

But some folks have a problem w/that book.

See, Tom is a big-time advocate of eating several small meals per day. And that just doesn't work for some people (or at the least, is such a royal pain in the
ass, that it's next to impossible to stick to).

That's when I recommend Intermittent Fasting (IF).

Again, I'm no diet guru, but the basics behind IF are like this:

-fast most of the day (sometimes as high as 16-20 hours out of a 24-hour day)
-only eat at the end of the day
-you get to eat a large meal when you do (and can even sometimes be a little less "strict")
-nothing but water, coffee, and other non-calorie drinks during your "fast"

This kinda diet really lends itself to being easy to stick to for busy folks, and has shown many times to be superior for fat loss.

I've actually done this kinda eating plan before (w/o even trying) and really liked it...and lost a good chunk of weight while doing it.

Like I say though, Im no expert. However, the course "Eat, Stop, Eat" will tell you everything you wanna know.

It's good stuff.


(Oh - and if you're interested in this for fat loss, and need a good cardio workout, then =>CLICK HERE)

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans


Steve Foulds said...

Sounds like Ori Hofmekler Warrior Diet. I was never leaner until i was on the WD...

Wiggy said...

Hey Steve - email me and give me your thoughts on the WD offline, would you? Thanks man!