Friday, May 21, 2010

Final Notice!

The special half-off sale for the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout Program originally designed for a UFC Champ ends at midnight *tonight*.

Here's the full scoop:


This rare half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU' for taking action and wanting to put the effort into a real and effective MMA workout so you can have more strength and power, have better wind, be in better shape, and never "gas" in the ring, cage, or mat.

Here's the special website where you save 50%:


Try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout For 50% Off And Get in on the "Poser-Free" Newsletter List *AND* Get a Copy of My Dedicated Arm Training Program "Working Class Guns"...for nothing!

If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special 'half-off' web site, then getting in on these two great FREE BONUSES will surely do the trick,
as you will:

* Get special emails the "public" doesn't get

* Get free content, and action plans that you can plug into your workouts ASAP

* Get my special "TCC" report and workouts, detailing exactly what kind of workouts I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years...
and why those workouts took so much special planning!

* Get "Working Class Guns" - the workout dedicated to putting size on your arms, while still maintaining all your other strength, power, & endurance!

* Also receive the "freebies" that come along with "Working Class Guns", including video resources, workout logs, and more!


That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try the "Championship Edition" MMA Workout for 50% off.

Go here right now and claim your copy before they're all gone!


Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Cardio Workout Plans

P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight tonight.

If you'd like to get the kickass MMA Workout that so many people the world over got have gotten such amazing results with...and was originally designed for a UFC Champ, then go here now:


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