Friday, May 28, 2010

You 'Walk the Walk'?

You know the old saying - "Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk."

This kinda thing is big in the fitness world - esp when it comes to being strong, looking good, doing intense cardio workouts, etc.

See, there are a ton of people out there who might look awesome, but when it comes to backing it up, they fall *way* short. Some of these goofs get in the gym, and as "jacked" as they might be, can't lift any more than my grandma.

Others might be able to lift a ton in the gym, but when it comes to doing anything in the real world like playing a sport, helping a friend move, or whatever, they're still "all show and no go".

And don't even get me started cardio or work apacity. You'd never think that somebody that looked so good (and usually talked so much damn trash) would be suckin' wind or pussing out after just a few mins of any kinda activity.

Argh. Pansy asses.

Then you've got the exact opposite. You've got the peeps who can move a ton in the gym, or even in the real world, but look like total slobs. Dude...why? So, body composition isn't imperative to you lifting heavier shit. You ever think that maybe being in better shape will make you a healthier person (not to mention make you not look like a sloth)?

And for goodness sakes, don't get me started on all these people's hangup w/doing a little direct arm work. (Here's a major tip people - doing 3-4 sets of biceps at the end of your otherwise athletic-based workout won't turn you into a "curl monkey" or automatically make you wanna be that d-bag who curls in the squat rack.)

Then there's the cardio guy...yeah...he's got some awesome wind. Too bad he's the size of a twig...and twice as frail.

Listen people, this isn't that damn difficult. Lift hard, lift fast. Train heavy and explosively . Do circuit training so that you're not only strong & powerful, but have great cardio, sky-high work capacity, and have a physique that makes you actually wanna take your shirt off now & then.

In other words, let how you look "talk the talk" and how you perform "walk the walk".

And the perfect way to do this is with the "Working Class Cardio Workout".

Get stronger, more powerful, look better, have a healthier heart & lungs, better wind, train pretty much anywhere you want, and a whole crap-ton of other awesome stuff.


Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans

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