Friday, May 07, 2010

This Ain't For Everybody...

To get anything done in life, you need to put in hard work. There are just no shortcuts. The fitness industry tries to tell you that there are, but there just aren't.

And the better you want to get, the more dedication & discipline you need to have.

Nobody ever got awesome by being lazy.

Make no mistake about it, the old saying that goes "the harder I work, the luckier I get" is more true than most would like to admit.

But every now and then, something comes along and takes the idea of hard work, dedication, and discipline and just beats the crap out of it.

That's Joel Marion's "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet".

I know, I're prolly rolling your eyes right now, and wondering what kinda hyped-up junk this is. But stick w/me for a minute...

I've seen this diet. And believe me when I say - "Whoa".

This thing ain't for everybody - by no means. It's the kinda thing that would be tough as hell to stick to.

Now, I don't mean that it's hard, or takes a lot of discipline. I mean that to pull this kinda diet off, you likely would have to center a lot of aspects of your life around your diet and training.

It's that intense.

Listen - if you're looking for a good diet to lose some extra weight, and are willing to be disciplined about it, then this IS NOT the program for you.

However, if you ARE willing to take an all-out, no holds barred, "I'm gonna f@cking succeed no matter what" approach, then this is right where you wanna go.

You don't have to be this way forever though - just 25 days. And in that time, Joel claims you'll lose 25 lbs...or your $$$ back.

(Can't really lose out w/a deal like that, you know?)

Want a hint as to what makes the diet so crazy? Well, as a good friend of mine (who's also seen the diet) put it, "It's kinda like somebody took the idea of conjugate periodization, and applied it to how you eat."

Wild stuff.

Like I said, though - it's not for everybody. But, if you think you can (and want to) put the massive dedication this thing takes - for the awesome results - then you
should check it out.


Oh - and you might wanna get on the ball if you're interested. This product just released, and Joel has a sale going right now...$30 off. It's only good for another
day though. So you'd better hop to it.


Have a kickass weekend.

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans

PS - Remember Bill Phillips, EAS, and the whole "Body For Life" contests that were so popular a few years back? Well, Joel won the thing. And he's only gotten better since then. Point is, he knows his stuff.

PS #2 - This thing is selling like crazy - over 20,000 copies sold in something like 3 days. Wow. I don't care how slick a presentation you put behind don't sell that many copies of something unless it's good. =>CHECK OUT THE

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