Monday, December 29, 2008

"Frying Another Turkey"

Hey folks,

Hope y'all had a great holiday - I
know I did.

Got a quick story I gotta tell y'all
about - it still makes me laugh.

So, it's Christmas Day, and we're
over at the in-laws' place. My wife
has a lot of family, and, like all big
family shindigs, there are a few people
there I don't really know.

This year, some distant cousin of my
wife showed up with her new boyfriend
(they both in their early 20s).

This guy shows up with wearing a
Tapout hat and Affliction t-shirt, and it
took him all of about 90 seconds to start
telling everybody what a badass he was.

I rolled my eyes and went outside to do
my holiday tradition of deep frying a turkey.

(Yeah, frying a turkey isn't great for the diet,
but HOLY COW it sure tastes good! ;-)

After a while, this tough-guy wannabe comes
outside and starts in with more of his crap - how
he "trains MMA" and "is going to get a tryout
w/the UFC in a the spring". Oh boy.

He ends up saying that he's heard that I put
together fighter workouts. I tell him a
little of what I do and give him my website
. He asks if I've "trained anybody 'good' -
anybody in the UFC"..."because all the guys
he trains with are former UFC."

I tell him that UFC and Cage Rage vet Leigh
Remedios has used my stuff to help prepare
for fights, and that a contestant on the latest
season of The Ultimate Fighter just picked
up my "Working Class MMA Workout Program".

He doesn't seem impressed, and tells me that
he "might" look over my site, but that he was
probably in too good of shape for my workouts
to help him.

At this point, it was freakin' on.

I look at my watch, and tell him my turkey has
another 14 minutes until it's done, and bet him
$50 that I can put him through a workout that
will fry HIM before the turkey is done being fried.

He agrees. I grin. ;-)

First, I hop on his back (like a piggy-back
ride) and have him do 8 squats. Immediately
after that, I have him go to the stairs next to
the deck and jump to the 3rd stair 20 times.
Rest for a minute.

Then I grab his feet and hold them at my
shoulders, and make him do 8 pushups.
Right after that, he has to walk up and down
the 3 deck steps 3x. Another minute rest.

Then I have him grab this big, cast-iron
flower pot full of soil (prob. weighed ~50
lbs.) and pull it from the ground to his chin
8 times, followed up with 15 full burpees
(inc. a pushup and a jump).

By this time, this guy is sweating profusely,
cussing and groaning loudly, and sucking
wind like you wouldn't believe. He is literally
lying on his back in my in-laws' driveway....
on Christmas Day.

I look at my watch, and say "got 6 minutes
left - want more?" He rolls his head back
and forth, and mumbles something about
checking out my website.

My wife sees all this going on, comes out
and asks me, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," I smile and reply, "just frying another

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins

PS - Want to "fry" your own "turkey"? Head
to right
now and get started. Maybe you can be like
the guy who just emailed me to say that he'd
put 85 lbs. on his squat in two months using
my programs...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's all about priorities

It seems that my little "rants" in
my last couple of newsletters have
been striking a nerve with many
of you.

I'm glad.

It's good to get y'all moving and
thinking. There's nothing with
getting 'riled up' every now and
again. haha

Well, let's let one last one fly. So
far, most of y'all have seemed to
agree with what I've been saying,
but this one I'm not so sure about.

It's the Christmas shopping season
(or whatever holiday your celebrate),
and money is tight for some folks. Add
that to an uncertain economy, and you've
got folks a little more tight w/their money
than usual.

I get that. Trust me, I've been there - more
than once.

(In fact, this is the reason I just started up
my new payment plan - get started with
the "Working Class MM Workout Program -
Championship Edition
" for a measly $7!

Click here to find out how -

Sometimes you have to make sacrifices, and
sometimes you can't always get what you

But here is the thing - I've actually had several
people email me asking for my books/programs...

Now, maybe I'm different than most folks, but
in my book, that takes some balls.

If I couldn't afford something I really wanted,
I sure as hell wouldn't ask for a handout - I just
don't operate like that.

Needless to say, I haven't given anybody

Might sound cold and heartless - esp in the
season that is supposed to be about "giving".

Here's the deal - I've had literally tens of
thousands of great, loyal, PAYING customers
over the years. It would be a spit in the face to
every single one of them who have ponied up
the dough for my books (and in many cases, it's
been done multiple times for different
products). They were good enough to pay
for it - you should be, too.

Second, I give away A TON of free stuff already.
There are 85+ FREE articles on my site, I post
FOR FREE on several forums, and I answer
questions via email FOR FREE every single day.
Yet, some folks want more.

Nope. Not gonna happen.

People work hard for their money, and I'm not
going to undermine those that see fit to send
some of their hard-earned cash my way by letting
others just freeload.

See, here's the thing. There is NOBODY out there
that doesn't have enough money to buy any
one of my products. (Hell my stuff is better
priced than a whole helluva lot of what you'll
find on the internet.) EVERYBODY has enough's just a matter of where you have your

Now, I'm not saying that you should be
trying to decide whether to buy my books or
pay your light bill - that's not it.

What I'm saying is that if it's important enough
to you, you'll figure out a way to get it.

Now, other fitness "gurus" like to try to guilt-
trip you about buying products. "How much
does your health mean to you?" and "Can you
put a price on your body?" are common
questions by these a-holes.

I'm not trying to do that. I don't want to guilt-
trip anybod into anything.

But, if getting in shape is really that important
to you, preparing for your next fight is really
that high on your priority list, and knowing that
my books and programs will get you there, then
you'd figure out a way to make it happen - not
ask for a handout.

I took my wife in to see a oral surgeon today.
She's got a wisdom tooth that is SERIOUSLY
messed-up, and needs to be pulled. A dentist
can't do it - it requires surgery.

She is very skittish of dentists. About a year
or so ago, she went to a dentist that turned out
to be a total quack - guy took almost TWO
HOURS to pull a tooth. My wife is one tough
broad, and I've seen her go through some
serious stuff. This outright traumatized her.

Well, as the surgeon was describing the
procedure today, she started to well up in
tears. It's that bad.

The surgeon said she could be "put under"
for the extraction, but it was going to cost
3x as much (and we don't have dental
insurance right now).

We knew that going in, and we thought
weren't going to be able to go that route, as
with Christmas shopping, and several other
things I won't get into, money is kinda
tight right now - like it is for everybody.

When the surgeon described the process
they were going to have to go through to
get this tooth out, I could see the panic and
fear in my poor wife's eyes.

I looked at the surgeon and told him that
my wife would be "put under." My wife
looked at me quickly, as if to say, "What
are you doing? We can't afford that!"

Before she could even speak, I calmly
told her, "We'll figure it out. This is
what you need. We'll make it happen."

Right now, getting my wife taken care of
is top #1 priority - whatever it takes to
get it done is what I'm going to do.

Now, I'm not trying to put somebody
wanting to buy my "Working Class MMA
Workout Program" on the same level as
somebody needing surgery - b/c surely
it's not.

But the principle is the exact same.

Don't go through life asking for handouts,
favors, freebies, or freeloading, when the
reality is that you could come up with the
resources on your own. It just has to be
a high enough priority.

Somebody else shouldn't take the hit for
something just b/c you don't think it's that

Besides, if you can't come up with as little
as $7, then chances are you wouldn't take
my workouts that seriously, and probably
wouldn't even do them, anyway.

I'm always here to do whatever I can to
help others, but I'm sure as hell not
gonna waste my time and energy on
somebody that doesn't even want to help

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

PS - You'll hear from me again before Christmas,
but in case you're busy and don't get the
email, I want to wish every one of y'all a
very Merry Christmas, and say "thank you"
for being a part of my newsletter list.

I hope that y'all get to spend some
quality time with people close to you, and
that you stay safe in your holiday travels.

PS #2 - Christmas shopping days are pretty
much gone. If you've got somebody that you
still need a gift for - you perhaps? - then the
"Working Class MMA Workout Program"
would be a great choice.

There are no crowds to hassle, no worrying
about shipping time, or getting an exchange
receipt in case it doesn't fit. ;-)

And you can start for $7 - next to nothing! Click
here to order:

Monday, December 22, 2008

Money is no object

Just wanted to let you know that
you can get in on my awesome
"Working Class MMA Workout -
Championship Edition
" starting out
for only $7.

This is a brand new deal, and might
not last long. If you've been 'hemming
and hawing' about getting the
"Championship Edition", then that time
should be over.

Click here NOW for the details:

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

PS - Been getting A TON of great feedback
on my rants the past week or so. Got
another one coming up in a day or two...
keep your eyes peeled.

PS #2 - What are you going to blow seven bucks
on this week? Renting a DVD? Seeing a movie?
A couple drinks at 'happy hour'?

Click here to put that $7 to some good use:

Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm just like you

Better be up front w/y'all - got
more rants in me today. Just so
you know...

My last newsletter triggered a nerve
w/many of you. I got more emails
and response on this than I have
just about any of my previous work.

Most of it was 100% behind what I
said. I got all kinds of great feedback:

"Amen, bro!"

"Hell yeah, Wiggs! It pisses me off
too when folks talk about genes being
responsible for their failings..."

"Well stated and I concur!"

"'s about time someone speaks the

But it pissed a few of you off - not that
I was surprised.

One email I got was from a guy that
was pretty upset. I won't reprint it here
(it'd be tough to get the gist of it if I
took out all the cursing - LOL), but the
basic idea was this:

Who the hell was I to talk like that? Who
the hell was I to make assumptions
about people? Who the hell was I to
assume that people are lazy?

It was "easy" for me to say these
things - I'm a strength coach. It was
"easy" for me to say these things - I'm
already strong. It was "easy" for me to
say these things - I was in good shape.

I don't know all the burdens that y'all
have to go through. I don't know what
you're dealing with. I don't know how
hard your life is.

Pardon my "french", but are you f@cking
kidding me?

Listen up - I'm just like you. I've got a wife.
Three kids. Three dogs. A mortgage. Car
payments. I put my pants on one leg at a
time - just like everybody else.

Nothing I've ever done has come "easy"
for me...especially training.

Think back to elementary school. Remember
the fat kid in the class? The one that everybody
made fun of? The one that was always
sweaty and red-faced in PE? The one that
had to wear "husky" pants b/c regular jeans
wouldn't fit him?

Guess what, bucko - that was yours truly. I
was the fat kid.

You know the people who say that they can
just look at a cheeseburger and gain five pounds?

Well, that's me. Always has been. Hell, my
metabolism is so slow, that sometimes I think
it actually goes in reverse.

I've had to work, scratch, bite, and claw my
way for all the gains I've ever had. I've gotten
up at 4:30 in the morning to train, worked out 3x/day,
gotten in 20 mins of hard training during lunch
breaks in Iraq, worked out between classes in
college, ran in the middle of the night,and
everything else in between.

I've lifted weights, ran, done calisthenics. I've
rowed, done pyramiding, Power Complexes,
bodybuilding, and more.

I don't have great genetics, a natural physique, or
God-given strength or speed. I've had to WORK
MY ASS OFF to achieve everything I've ever

Know the difference between me and you?

Not a damn thing.

You can accomplish anything you want to - you
just have to want it bad enough.

Do you want it bad enough?

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

PS - If you "want it bad enough", but aren't sure
how to get there, then head to
and check out my "Working Class MMA Workout
" and the "Championship Edition".

Even if you're not a fighter, these workout programs
will put you on the 'fast track' to achieving the goals
that will make everybody else say it's "easy" for you,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Genetics" - the ultimate cop-out

Just so y'all know up front - I'm in
one of my moods today, and am gonna
rant a little. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I don't know about you, but I am fed
the hell up with people talking about
how "genetics" are responsible for
one's state in life.

If somebody is fat, it's b/c of genetics.
If somebody is trim, it's b/c of genetics.
If somebody is strong, it's b/c of
genetics. If somebody is slow it's b/c
of genetics.

Maybe I missed the bulletin on this, but
I always thought that these sort of things
were determined more by your own frickin'
habits and actions than what your DNA

Now, I'm not saying that genetics don't play
a role, b/c they do. They ultimately determine
what you can or can't do. But that doesn't mean
that you don't, can't, or shouldn't put the work in.

This is absolutely true - late last week, I saw a
commercial for the late local news, and one of
their lead stories was that scientists may have
discovered a gene that leads to obesity.

Really guys? A gene, huh? Let me guess - it's
the gene that makes you always shove cupcakes
into your big mouth, right?

I remember when somebody was fat, slow, and
out of shape, it was b/c they were just lazy
and wouldn't get their ass off the couch. Now,
we're supposed to believe that it's b/c it's in their

On the flip side, I remember when, though you'd
see 'natural athletes' now and then, most of the
folks that were strong, fast, or elite athletes were
the ones who got up early, stuck to their strict diets,
stayed in when their friends partied on Saturday
nights, and just plain worked their ass off.

But now, many want you to believe that it's
b/c these people were almost "destined"
to be this way b/c of their genes.

Well, you know what I say?

I say "f@ck the genes".

Your genes are ultimately going to decide what
you can or can't do - we know that.

For instance, a guy my size (I'm 5'6", have a
natural big bone structure and slow metabolism)
ain't ever gonna play in the NBA. As much as I
might want to, I just don't have a snowballs' chance
in hell.

But does that mean I should sit on the couch, pissed
at my parents for giving me lousy DNA, and eat
cheez doodles all day?

Hell. Freakin'. No.

Sure, I might never be that seven-foot tall dude
dunking the basketball on national TV, but that
doesn't mean I can't find something that I *would*
be good at.

I can get big and muscular. I can get strong.
I can get powerful. I can get fast. I can get

(Hell, I bet a bunch of those NBA guys would
have a might tough time keeping up with me
in a workout full of "Power Complexes".)

All it takes is discipline, work ethic, and effort.

You can do the same thing.

In fact, let me take that back...You SHOULD do
the same thing.

Don't let society tell you that you physical success
is only for those with superior genes. Give 'em the
finger and show 'em that you're gonna get it
done anyway.

And if you're one of the few that do have good
genetics, don't sit on your natural gifts. Work
your ass off, too. In fact, you should even more,
b/c there are probably 10 people that would KILL
to have the gifts that you do. So don't take them
for granted.

Create your goal. Create a plan to achieve it. And
go kick some ass.

Genes be damned.

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

PS - If you're ready to achieve your goals - regardless
of what people tell you your genes are - but need help
with a plan, then head over to
and check out my "Working Class MMA Workout
" right now.

Working your ass off won't do you any good if
you're not working smart. Let me help you give
your genes and those that underestimate you "the
bird", and help you get into the best shape of your
freakin' life.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

It's all good now...

Got to run out for the day in
a minute, but wanted to drop
a line real quick.

Last week I sent out an email
with instructions on how to
download my new FREE REPORT,
"The Physical Needs of MMA".

Well, the link got goofed up for
a bit, and some had a hard
time getting it downloaded.

Just wanted to let everybody know that
everything is fixed and hunky dory.
If you haven't downloaded yet, you
can - and should - now.

(I gave first dibs to my newsletter
- it "pays" to be a member!)

When you do, pay attention to the
section on conditioning. There is a
couple lines in there that you might
gloss over if you're not careful - and
they're probably some of the most
important lines I've written about

(hint - it's the reason why much
bally-hoo'ed interval training is
so ineffective for many people.)

Download your copy ahora:

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

PS - Got another kickass testimonial the
other day for my new "Working Class
MMA Workout Program

“I just had to fire you an e-mail saying
that this workout you put together is
absolutely solid. I..have been having
great training sessions...look forward
to definitely being in the best shape
of my life.”

Get in the best shape of *your* life here:

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

*cough, cough, cough*

Sometimes, you gotta take your own

A while back, I sent out a newsletter
that talked about "always find a way
to win." Today, I was getting more
first-hand experience in that very

I'm sick as a freakin' dog. I mean
I feel like crap.

Throat is killing me. Haven't
slept well. Whole body aches.

Heck, I almost felt like I was gonna
pass out earlier today.


I probably should've gone ahead and
taken the day off from training, but I
was super-motivated from last week.
I'd been getting some great workouts in,
and after eating all that Thanksgiving
turkey, got another one on Friday, and
wanted to keep the ball rolling.

The plan for today was to do "Power
Complexes" in "rounds" format.

(To read more about "rounds" format,
be sure to check out the "Working Class
MMA Workout - Championship Edition

But I knew that motivated or not, "Power
Complexes" weren't gonna
least not today.

Me feeling like toasted ass + "Power
Complexes" = something I don't wanna
experience anytime soon. So, it was time
to figure something out.

I looked through the "Championship
" again to guide me, and hit up some
old workout notes.

I ended up doing some rounds of light
BWE calisthenics as GPP, and 5 rounds of
another basic complex involving burpees,
snatches, and swings.

It kicked my tail, and I sure wasn't 100%,
but I still got in a great workout. More
importantly, I still found a way to win.

You can - and will eventually have to - do
the same thing. The (arguably) busiest time
of the year is here. Don't let everything else
get in the way of your training.

If you don't have the "Working Class MMA
Workout Program - Championship Edition
head to
right now and pick it up.

Just like it helped guide me through finding
my way to win today, it'll do the same for you
when you get into that roadblock.

And if you ever need a shove in the right
direction, be sure to drop me a line.

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins

PS - Like I said, the busiest time of the year
is here. Is your shopping done yet? Probably
not. Save yourself some time and effort and
cash in on the most kick-ass MMA workout
available - the "Working Class MMA Workout -
Championship Edition

Download it now over at

PS #2 - Got a freebie coming your
way in a few days. Only for members
of my newsletter list. Not a member yet?
Then send a blank email to: