Let's face it - most cardio workouts suck. You don't like it. I don't like it. I'm not sure *anybody* likes it.
(And anybody that actually *likes* doing cardio is somebody I'm not sure I wanna know anyway...)
I dunno about you, but I've got A LOT better things I could be doing than spending 4 or 5 days per week running mile after mile after mile after mile after mile.
And doing cardio in a gym is even worse. Just as long. Just as slow. Just as lousy. Only you don't actually GET ANYWHERE. Talk about twice as boring. Who
the hell wants to run for an hour straight and literally be have gone nowhere? At least when you run outside you get some scenery...
So, are we agreed? Long, slow, cardio workouts suck ass? Yeah - I thought we were. So what to do?
Circuit training.
See, circuit training (or stacking exercises together one after another), when done right, has more benefits than you can shake a stick at:
1 - gets your heart beating fast and you breathing hard (this means better cardio)
2 - is more intense than normal cardio (meaning you can do shorter workouts that are actually more effective)
3 - is easier on your joints than normal cardio (you think the pounding your ankles, knees, & hips take for endless miles is actually good for you?)
4 - actually works your entire body (instead of just your legs)
5 - can help you build muscle (which improves how you look, your overall body composition, makes bones stronger, and even burns more calories at rest)
6 - with the right programs, can be done literally anywhere (including the gym, at home, the local park, or even in front of your TV)
I could keep going, but do I need to? It's simple really...circuit training kicks ass.
But do you know how to design a good circuit training workout? What kind of exercises to use? What kinds of sets & reps? When to take days off? When to go hard? When to back off? How to order exercises? (And that's just the short-list of stuff you need to know.)
If not - don't worry. I can hook you up.
The "Working Class Cardio Workout" can give you all of the above (and a whole crap-ton more)...no thinking needed or involved. All you have to do is do the
workouts. I've taken care of everything else.
=>Do the "Working Class Cardio Workout" and get the results
Wouldn't it be nice to know you could dump the gym membership if you wanted to? Or that workouts will now be fun, challenging, and interesting?
Wouldn't it be cool to actually look forward to your workouts?
=>Get to WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com and look forward to working out again
Let me know if I can ever do anything.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How did I forget this?
Yesterday I told you how one of the six different workout programs in "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" utilized a method almost identical to what top-ranked Bulgarian Olympic weightlifting coaches use to make their lifters some of the best
in the world.
(They just apply the method in a different fashion than I do - you know, different goals and all that.)
But the thing I forgot to mention is that in that exact same 8-week workout, you can also shave a ton of time off your 40-yard dash. It's not that hard, really.
Use a couple basic principles - which this workout apply - and you're good to go. Almost too simple to be true...
...which is why nobody else does it.
But you will if you pick up "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
After all, who doesn't wanna get stronger *and* faster...at the same time?
=>Get stronger and faster now
Oh, and you *do* remember that this one particular workout program is just one of SIX different programs you get in this package, right?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
in the world.
(They just apply the method in a different fashion than I do - you know, different goals and all that.)
But the thing I forgot to mention is that in that exact same 8-week workout, you can also shave a ton of time off your 40-yard dash. It's not that hard, really.
Use a couple basic principles - which this workout apply - and you're good to go. Almost too simple to be true...
...which is why nobody else does it.
But you will if you pick up "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
After all, who doesn't wanna get stronger *and* faster...at the same time?
=>Get stronger and faster now
Oh, and you *do* remember that this one particular workout program is just one of SIX different programs you get in this package, right?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Wiggy = Olympic Coach?
Yeah, well, I'm not quite an Olympic coach yet...lol. But turns out I might have something in common w/some pretty damn good ones.
See, via a powerlifter I know & post at the some of the same forums at online (told you I love the intrawebs), I've been reading up on some methods used by Bulgarian
Olympic weightlifting coaches.
**NOTE - In case you didn't know, the Bulgarian O-lifting coaches are thought of by those "in the know" as some of - if not *the* - best weightlifting coaches in the world.**
There is a guy here in the States who is training Olympic lifters by pretty much the same methods, and is having some INSANE results. (Head to my facebook page to see a video of a 19-year old moving some CRAZY weights around.)
Well, being the S&C geek I am, of course I've been trying to read up on just what these guys are doing and just how they're getting their athletes so damn strong.
And as it turns out...they use a method that's damn near identical to one I've used to get guys stronger almost since I was a teenager! (Something I actually learned from my dad.)
I gotta say, it was crazy to see these best-in-the-world Olympic coaches doing many of the same things I've done to put crazy weights on my own lifts in my life.
Now, they take this method and apply it in a completely different way than I do, and apply it to a lot more lifts. So it's not like we're doing the same thing. But the basic root principles are the same.
For one thing, these guys are just worried about increasing their 1RM in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk - all their training is based around that. My programs are much more "all around" programs to include not just strength & power, but conditioning,
cardio, endurance, and more.
In fact, a perfect example is "Program #4" in "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
Here, I actually use this principle I've been telling you about to get you stronger, while getting faster, and doing your conditioning. It's a pretty darn good workout.
Wanna find out more? =>CLICK HERE NOW
Oh - and you know that "Program #4" is an 8-week program, right? Everything is laid out for you - exercises, sets, reps...the whole thing. All you gotta do is show up and add effort.
Oh, and something else cool - "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" has SIX different 8-week programs like this. Cool stuff.
Why don't you have a look?
=>Find out more about "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
See, via a powerlifter I know & post at the some of the same forums at online (told you I love the intrawebs), I've been reading up on some methods used by Bulgarian
Olympic weightlifting coaches.
**NOTE - In case you didn't know, the Bulgarian O-lifting coaches are thought of by those "in the know" as some of - if not *the* - best weightlifting coaches in the world.**
There is a guy here in the States who is training Olympic lifters by pretty much the same methods, and is having some INSANE results. (Head to my facebook page to see a video of a 19-year old moving some CRAZY weights around.)
Well, being the S&C geek I am, of course I've been trying to read up on just what these guys are doing and just how they're getting their athletes so damn strong.
And as it turns out...they use a method that's damn near identical to one I've used to get guys stronger almost since I was a teenager! (Something I actually learned from my dad.)
I gotta say, it was crazy to see these best-in-the-world Olympic coaches doing many of the same things I've done to put crazy weights on my own lifts in my life.
Now, they take this method and apply it in a completely different way than I do, and apply it to a lot more lifts. So it's not like we're doing the same thing. But the basic root principles are the same.
For one thing, these guys are just worried about increasing their 1RM in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk - all their training is based around that. My programs are much more "all around" programs to include not just strength & power, but conditioning,
cardio, endurance, and more.
In fact, a perfect example is "Program #4" in "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
Here, I actually use this principle I've been telling you about to get you stronger, while getting faster, and doing your conditioning. It's a pretty darn good workout.
Wanna find out more? =>CLICK HERE NOW
Oh - and you know that "Program #4" is an 8-week program, right? Everything is laid out for you - exercises, sets, reps...the whole thing. All you gotta do is show up and add effort.
Oh, and something else cool - "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" has SIX different 8-week programs like this. Cool stuff.
Why don't you have a look?
=>Find out more about "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Nobody Else is Doing This...
At least...I don't *think* anybody else is doing this....
One of the most important parts of any good workout program is density. Density, to make it simple, is how much work you get done in a certain period of time.
Now, when it comes to developing work capacity (i.e. - the ability to just outwork somebody else), density is pretty much the #1 thing you gotta get good at. B/c the more work you can do, the harder you can work.
The harder you can work, the bigger gas tank you have. And the bigger gas tank you have, the better chance you have of not getting tired, and outworking either any
opponent you might face, or simply just be able to pound through any physical task you might have to perform.
(As an aside, increasing density is a KEY component of the conditioning in the "Championship Edition MMA Workout".)
There are two main ways that density can be improved:
-do more work in the same amount of time
-do the same amount of work in less time
Either way, your work:time ratio has improved. But to do this, you gotta do it the right way.
Here's the kicker - I came up with a system of increasing density from different angles. See most folks just use one plan of attack. I utilize two different methods of increasing density at the same time. Doing this allows you to:
-increase density quicker
-not burn yourself out physically
-not overload the CNS (and thus not lead to overtraining)
And from what I've seen, nobody else really prescribes the systematized, double-pronged approach for increasing density that I do...at least not in the fashion that I do.
Wanna find out more?
=>Read up on it in the "Championship Edition MMA Workout"
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
One of the most important parts of any good workout program is density. Density, to make it simple, is how much work you get done in a certain period of time.
Now, when it comes to developing work capacity (i.e. - the ability to just outwork somebody else), density is pretty much the #1 thing you gotta get good at. B/c the more work you can do, the harder you can work.
The harder you can work, the bigger gas tank you have. And the bigger gas tank you have, the better chance you have of not getting tired, and outworking either any
opponent you might face, or simply just be able to pound through any physical task you might have to perform.
(As an aside, increasing density is a KEY component of the conditioning in the "Championship Edition MMA Workout".)
There are two main ways that density can be improved:
-do more work in the same amount of time
-do the same amount of work in less time
Either way, your work:time ratio has improved. But to do this, you gotta do it the right way.
Here's the kicker - I came up with a system of increasing density from different angles. See most folks just use one plan of attack. I utilize two different methods of increasing density at the same time. Doing this allows you to:
-increase density quicker
-not burn yourself out physically
-not overload the CNS (and thus not lead to overtraining)
And from what I've seen, nobody else really prescribes the systematized, double-pronged approach for increasing density that I do...at least not in the fashion that I do.
Wanna find out more?
=>Read up on it in the "Championship Edition MMA Workout"
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
What Are You Doing?
The last couple days I've been telling you about how one of the particular programs in "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" can help you get super strong as well
as improve your 40-yard dash time.
There is a very simple lesson to be learned here.
Notice I mentioned two very specific things - strength and sprinting speed. I didn't talk conditioning. Or endurance. Or vertical jump. Or max chinups. Or anything else.
That's b/c if you truly wanna get better at something, then you need to focus on it. Make it your top priority. Or in other words, if you wanna get better at one particular thing, don't try to do some of everything.
Now, that doesn't mean that some workouts won't have carryover into other areas. If you've been reading my newsletter for any length of time, you've seen me talk about how awesome circuit training is for cardio as well as helping you gain strength, which is true.
However, if your main goal was to get stronger, then wouldn't you be best served going on a program that was designed to increase strength?
Or if you wanted to add some muscle mass and get bigger, then shouldn't your workout focus on that?
Yeah - it should.
That's where something like "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" comes in. It has SIX different 8-week workout programs - all with a different focus in mind:
-strength & power (you can never be too strong)
-explosiveness & power-endurance (not only be ableto move faster, but move faster longer)
-sandbags (get that "odd object" strength you can't build in the gym)
-muscle mass (who couldn't use a little extra quality size?)
-bodyweight exercise (now you can train anywhere!)
-"dominate your bodyweight" (take anything that weighs what you do and treat it like a ragdoll)
The awesome thing about all these workouts (besides that the whole package costs less than 30% of what it really should) is that while each program has it's own specific focus, there's *just enough* work in all other areas to maintain...that way you're not losing all your hard-earned gains in one area while you focus on a new one.
Pretty cool, huh?
=>Take advantage of "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" and make yourself better now!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
as improve your 40-yard dash time.
There is a very simple lesson to be learned here.
Notice I mentioned two very specific things - strength and sprinting speed. I didn't talk conditioning. Or endurance. Or vertical jump. Or max chinups. Or anything else.
That's b/c if you truly wanna get better at something, then you need to focus on it. Make it your top priority. Or in other words, if you wanna get better at one particular thing, don't try to do some of everything.
Now, that doesn't mean that some workouts won't have carryover into other areas. If you've been reading my newsletter for any length of time, you've seen me talk about how awesome circuit training is for cardio as well as helping you gain strength, which is true.
However, if your main goal was to get stronger, then wouldn't you be best served going on a program that was designed to increase strength?
Or if you wanted to add some muscle mass and get bigger, then shouldn't your workout focus on that?
Yeah - it should.
That's where something like "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" comes in. It has SIX different 8-week workout programs - all with a different focus in mind:
-strength & power (you can never be too strong)
-explosiveness & power-endurance (not only be ableto move faster, but move faster longer)
-sandbags (get that "odd object" strength you can't build in the gym)
-muscle mass (who couldn't use a little extra quality size?)
-bodyweight exercise (now you can train anywhere!)
-"dominate your bodyweight" (take anything that weighs what you do and treat it like a ragdoll)
The awesome thing about all these workouts (besides that the whole package costs less than 30% of what it really should) is that while each program has it's own specific focus, there's *just enough* work in all other areas to maintain...that way you're not losing all your hard-earned gains in one area while you focus on a new one.
Pretty cool, huh?
=>Take advantage of "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" and make yourself better now!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Atkins, South Beach, or....?
It should be pretty much common sense how important proper nutrition is. I don't care if you're an athlete or just a "regular joe", you've gotta get your diet right.
Doesn't matter how awesome your workout is, if your diet is all jacked up, then you ain't gettin' anywhere. Can't outwork an ultra stinko diet.
But just like working out, there are about a zillion ways to design a nutrition program.
I mean, take a look at all the different types of workouts out there, and how they all promise amazing results. You know that some of them just outright suck. But unless you wanna spend a bunch of years trying them all out for yourself, you go to somebody that you trust and know knows what they're doing to wade through all the crap for you.
Getting advice like this can literally shoot you to the "front of the line" (so-to-speak) as it pertains to getting results. No wasted time or effort. Just hit the gym w/a program you know works.
Well, wouldn't it be just as helpful - and time-saving - if you could hit the grocery store the same way? Know exactly what kind of nutrition program you should go on
for maximum results?
And what about all the different diets out there? Which ones are really any good...and why?
I wish I could tell you, but truth is, I'm no diet expert. But, good thing for me *and* you that my buddy Tom Venuto is.
See, Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", which is (according to clickbank.com) the #1 best-selling diet ebook on the internet...
Tom is a fat-loss coach, "natural" bodybuilder, nutritionist, has been on ESPN radio, has published some 400+ articles, and a whole slew of other stuff. In other words, when it comes to diet and nutrition, Tom is "the man".
I've got his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" book, and lemme tell you - it's pure gold. The one section where he takes every popular diet and nutrition trend (from
Atkins to South Beach to high-carbs and everything else in-between) alone is worth the price of the book.
I'm telling you, you'd be nuts to not get this thing.
=>Get "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" - #1 best-selling diet ebook in history
If you're not *super-impressed* w/this thing, then...well...I think you're crazy. But even so, it's still cool, b/c Tom has some of the best customer service of anybody in the industry.
Check it out...and tell him Wiggy sent ya. ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Have you seen my new book on puttin' on building bigger arms? It's cheap! (Like less than $10 cheap!)
Doesn't matter how awesome your workout is, if your diet is all jacked up, then you ain't gettin' anywhere. Can't outwork an ultra stinko diet.
But just like working out, there are about a zillion ways to design a nutrition program.
I mean, take a look at all the different types of workouts out there, and how they all promise amazing results. You know that some of them just outright suck. But unless you wanna spend a bunch of years trying them all out for yourself, you go to somebody that you trust and know knows what they're doing to wade through all the crap for you.
Getting advice like this can literally shoot you to the "front of the line" (so-to-speak) as it pertains to getting results. No wasted time or effort. Just hit the gym w/a program you know works.
Well, wouldn't it be just as helpful - and time-saving - if you could hit the grocery store the same way? Know exactly what kind of nutrition program you should go on
for maximum results?
And what about all the different diets out there? Which ones are really any good...and why?
I wish I could tell you, but truth is, I'm no diet expert. But, good thing for me *and* you that my buddy Tom Venuto is.
See, Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", which is (according to clickbank.com) the #1 best-selling diet ebook on the internet...
Tom is a fat-loss coach, "natural" bodybuilder, nutritionist, has been on ESPN radio, has published some 400+ articles, and a whole slew of other stuff. In other words, when it comes to diet and nutrition, Tom is "the man".
I've got his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" book, and lemme tell you - it's pure gold. The one section where he takes every popular diet and nutrition trend (from
Atkins to South Beach to high-carbs and everything else in-between) alone is worth the price of the book.
I'm telling you, you'd be nuts to not get this thing.
=>Get "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" - #1 best-selling diet ebook in history
If you're not *super-impressed* w/this thing, then...well...I think you're crazy. But even so, it's still cool, b/c Tom has some of the best customer service of anybody in the industry.
Check it out...and tell him Wiggy sent ya. ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Have you seen my new book on puttin' on building bigger arms? It's cheap! (Like less than $10 cheap!)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
No Surgery for Me, Thanks
The other day, I told you about "Relax Into Stretch", a really bitchin' book on flexibility by Pavel Tsatsouline.
Yeah, it's one of his older books, but it's honestly probably his best on the subject.
Well, I goofed.
While I was on the subject of flexibility, I really shoulda talked about the shoulder.
See, the shoulder - along with the hips - are the most complex joints in the human body. And it's because of all the different ROM (Range of Motion) it can go through.
Put simply, it can not only move forward and back, and side to side, but in circles, too. And b/c of all this ROM, the shoulder is not only capable of doing a lot, but also more susceptible to injury.
The shoulders also get used A LOT more in general, everyday use. I mean, just think of your exercising - name me an upper body exercise that the shoulders aren't used, if just a stabilization role:
-horizontal pushing movements (benches, dips, pushups)
-horizontal pulling movements (rows)
-vertical pulling movements (chins, pullups, machine pulldowns)
-vertical pushing movements (OH presses, push presses)
-assistance movements (laterals, shrugs)
-arm movements (stabilize different kinds of curls, triceps exercises)
How about even some full body stuff like cleans? Snatches? High Pulls? Deadlifts?
The shoulders are used in all that stuff.
That means you gotta keep them healthy. And to do that, you'd be downright STUPID to not pick up The Rotater.
Yeah, the thing looks like some sorta...well...nevermind. (Get yer mind outta the gutter...lol.) But I'm here to tell you, the damn thing works.
I'll admit, I was kinda skeptical when I first got mine, but I figured "WTF - I'll try it out". Besides, I've had some nagging shoulder issues that could use fixing. And it's the kinda stuff that could turn into problems on down the road if I didn't get right.
(And mind you, I already do a lot of shoulder prehab stuff - band pull aparts, banded cuban presses, and more.)
I got the Rotater in the mail (which only took a couple days, btw - their customer service rocks), and didn't even watch the DVD on how to use it. I just looked at the directions on how to use it, and started "playing" with it.
No joke when I tell you that in the first no more than 3 days - after MAYBE a grand total of 10 mins of messing with this thing - I increased my internal *and* external rotation by at least 3 inches. My shoulders have never felt better.
I'm telling you - you owe it to yourself to get one of these things.
=>Get a Rotater and your shoulders will LOVE YOU for it
And be sure to tell 'em Wiggy sent ya. ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Oh - and if you didn't check out "Relax Into Stretch", then you oughtta check that out, too. The Rotater and "Relax Into Stretch" make a pretty kickass combination, IMO.
=>Check out "Relax Into Stretch"
PS #2 - Interested in putting some Arm Size on?
Yeah, it's one of his older books, but it's honestly probably his best on the subject.
Well, I goofed.
While I was on the subject of flexibility, I really shoulda talked about the shoulder.
See, the shoulder - along with the hips - are the most complex joints in the human body. And it's because of all the different ROM (Range of Motion) it can go through.
Put simply, it can not only move forward and back, and side to side, but in circles, too. And b/c of all this ROM, the shoulder is not only capable of doing a lot, but also more susceptible to injury.
The shoulders also get used A LOT more in general, everyday use. I mean, just think of your exercising - name me an upper body exercise that the shoulders aren't used, if just a stabilization role:
-horizontal pushing movements (benches, dips, pushups)
-horizontal pulling movements (rows)
-vertical pulling movements (chins, pullups, machine pulldowns)
-vertical pushing movements (OH presses, push presses)
-assistance movements (laterals, shrugs)
-arm movements (stabilize different kinds of curls, triceps exercises)
How about even some full body stuff like cleans? Snatches? High Pulls? Deadlifts?
The shoulders are used in all that stuff.
That means you gotta keep them healthy. And to do that, you'd be downright STUPID to not pick up The Rotater.
Yeah, the thing looks like some sorta...well...nevermind. (Get yer mind outta the gutter...lol.) But I'm here to tell you, the damn thing works.
I'll admit, I was kinda skeptical when I first got mine, but I figured "WTF - I'll try it out". Besides, I've had some nagging shoulder issues that could use fixing. And it's the kinda stuff that could turn into problems on down the road if I didn't get right.
(And mind you, I already do a lot of shoulder prehab stuff - band pull aparts, banded cuban presses, and more.)
I got the Rotater in the mail (which only took a couple days, btw - their customer service rocks), and didn't even watch the DVD on how to use it. I just looked at the directions on how to use it, and started "playing" with it.
No joke when I tell you that in the first no more than 3 days - after MAYBE a grand total of 10 mins of messing with this thing - I increased my internal *and* external rotation by at least 3 inches. My shoulders have never felt better.
I'm telling you - you owe it to yourself to get one of these things.
=>Get a Rotater and your shoulders will LOVE YOU for it
And be sure to tell 'em Wiggy sent ya. ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Oh - and if you didn't check out "Relax Into Stretch", then you oughtta check that out, too. The Rotater and "Relax Into Stretch" make a pretty kickass combination, IMO.
=>Check out "Relax Into Stretch"
PS #2 - Interested in putting some Arm Size on?
Why Circuit Training Rocks
Wanted to pass on some more cool info on circuit training, and some more of the cool benefits you can get from doing it.
One of the coolest things about circuit training - esp for us peeps that don't have all day to work out - is that it's so damn efficient. You're literally killing two
birds w/one stone.
To have a truly effective workout, you gotta do strength training, b/c it:
-builds muscle
-strengthens muscles
-improves bone density
-prevents any kind of joint trouble
-makes you a better athlete
-is the basis for so many other physical qualities (i.e. - you gotta get strong to be powerful, to be fast, etc)
But you also gotta do cardio workouts, b/c they:
-strengthens your heart and lungs
-improves blood-flow and circulation (which not only keeps you healthier, but is crucial to recovery)
-makes you healthier overall (meaning a longer life)
-helps you lose bodyfat
-puts more "gas" in your "tank" for all your athletic and physical activities
I could keep going, but you get the point.
Well, wouldn't it be awesome if you could do both strength work *and* cardio at the same time? You'd get all the benefits of both, in half the workout time?
And what if I told you that you could not only get all the benefits of both strength work and cardio at the same time, but you could do the workouts anywhere you wanted...even in front of your living room TV?
=>Find out more at WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
One of the coolest things about circuit training - esp for us peeps that don't have all day to work out - is that it's so damn efficient. You're literally killing two
birds w/one stone.
To have a truly effective workout, you gotta do strength training, b/c it:
-builds muscle
-strengthens muscles
-improves bone density
-prevents any kind of joint trouble
-makes you a better athlete
-is the basis for so many other physical qualities (i.e. - you gotta get strong to be powerful, to be fast, etc)
But you also gotta do cardio workouts, b/c they:
-strengthens your heart and lungs
-improves blood-flow and circulation (which not only keeps you healthier, but is crucial to recovery)
-makes you healthier overall (meaning a longer life)
-helps you lose bodyfat
-puts more "gas" in your "tank" for all your athletic and physical activities
I could keep going, but you get the point.
Well, wouldn't it be awesome if you could do both strength work *and* cardio at the same time? You'd get all the benefits of both, in half the workout time?
And what if I told you that you could not only get all the benefits of both strength work and cardio at the same time, but you could do the workouts anywhere you wanted...even in front of your living room TV?
=>Find out more at WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
'designed for a former UFC champ'
Damn, I love the strength training business. Esp on the internet.
B/c of both, I've been able to meet people there is NO WAY I'd have ever been able to meet otherwise, and I've made some awesome friends along the way.
Take an email I got Friday morning from my buddy Gabriel. I've told y'all about him before - he's down in Puerto Rico, and is actually a national champion kickboxing champion.
Well, Gabriel is a *monster* fan of my "Championship Edition MMA Workout".
He's been using this workout for months now, and emails me at least every couple weeks to let me know how he's doing. (And as a side-note, I think Gabriel is *officially* addicted to the "MFD" training prescribed in the workout...he loves it!)
Here's part of what he emailed me:
"...I just wanted to let you know that I am always reading your books...I have got a copy of the 'Championship Edition MMA Workout' in my car and have read it many times...I have trained in martial arts since I was 5 years old...in boxing since I was 14...jiu jitsu and lifting weights at 15...have worked in gyms all this
time, and I have never known really how to train until I started reading your stuff..."
Gabriel is a true testament to the old adage that "if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime".
And I'm glad to say that Gabriel isn't the only one. A whole lot of people have used the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" to get into kickass condition...
...even if they *weren't* training in MMA, martial arts, boxing, or whatever. (So don't think you "regular joes" can't still get into awesome shape on it!)
Oh - and you know that I originally designed it for a former UFC champ for one of his megafights, right?
=>See all the details on the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" here
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
B/c of both, I've been able to meet people there is NO WAY I'd have ever been able to meet otherwise, and I've made some awesome friends along the way.
Take an email I got Friday morning from my buddy Gabriel. I've told y'all about him before - he's down in Puerto Rico, and is actually a national champion kickboxing champion.
Well, Gabriel is a *monster* fan of my "Championship Edition MMA Workout".
He's been using this workout for months now, and emails me at least every couple weeks to let me know how he's doing. (And as a side-note, I think Gabriel is *officially* addicted to the "MFD" training prescribed in the workout...he loves it!)
Here's part of what he emailed me:
"...I just wanted to let you know that I am always reading your books...I have got a copy of the 'Championship Edition MMA Workout' in my car and have read it many times...I have trained in martial arts since I was 5 years old...in boxing since I was 14...jiu jitsu and lifting weights at 15...have worked in gyms all this
time, and I have never known really how to train until I started reading your stuff..."
Gabriel is a true testament to the old adage that "if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime".
And I'm glad to say that Gabriel isn't the only one. A whole lot of people have used the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" to get into kickass condition...
...even if they *weren't* training in MMA, martial arts, boxing, or whatever. (So don't think you "regular joes" can't still get into awesome shape on it!)
Oh - and you know that I originally designed it for a former UFC champ for one of his megafights, right?
=>See all the details on the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" here
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Doin' More With Less
I've been telling y'all for a while now that circuit training is a great cardio workout, but I know some of y'all aren't convinced yet.
So let's look at why it is.
First of all, circuit training - as long as it's done correctly - which includes:
-the right kinds of exercises
-everything done in the right order
-the right amount of weight being used (for the sets/reps)
-the right kinds of "active rest" (stuff that keeps you working while you're "resting)
-and more...
This kind of training is tons better than normal "cardio".
It's better than longer, slower, "distance" cardio, b/c it's so much more intense. You're going to burn many more calories during a workout that's the same length (i.e. - you'll burn more calories during a 30 min circuit training workout than you will a 30 mins cardio workout).
And b/c the workout *is* more intense, your metabolism is gonna stay "jacked up" and you'll continue to burn calories long after the workout is over, too...something long, boring cardio doesn't do.
Circuit training also has a ton of other awesome benefits "cardio" doesn't:
-it won't burn out the nervous system like hardcore interval training will
-no repetitive or overuse injuries, shock, or trauma to the joints like distance cardio can cause
-just as effective on the upper body as it is the lower body (how many cardio workouts work the upper body?)
-builds muscle (which takes more calories to maintain...you're burning calories and losing weight even when you're not doing anything!)
Should I keep going? B/c I can...for a long time. But you should have gotten the hint by now. Circuit training is "where its at".
So now all you need is a good circuit training workout, right?
Well why don't you check out WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com and take a look at what's over there?
You'll find circuit training workouts that are just "plug & play"...everything is thought out and designed for you. All you have to do is do the workouts.
Not to mention that you can do the workouts pretty much anywhere you want...from the gym to your school to the park to your living room.
So quit wasting your time and start taking advantage of what circuit training can do for you right now!
=>Go to WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com to learn more!!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
So let's look at why it is.
First of all, circuit training - as long as it's done correctly - which includes:
-the right kinds of exercises
-everything done in the right order
-the right amount of weight being used (for the sets/reps)
-the right kinds of "active rest" (stuff that keeps you working while you're "resting)
-and more...
This kind of training is tons better than normal "cardio".
It's better than longer, slower, "distance" cardio, b/c it's so much more intense. You're going to burn many more calories during a workout that's the same length (i.e. - you'll burn more calories during a 30 min circuit training workout than you will a 30 mins cardio workout).
And b/c the workout *is* more intense, your metabolism is gonna stay "jacked up" and you'll continue to burn calories long after the workout is over, too...something long, boring cardio doesn't do.
Circuit training also has a ton of other awesome benefits "cardio" doesn't:
-it won't burn out the nervous system like hardcore interval training will
-no repetitive or overuse injuries, shock, or trauma to the joints like distance cardio can cause
-just as effective on the upper body as it is the lower body (how many cardio workouts work the upper body?)
-builds muscle (which takes more calories to maintain...you're burning calories and losing weight even when you're not doing anything!)
Should I keep going? B/c I can...for a long time. But you should have gotten the hint by now. Circuit training is "where its at".
So now all you need is a good circuit training workout, right?
Well why don't you check out WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com and take a look at what's over there?
You'll find circuit training workouts that are just "plug & play"...everything is thought out and designed for you. All you have to do is do the workouts.
Not to mention that you can do the workouts pretty much anywhere you want...from the gym to your school to the park to your living room.
So quit wasting your time and start taking advantage of what circuit training can do for you right now!
=>Go to WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com to learn more!!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
New Article At MMA Weekly.com
Just wanted to let y'all know that I've got a new article up at MMA Weekly.com, all about how your skills training can give your cardio a boost...
...even if you're not trying.
Have a look:
=>"Improve Skills, Improve Cardio"
After you look at that, be sure to put yourself in an even better position, by improving your cardio itself, too. That way, when you improve your skills, you're a complete beast.
=>get better cardio
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
...even if you're not trying.
Have a look:
=>"Improve Skills, Improve Cardio"
After you look at that, be sure to put yourself in an even better position, by improving your cardio itself, too. That way, when you improve your skills, you're a complete beast.
=>get better cardio
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, April 16, 2010
I'm Gonna GTFO!
See, I don't wanna brag, but in a few hours, I'm gonna hit the road, and go on a short weekend trip to the beach. And I can't wait to go! Takin' the kids for a few days out, and we're gonna have a blast.
Quick story I know y'all will be able to appreciate:
I'm gonna get getting the truck packed up so that we can hit the road today as soon as the kids home from school (I don't like to mess around - lol!). So last night, I was makin' sure we had everything all packed up and ready to go, and I was putting everything I needed to pack on the kitchen table.
The kids were brining out their bags and stuff, and here I came walkin' out carrying a couple adjustable dumbbells.
You shoulda seen the "WTF" look my boy was giving me.
"Are you taking *those*?" he asks me.
"Well DUH", I intelligently respond. hehe. He shoulda known better. I mean c'mon - go a few days w/o training? pfffttt.
Besides why wouldn't I? It's not like they're that tough to carry or pack.
And here's the BRILLIANT part of the whole thing...I've told y'all that as of late, I've gone back to doing my "Working Class Cardio Workout". (After all, what kinda guy would I be if I asked y'all to do workouts I don't or wouldn't do
And as bitchin' as the program is - you know, being able to:
-get stronger and more powerful
-improve your cardio (w/o having to run a single step!)
-lose bodyfat
-build the work capacity of a pack horse
-increase your vitality
-have a strong body, heart, and lungs
-plus a crap-ton more
One of the best things about the workout is the fact that the only equipment you need to do *any* of the workouts in the entire program are a couple DBs and a med ball.
That means you can do these cardio workouts ANYWHERE you want...
-at the gym
-in your garage
-at the local park
-the local high school or college weight room
-in your living room in front of the TV
Or...in a pinch...even on vacation at the beach. (Just like I'm gonna do this weekend.)
After all, I'm only gonna be gone a few days, but say I was gonna be gone a week or two. Would pretty well suck to have to put myself on the shelf after having worked my ass off for a lotta weeks now, right?
Well, you can do the same thing, and have all the same benefits.
=>Get the all the info at WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
See, I don't wanna brag, but in a few hours, I'm gonna hit the road, and go on a short weekend trip to the beach. And I can't wait to go! Takin' the kids for a few days out, and we're gonna have a blast.
Quick story I know y'all will be able to appreciate:
I'm gonna get getting the truck packed up so that we can hit the road today as soon as the kids home from school (I don't like to mess around - lol!). So last night, I was makin' sure we had everything all packed up and ready to go, and I was putting everything I needed to pack on the kitchen table.
The kids were brining out their bags and stuff, and here I came walkin' out carrying a couple adjustable dumbbells.
You shoulda seen the "WTF" look my boy was giving me.
"Are you taking *those*?" he asks me.
"Well DUH", I intelligently respond. hehe. He shoulda known better. I mean c'mon - go a few days w/o training? pfffttt.
Besides why wouldn't I? It's not like they're that tough to carry or pack.
And here's the BRILLIANT part of the whole thing...I've told y'all that as of late, I've gone back to doing my "Working Class Cardio Workout". (After all, what kinda guy would I be if I asked y'all to do workouts I don't or wouldn't do
And as bitchin' as the program is - you know, being able to:
-get stronger and more powerful
-improve your cardio (w/o having to run a single step!)
-lose bodyfat
-build the work capacity of a pack horse
-increase your vitality
-have a strong body, heart, and lungs
-plus a crap-ton more
One of the best things about the workout is the fact that the only equipment you need to do *any* of the workouts in the entire program are a couple DBs and a med ball.
That means you can do these cardio workouts ANYWHERE you want...
-at the gym
-in your garage
-at the local park
-the local high school or college weight room
-in your living room in front of the TV
Or...in a pinch...even on vacation at the beach. (Just like I'm gonna do this weekend.)
After all, I'm only gonna be gone a few days, but say I was gonna be gone a week or two. Would pretty well suck to have to put myself on the shelf after having worked my ass off for a lotta weeks now, right?
Well, you can do the same thing, and have all the same benefits.
=>Get the all the info at WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Is Your Workout Missing This?
Your workout might very well be missing what could be one of the most important things you should be doing...
The awesome results and testimonials continue to flow in like crazy about the "Working Class Cardio Workout". Stories like Aaron (who lost 30+ lbs) and Eric (who has lost 43 lbs and is still losing) continue to hit my in-box every single day, and what y'all are accomplishing w/this workout is truly amazing.
It's a testament to the hard work y'all put in.
(Oh - BTW - if you're ready to put in the hard work, and want similar results - then CLICK HERE for more info.)
However, there is one thing you could be doing to make your results even better...one thing that everybody should be doing, and truth be told, I even neglected for way too
And that's a good flexibility program.
Now, I've not been afraid to admit before when I wasn't an expert at something, and though I'm knowledgeable to a point when it comes to flexibility, I'd rather rely on somebody that really knows their stuff.
Besides - there is so much conflicting info out there:
-what is better - static stretching or dynamic?
-should you stretch "warm" or "cold"?
-what about "assisted" or "loaded" stretching?
-is it true that contracting an antagonistic muscle will help flexibility (i.e. - can you improve your hamstring stretches by flexing your quads?)
-just what kind of exercises should I do?
Then there are all kinds of different programs:
-basic stretching
-yoga (and there's a zillion different ways of doing that)
-pilates (don't you need some sorta contraption for that?)
-dynamic warmups
And there's more.
Tell you what - I'm gonna simplify it all for you. Instead of worrying about all that crap, just check out "Relax Into Stretch" by Pavel Tsatsouline instead.
Yeah - Pavel is the kettlebell guy. But before he was telling everybody about KBs, he was developing stretching programs. In fact, it was some of his flexibility workshops that, as I understand it, got him hooked up w/the folks over at DragonDoor
(the company that publishes all Pavel's stuff) in the first place.
"Relax Into Stretch" is one of Pavel's older books, but IMO, one of his best. I highly recommend it.
=>Get your copy of "Relax Into Stretch" now
I know Pavel somewhat, and have corresponded with him more than a few times. I don't mind telling you, the man really knows his stuff. All the "schtick" can get kinda tiresome, I'll admit, but if you can wade through it, his training info is top-
=>So go check out "Relax Into Stretch" and improve your flexibility
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
The awesome results and testimonials continue to flow in like crazy about the "Working Class Cardio Workout". Stories like Aaron (who lost 30+ lbs) and Eric (who has lost 43 lbs and is still losing) continue to hit my in-box every single day, and what y'all are accomplishing w/this workout is truly amazing.
It's a testament to the hard work y'all put in.
(Oh - BTW - if you're ready to put in the hard work, and want similar results - then CLICK HERE for more info.)
However, there is one thing you could be doing to make your results even better...one thing that everybody should be doing, and truth be told, I even neglected for way too
And that's a good flexibility program.
Now, I've not been afraid to admit before when I wasn't an expert at something, and though I'm knowledgeable to a point when it comes to flexibility, I'd rather rely on somebody that really knows their stuff.
Besides - there is so much conflicting info out there:
-what is better - static stretching or dynamic?
-should you stretch "warm" or "cold"?
-what about "assisted" or "loaded" stretching?
-is it true that contracting an antagonistic muscle will help flexibility (i.e. - can you improve your hamstring stretches by flexing your quads?)
-just what kind of exercises should I do?
Then there are all kinds of different programs:
-basic stretching
-yoga (and there's a zillion different ways of doing that)
-pilates (don't you need some sorta contraption for that?)
-dynamic warmups
And there's more.
Tell you what - I'm gonna simplify it all for you. Instead of worrying about all that crap, just check out "Relax Into Stretch" by Pavel Tsatsouline instead.
Yeah - Pavel is the kettlebell guy. But before he was telling everybody about KBs, he was developing stretching programs. In fact, it was some of his flexibility workshops that, as I understand it, got him hooked up w/the folks over at DragonDoor
(the company that publishes all Pavel's stuff) in the first place.
"Relax Into Stretch" is one of Pavel's older books, but IMO, one of his best. I highly recommend it.
=>Get your copy of "Relax Into Stretch" now
I know Pavel somewhat, and have corresponded with him more than a few times. I don't mind telling you, the man really knows his stuff. All the "schtick" can get kinda tiresome, I'll admit, but if you can wade through it, his training info is top-
=>So go check out "Relax Into Stretch" and improve your flexibility
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
How to Build Bigger Biceps & Triceps
If you wanna learn how to build bigger biceps and triceps - aka build bigger "gunz" (lol) - and you still wanna keep yourself strong, powerful, in shape, and conditioned while you do it...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Monday, April 12, 2010
Great Way To Start the Week
Man, what an awesome way to start off the week! Just got in a badass cardio workout. And the cool thing is that I never left my back yard.
See, I'm still doing my own "Working Class Cardio Workout". (Yeah, I actually *do* my own workouts and stuff I tell others t do...unlike a bunch of the other internet "gurus".)
You and I both know...cardio sucks. I mean, who has time - or wants - to go for a long, mind-numbing run? Not me. And not you.
But if you're not gonna do that, how do you improve your cardio, burn fat, have a healthier heart and lungs, and all the other awesome benefits of "cardio"?
Simple - just do a bunch of hard-ass work, and don't goof around. In other words, hardly rest while you do it.
This morning, after a bunch of calisthenics for a GPP warmup, it was a simple burpee workout - 150 of 'em. Then an easy cool down. No single rest break was more than 40 secs...most only 20-25 secs. Whole workout lasted just at 35 mins.
And I'm freakin' wrecked. All from the comfort of my own back yard. And even though I didn't do any traditional "cardio", you think I didn't just get an awesome cardio workout? Ninja please....
Wanna learn how to do the same thing?
=>Hit up WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com
(Get it now, and you'll get a lifetime membership to my new "poser-fr.ee" newsletter list - which you normally have to pay for - gratis.)
Check it out => do cardio anywhere...w/o doing "cardio"
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
See, I'm still doing my own "Working Class Cardio Workout". (Yeah, I actually *do* my own workouts and stuff I tell others t do...unlike a bunch of the other internet "gurus".)
You and I both know...cardio sucks. I mean, who has time - or wants - to go for a long, mind-numbing run? Not me. And not you.
But if you're not gonna do that, how do you improve your cardio, burn fat, have a healthier heart and lungs, and all the other awesome benefits of "cardio"?
Simple - just do a bunch of hard-ass work, and don't goof around. In other words, hardly rest while you do it.
This morning, after a bunch of calisthenics for a GPP warmup, it was a simple burpee workout - 150 of 'em. Then an easy cool down. No single rest break was more than 40 secs...most only 20-25 secs. Whole workout lasted just at 35 mins.
And I'm freakin' wrecked. All from the comfort of my own back yard. And even though I didn't do any traditional "cardio", you think I didn't just get an awesome cardio workout? Ninja please....
Wanna learn how to do the same thing?
=>Hit up WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com
(Get it now, and you'll get a lifetime membership to my new "poser-fr.ee" newsletter list - which you normally have to pay for - gratis.)
Check it out => do cardio anywhere...w/o doing "cardio"
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Got This on Facebook Last Night
I love hearing back from people when they've been able to do the programs I put together, and have some awesome success!
It just goes to prove that when you put together hard work, determination, effort, and work ethic, and cross it with a thought-out, well-designed program, that great things can happen.
Take what I got on Facebook last night from Robert Junkins - a long-time user of "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"....
"1 1/2 years ago, I used your S&C program. 1 1/2 years later, I'm an amateur national champion.
When I first started your program, I was a soft 170 lbs. I started doing the 3rd and 4th programs...the sandbags really helped me gain mass and explosion...I went from
being 0-1 to over-powering and over-whelming my opponents to a record of 6-1 in MMA and 2-0 in Muay Thai. I have to say, my strikes and grappling are more explosive than ever, and getting ready to turn pro, I'm still doing your programs religiously..."
Robert Junkins
LW Champion - Courage Fighting Championship
Just how awesome is that!?!
I traded a few emails w/Robert, and we're putting together a plan of attack for his next fight - and it's mainly going to be using principles from the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" to prepare him.
Speaking of the "Champ Edition"...there is some more news...
Bruno Carvalho - top ten European MW MMA fighter (as ranked by groundandpound.de) has just started the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" in preparation for his next fight, coming up in May. I'll be helping Bruno tailor the program specific to his needs, and I can't wait to see how he does!
(Oh, if you wanna see Bruno kick some ass, check out his AWESOME 1st round KO at WVC 10 - the vid is on my Facebook page!)
Now, if these workouts are helping these fighters get into awesome shape, win fights, and become champions...don't you think they could help you get stronger, faster,
lose a little weight, and get into better shape, too?
Yup...sure could.
You can get both "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" *and* the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" in one kickass package for a kickass price!
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
It just goes to prove that when you put together hard work, determination, effort, and work ethic, and cross it with a thought-out, well-designed program, that great things can happen.
Take what I got on Facebook last night from Robert Junkins - a long-time user of "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"....
"1 1/2 years ago, I used your S&C program. 1 1/2 years later, I'm an amateur national champion.
When I first started your program, I was a soft 170 lbs. I started doing the 3rd and 4th programs...the sandbags really helped me gain mass and explosion...I went from
being 0-1 to over-powering and over-whelming my opponents to a record of 6-1 in MMA and 2-0 in Muay Thai. I have to say, my strikes and grappling are more explosive than ever, and getting ready to turn pro, I'm still doing your programs religiously..."
Robert Junkins
LW Champion - Courage Fighting Championship
Just how awesome is that!?!
I traded a few emails w/Robert, and we're putting together a plan of attack for his next fight - and it's mainly going to be using principles from the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" to prepare him.
Speaking of the "Champ Edition"...there is some more news...
Bruno Carvalho - top ten European MW MMA fighter (as ranked by groundandpound.de) has just started the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" in preparation for his next fight, coming up in May. I'll be helping Bruno tailor the program specific to his needs, and I can't wait to see how he does!
(Oh, if you wanna see Bruno kick some ass, check out his AWESOME 1st round KO at WVC 10 - the vid is on my Facebook page!)
Now, if these workouts are helping these fighters get into awesome shape, win fights, and become champions...don't you think they could help you get stronger, faster,
lose a little weight, and get into better shape, too?
Yup...sure could.
You can get both "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" *and* the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" in one kickass package for a kickass price!
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Saturday, April 10, 2010
So You 'Don't Have Time'?
Just posted a new blog over at the GI Nutrition site. This time, it was a rant about one of my biggest pet peeves - the excuses I'm always getting from people saying they "don't have time to work out".
Jeez, what a bunch of pure, unadulterated, complete crap.
Go check it out:
=>Rant at GI Nutrition Blog
When you're done, if you're done making excuses for your own workouts, then check
out my best, excuse-free workout...
=>"Working Class Cardio Workout" - no excuses allowed
Got something REALLY cool...and NEW...coming in just a couple days. Will let you know more very soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Jeez, what a bunch of pure, unadulterated, complete crap.
Go check it out:
=>Rant at GI Nutrition Blog
When you're done, if you're done making excuses for your own workouts, then check
out my best, excuse-free workout...
=>"Working Class Cardio Workout" - no excuses allowed
Got something REALLY cool...and NEW...coming in just a couple days. Will let you know more very soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, April 09, 2010
A Secret Behind One of My Best Workouts
Ok...I'm about to give you one of my "secrets"...so listen up.
By now, if you've been to my site, or read any of my recent newsletters, then you'll have heard of "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
You know - the six different 8-week programs that each focus on different elements of strength & conditioning, while letting you maintain everything else.
(And you need this focus on a specific set of goals, b/c to really make good - and quick - gains, you need to target areas w/your training...too general can mean too slow...)
Well, "Program #1" is arguably my most popular and well-liked program I've ever written. And I'll admit...it's a good one.
One of the things that makes it so damn effective is how I rotate set/rep schemes on the "primary exercises".
Listen up, b/c this is gonna be some top-notch info you're about to get for nothin' here...usually, the only way you'd ever get to know about this is to actually put up the $$$ for "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
Now, there are 3 days/week I use these 3 main, primary exercises, and there are 3 set/rep schemes I use (each of the set/rep schemes have a different focus).
To get complete and overall development over all the set/rep schemes, and the 3 exercises (which cover the whole body), I rotate each workout. So workout 1 will
have set/rep scheme 1 w/exercise 1, set/rep scheme 2 w/exercise 2, and set/rep scheme 3 w/exercise 3.
The next workout, it all rotates one notch, so set/rep scheme 1 is w/exercise 2, set/rep scheme 2 is w/exercise 3, and so on.
The last workout of the week, everything rotates one last time, so that set/rep scheme 1 is w/exercise 3, set/rep scheme 2 is w/exercise 1, etc.
Using that rotation, the whole body is covered equally, in terms of volume (number of times/week) and is hit w/each different set/rep scheme in the week.
But that's just for the primary exercises - there's also the secondary exercises (this is where large elements of endurance and conditioning come into play) as well as direct cardio & conditioning work itself.
Wanna learn how this stuff plays a part of "Program #1" - again, probably most most popular and well-liked program ever?
=>Then Go HERE and get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
And don't forget...that is just the first workout program...there are FIVE MORE (6 in total) that you get to do as well.
And all for less than the price of most DVDs. Wouldn't this be money much better spent?
=>Get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
Have an awesome weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
By now, if you've been to my site, or read any of my recent newsletters, then you'll have heard of "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
You know - the six different 8-week programs that each focus on different elements of strength & conditioning, while letting you maintain everything else.
(And you need this focus on a specific set of goals, b/c to really make good - and quick - gains, you need to target areas w/your training...too general can mean too slow...)
Well, "Program #1" is arguably my most popular and well-liked program I've ever written. And I'll admit...it's a good one.
One of the things that makes it so damn effective is how I rotate set/rep schemes on the "primary exercises".
Listen up, b/c this is gonna be some top-notch info you're about to get for nothin' here...usually, the only way you'd ever get to know about this is to actually put up the $$$ for "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
Now, there are 3 days/week I use these 3 main, primary exercises, and there are 3 set/rep schemes I use (each of the set/rep schemes have a different focus).
To get complete and overall development over all the set/rep schemes, and the 3 exercises (which cover the whole body), I rotate each workout. So workout 1 will
have set/rep scheme 1 w/exercise 1, set/rep scheme 2 w/exercise 2, and set/rep scheme 3 w/exercise 3.
The next workout, it all rotates one notch, so set/rep scheme 1 is w/exercise 2, set/rep scheme 2 is w/exercise 3, and so on.
The last workout of the week, everything rotates one last time, so that set/rep scheme 1 is w/exercise 3, set/rep scheme 2 is w/exercise 1, etc.
Using that rotation, the whole body is covered equally, in terms of volume (number of times/week) and is hit w/each different set/rep scheme in the week.
But that's just for the primary exercises - there's also the secondary exercises (this is where large elements of endurance and conditioning come into play) as well as direct cardio & conditioning work itself.
Wanna learn how this stuff plays a part of "Program #1" - again, probably most most popular and well-liked program ever?
=>Then Go HERE and get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
And don't forget...that is just the first workout program...there are FIVE MORE (6 in total) that you get to do as well.
And all for less than the price of most DVDs. Wouldn't this be money much better spent?
=>Get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
Have an awesome weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Losing 43 lbs *ain't* Easy
I know I'm gonna be kinda repeating myself here, but tough sh!t - this needs to be said, so I'm gonna say it again.
If you saw my latest blog over at GI Nutrition (the link is on my Facebook page), you know I went off on accountability. I'm sick of people that are lazy and making excuses all the time.
Too many people want "something for nothing" - they want all the awesome results, but they don't wanna put the work in.
Well, I think that sucks.
There isn't *anything* that's actually worth having that's easy. Fair or not, life just don't work that way.
Take this email I got not long ago:
"I wanted to throw you a note and tell you how much I like the Working Class Cardio Workout...The thing I like the most about this program is that its progressive and it seems to condition you for the next phase.
I'm 41 years old and when I started this program I weighed 304 lbs and wore a size 50 pant and it was getting worse...I have SO FAR lost 43 lbs!..I've had two knee surgeries; my knees haven't felt this good in a long time...For the first time in years I actually ran two miles in under a half an hour.
I can tell you this; because of MY PERSONAL COMMITMENT combined with the Working Class Cardio Workout I have become more cognizant of what I shove in my pie hole and a more confident mentally and physically! Thanks Wiggy!"
-Eric W.
First of all - MAJOR CONGRATS to Eric. Him and I have traded a few emails along his journey, and though he has a lot more work in front of him to get where he wants to go, he's been busting his ass and is doing an awesome job.
But I want you to take a look at what I put in put in all caps in his email - "MY PERSONAL COMMITMENT".
Now, granted, he's using a kickass program in the "Working Class Cardio Workout" (yeah, so I'm biased, sue me - lol), but he wouldn't be getting *anywhere* if
he wasn't putting in the work - no matter how good the workout was.
Eric told me one day via email that he just woke up one day, was tired of being overweight, and decided it was time to undergo a full body transformation, and has been completely dedicated to it ever since. And I know that it hasn't been easy.
But, like the old saying goes - if it was easy, it wouldn't be cool.
Do you have the same kinda commitment and work ethic Eric does? Think you have the "sack" to make a transformation in your own life?
If you do, then hook up that drive and motivation with a workout that will get you where you wanna go:
=>Get the "Working Class Cardio Workout" and make the changes you want
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
If you saw my latest blog over at GI Nutrition (the link is on my Facebook page), you know I went off on accountability. I'm sick of people that are lazy and making excuses all the time.
Too many people want "something for nothing" - they want all the awesome results, but they don't wanna put the work in.
Well, I think that sucks.
There isn't *anything* that's actually worth having that's easy. Fair or not, life just don't work that way.
Take this email I got not long ago:
"I wanted to throw you a note and tell you how much I like the Working Class Cardio Workout...The thing I like the most about this program is that its progressive and it seems to condition you for the next phase.
I'm 41 years old and when I started this program I weighed 304 lbs and wore a size 50 pant and it was getting worse...I have SO FAR lost 43 lbs!..I've had two knee surgeries; my knees haven't felt this good in a long time...For the first time in years I actually ran two miles in under a half an hour.
I can tell you this; because of MY PERSONAL COMMITMENT combined with the Working Class Cardio Workout I have become more cognizant of what I shove in my pie hole and a more confident mentally and physically! Thanks Wiggy!"
-Eric W.
First of all - MAJOR CONGRATS to Eric. Him and I have traded a few emails along his journey, and though he has a lot more work in front of him to get where he wants to go, he's been busting his ass and is doing an awesome job.
But I want you to take a look at what I put in put in all caps in his email - "MY PERSONAL COMMITMENT".
Now, granted, he's using a kickass program in the "Working Class Cardio Workout" (yeah, so I'm biased, sue me - lol), but he wouldn't be getting *anywhere* if
he wasn't putting in the work - no matter how good the workout was.
Eric told me one day via email that he just woke up one day, was tired of being overweight, and decided it was time to undergo a full body transformation, and has been completely dedicated to it ever since. And I know that it hasn't been easy.
But, like the old saying goes - if it was easy, it wouldn't be cool.
Do you have the same kinda commitment and work ethic Eric does? Think you have the "sack" to make a transformation in your own life?
If you do, then hook up that drive and motivation with a workout that will get you where you wanna go:
=>Get the "Working Class Cardio Workout" and make the changes you want
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Can You Do This?
Everybody likes to throw "challenges" out there...how much weight can you lift, how fast you can run, how many pushups you can do, etc.
Well, I've got another challenge - of sorts - for you.
Can you "dominate your bodyweight"?
Now lemme explain. When I say "dominate your bodyweight", I don't mean can you just do endless pushups, squats, situps, burpees, or the like.
At the same time, I don't mean can you do advanced calisthenic exercises like a gymnast might do (iron cross, planche pushups, or whatever). And I don't mean running wicked "Ninja Warrior" like obstacle courses, either.
What I mean, is can you take anything that weighs as much as you do, and friggin' move it?
In other words - can you move your own body? Can you do the pushups and squats and stuff? What about harder exercises like chins and one-armed pushups? Can you jump onto and over tall stuff?
What about a barbell that weighs the same you do? Yeah, you could probably deadlift or bench it. But could you row it? Press it overhead? Clean it? Curl it?
How about "odd" stuff...like a sandbag? You know - something that doesn't have handles or is evenly weighted. Could you take a sandbag that weighs as much as you do and move it?
(If you can't do all that, then don't waste any more time - go get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" and work your way to Program #6.)
See, I like this idea of "dominating bodyweight", as it covers a lot of ground - not just the calisthenics, but different weighted exercises as well. And many times, the way to get better at calisthenics is to just be a small guy. Well, in my version, bigger guys can have just as much of an advantage.
Now, let's say you can do all that stuff...then what?
Well, can you do it all...and do it a lot? You can press a barbell that weighs as much as you do. But can you press it 25-30x total? Can you shoulder that sandbag just as many times? Can you that many chins in a row?
See, when you can do all that, you're a mofo that's gonna be strong, powerful, conditioned, and have some pretty awesome work capacity. Add some protein to your diet, and you're gonna be pretty muscular, too.
So, if you can't do all this stuff, but want to, what do you do? Like I said before - Program #6 of my "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" trains you exactly to be able to do all this.
And then when you can, you add weight. Instead of just your bodyweight, do 1.25x your bodyweight. Then 1.5x. Then 2x. You get the idea...and by this time, you're gonna be a real monster that needs to watch out that you don't scare small
children or accidentally break doors when you open them. ;-)
Why are you still reading?
=>Go Get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" and dominate your bodyweight
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Well, I've got another challenge - of sorts - for you.
Can you "dominate your bodyweight"?
Now lemme explain. When I say "dominate your bodyweight", I don't mean can you just do endless pushups, squats, situps, burpees, or the like.
At the same time, I don't mean can you do advanced calisthenic exercises like a gymnast might do (iron cross, planche pushups, or whatever). And I don't mean running wicked "Ninja Warrior" like obstacle courses, either.
What I mean, is can you take anything that weighs as much as you do, and friggin' move it?
In other words - can you move your own body? Can you do the pushups and squats and stuff? What about harder exercises like chins and one-armed pushups? Can you jump onto and over tall stuff?
What about a barbell that weighs the same you do? Yeah, you could probably deadlift or bench it. But could you row it? Press it overhead? Clean it? Curl it?
How about "odd" stuff...like a sandbag? You know - something that doesn't have handles or is evenly weighted. Could you take a sandbag that weighs as much as you do and move it?
(If you can't do all that, then don't waste any more time - go get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" and work your way to Program #6.)
See, I like this idea of "dominating bodyweight", as it covers a lot of ground - not just the calisthenics, but different weighted exercises as well. And many times, the way to get better at calisthenics is to just be a small guy. Well, in my version, bigger guys can have just as much of an advantage.
Now, let's say you can do all that stuff...then what?
Well, can you do it all...and do it a lot? You can press a barbell that weighs as much as you do. But can you press it 25-30x total? Can you shoulder that sandbag just as many times? Can you that many chins in a row?
See, when you can do all that, you're a mofo that's gonna be strong, powerful, conditioned, and have some pretty awesome work capacity. Add some protein to your diet, and you're gonna be pretty muscular, too.
So, if you can't do all this stuff, but want to, what do you do? Like I said before - Program #6 of my "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" trains you exactly to be able to do all this.
And then when you can, you add weight. Instead of just your bodyweight, do 1.25x your bodyweight. Then 1.5x. Then 2x. You get the idea...and by this time, you're gonna be a real monster that needs to watch out that you don't scare small
children or accidentally break doors when you open them. ;-)
Why are you still reading?
=>Go Get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" and dominate your bodyweight
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Monday, April 05, 2010
If You Wanna Get Something Done...
I'm about to tell you something you already know, but bear w/me for just a second...
If you wanna accomplish something...I mean really make some dramatic improvements, you have to dedicate yourself.
Shocker, huh?
But it's true - esp w/your workout programs. If you wanna make some real strides forward, you have to get specific w/your training.
Now, it's possible to do a program that has one major focus, and have carryover to other areas as a sort of "by-product". In fact, that's a sign of a well designed workout.
But, if you really want to make some headway, you're best off using a workout that was designed *specifically* for whatever it is you need or want to do.
However, that doesn't mean you can let everything else go. Just b/c you wanna get stronger doesn't mean you can let your conditioning go. Or just b/c you wanna put some size on doesn't mean power goes out the window. Or just b/c you need to improve your muscular-endurance, that doesn't mean you should neglect your speed training.
But how do you make sure you keep everything else up to snuff when you're targeting that one specific thing?
=>With "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
"Working Class Fitness - The Programs" has 6 different 8-week programs (that's almost a whole YEAR worth of workouts, btw...). Each has a different focus, while still
maintaining everything else, so you can target whatever your specific needs are:
-maximal strength or power
-strength or power-endurance
-foot speed/agility
-sprinting speed
-work capacity
-odd object training
-bodyweight only training
-what I call "dominating your bodyweight"
-adding muscle
And there's honestly more than that....
Each program is completely laid out for you - exercises, sets, reps, program notes...the whole nine yards. No fancy equipment is required - just stuff you can find in your local gym, YMCA, or college/high school weight room. (And what they don't have, I tell you how to build for next to nothing and in minutes.)
You could literally do these programs forever if you wanted.
=>check out "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
Do yourself a favor, and add the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" - the same exact MMA fight prep program designed for a UFC champ - and save 40%.
(Who wouldn't wanna save 40%?)
All you have to do is figure out which program meets your needs the best, and get to work...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
If you wanna accomplish something...I mean really make some dramatic improvements, you have to dedicate yourself.
Shocker, huh?
But it's true - esp w/your workout programs. If you wanna make some real strides forward, you have to get specific w/your training.
Now, it's possible to do a program that has one major focus, and have carryover to other areas as a sort of "by-product". In fact, that's a sign of a well designed workout.
But, if you really want to make some headway, you're best off using a workout that was designed *specifically* for whatever it is you need or want to do.
However, that doesn't mean you can let everything else go. Just b/c you wanna get stronger doesn't mean you can let your conditioning go. Or just b/c you wanna put some size on doesn't mean power goes out the window. Or just b/c you need to improve your muscular-endurance, that doesn't mean you should neglect your speed training.
But how do you make sure you keep everything else up to snuff when you're targeting that one specific thing?
=>With "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
"Working Class Fitness - The Programs" has 6 different 8-week programs (that's almost a whole YEAR worth of workouts, btw...). Each has a different focus, while still
maintaining everything else, so you can target whatever your specific needs are:
-maximal strength or power
-strength or power-endurance
-foot speed/agility
-sprinting speed
-work capacity
-odd object training
-bodyweight only training
-what I call "dominating your bodyweight"
-adding muscle
And there's honestly more than that....
Each program is completely laid out for you - exercises, sets, reps, program notes...the whole nine yards. No fancy equipment is required - just stuff you can find in your local gym, YMCA, or college/high school weight room. (And what they don't have, I tell you how to build for next to nothing and in minutes.)
You could literally do these programs forever if you wanted.
=>check out "Working Class Fitness - The Programs"
Do yourself a favor, and add the "Championship Edition MMA Workout" - the same exact MMA fight prep program designed for a UFC champ - and save 40%.
(Who wouldn't wanna save 40%?)
All you have to do is figure out which program meets your needs the best, and get to work...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Sunday, April 04, 2010
You Gotta Focus
You know, sometimes the best answers in life...the ones that can do you the most good...are also the simplest.
That doesn't always mean the easiest...but it means the simplest.
Take your workouts for instance.
When I design workout programs, I like to make them as complete as possible. Try to target almost everything...sorta "one-stop-shops" if you will.
But you can't always do that - esp if you have particular needs. In those kinda instances, you have to have specific programs that target your specific needs. Now, that doesn't mean your workout can't still *maintain* everything else...but it's gonna have to have one main drive or focus.
That's why when I decided to put together "Working Class Fitness - The Programs", I knew I had to create more than just one workout program. I created six in all...that way, you had a program that would target almost any specific need you had:
-maximal strength and power - check
-strength and power-endurance - check
-footwork and fat feet - check
-sprinting speed - check
-"odd objects" strength/conditioning - check
-muscular endurance - check
-a bodyweight exercise only program - check
-adding muscle - check
You get the idea. No matter what your specific needs are, you can target them with one of the workouts in "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
All you have to do is choose which program you want to do first. And after you're done w/that, you've got 5 more programs to choose from to target your other needs.
In all, you get almost an ENTIRE YEAR'S worth of workouts...for pretty dang cheap.
But...it gets better. Opt for the "Working Class Bundle Deal", and you also get the "Championship Edition MMA Workout". You know, the MMA workout program originally designed for a UFC champ...
...not to mention you save 40%. Which saves you big $$$.
And saving $$$ is cool in anybody's book.
So go check it out now.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
That doesn't always mean the easiest...but it means the simplest.
Take your workouts for instance.
When I design workout programs, I like to make them as complete as possible. Try to target almost everything...sorta "one-stop-shops" if you will.
But you can't always do that - esp if you have particular needs. In those kinda instances, you have to have specific programs that target your specific needs. Now, that doesn't mean your workout can't still *maintain* everything else...but it's gonna have to have one main drive or focus.
That's why when I decided to put together "Working Class Fitness - The Programs", I knew I had to create more than just one workout program. I created six in all...that way, you had a program that would target almost any specific need you had:
-maximal strength and power - check
-strength and power-endurance - check
-footwork and fat feet - check
-sprinting speed - check
-"odd objects" strength/conditioning - check
-muscular endurance - check
-a bodyweight exercise only program - check
-adding muscle - check
You get the idea. No matter what your specific needs are, you can target them with one of the workouts in "Working Class Fitness - The Programs".
All you have to do is choose which program you want to do first. And after you're done w/that, you've got 5 more programs to choose from to target your other needs.
In all, you get almost an ENTIRE YEAR'S worth of workouts...for pretty dang cheap.
But...it gets better. Opt for the "Working Class Bundle Deal", and you also get the "Championship Edition MMA Workout". You know, the MMA workout program originally designed for a UFC champ...
...not to mention you save 40%. Which saves you big $$$.
And saving $$$ is cool in anybody's book.
So go check it out now.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, April 02, 2010
Guess What You DON'T Need to Do?
Told you a while back I was going back and doing my own "Working Class Cardio Workout". (B/c I actually do my own workouts...unlike a lot of the other fitness "gurus" out there...)
Had a monster setback, though. Got sick as all holy hell 2 weeks ago, and it knocked my flat on my back. Today was only my 2nd workout back.
But guess what - gotta backtrack a little to make up for the lost time, but overall, I don't feel like I missed a beat.
The surprising thing was my cardio. See today's cardio workout didn't involve any cardio at all (b/c let's face it - we all know just how much long, boring cardio training sucks). Instead, I warmed up w/a little over 10 mins of GPP, then
125 burpees (w/a pushup but no jump to minimize time done and maximize speed). Finished up with a nice 5 mins jogging in place cool down.
Whole thing took just over 21 mins, and I feel like a champ, even though I just did a whole ton of work.
And that's EXACTLY my point. Was just sicker than crap for close to 2 weeks, and my first workouts back, my cardio is still where it was before getting sick...and I *never* do actual "cardio" training.
You don't need to do it, either.
But, what you *do* need to do is hardcore circuit training and conditioning workouts...just like the ones in the "Working Class Cardio Workout". Put the right effort in, and you'll have awesome cardio, too...
...all w/o every actually doing "cardio".
Sound good?
=>Then hit up WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com
(Get it now, and you'll get a lifetime membership to my new "poser-fr.ee" newsletter list - which you normally have to pay for - gratis.)
Check it out => have cardio w/o doing cardio
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Had a monster setback, though. Got sick as all holy hell 2 weeks ago, and it knocked my flat on my back. Today was only my 2nd workout back.
But guess what - gotta backtrack a little to make up for the lost time, but overall, I don't feel like I missed a beat.
The surprising thing was my cardio. See today's cardio workout didn't involve any cardio at all (b/c let's face it - we all know just how much long, boring cardio training sucks). Instead, I warmed up w/a little over 10 mins of GPP, then
125 burpees (w/a pushup but no jump to minimize time done and maximize speed). Finished up with a nice 5 mins jogging in place cool down.
Whole thing took just over 21 mins, and I feel like a champ, even though I just did a whole ton of work.
And that's EXACTLY my point. Was just sicker than crap for close to 2 weeks, and my first workouts back, my cardio is still where it was before getting sick...and I *never* do actual "cardio" training.
You don't need to do it, either.
But, what you *do* need to do is hardcore circuit training and conditioning workouts...just like the ones in the "Working Class Cardio Workout". Put the right effort in, and you'll have awesome cardio, too...
...all w/o every actually doing "cardio".
Sound good?
=>Then hit up WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com
(Get it now, and you'll get a lifetime membership to my new "poser-fr.ee" newsletter list - which you normally have to pay for - gratis.)
Check it out => have cardio w/o doing cardio
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Thursday, April 01, 2010
April 1 or Not, This is No Foolin'
Yeah, I know - it's "April Fools" today, and people are probably trying to pull pranks on you left and right today.
(Got a great joke you can plan on somebody...more in a second...)
But in all of today's screwing around, lemme give you some real, straight up, info that is the real deal. It might seem like a joke, but it's not. It's true, you
-improve your cardio
-have a healthier heart and lungs
-build an impressive physique
-burn more fat
-develop increased strength & power
-become an absolute work-horse
-and a lot more...
And you can do it all with one simple type of workout. "Simple" doesn't mean "easy", but it does mean that it comes w/o a lot of the other crap other programs do. Like:
-do no traditional "cardio"
-no need to go to a gym unless you want to
-do the workouts almost anywhere you want
-everything laid out for you - sets, reps, exercises, backoff periods, and more
Sound like a pretty awesome thing all the way around?
Learn more:
By using just dumbbells, a medicine ball, and bodyweight exercises in well designed workouts using different kinds of advanced circuit training, you can do all of that...and more.
No joke.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
(Got a great joke you can plan on somebody...more in a second...)
But in all of today's screwing around, lemme give you some real, straight up, info that is the real deal. It might seem like a joke, but it's not. It's true, you
-improve your cardio
-have a healthier heart and lungs
-build an impressive physique
-burn more fat
-develop increased strength & power
-become an absolute work-horse
-and a lot more...
And you can do it all with one simple type of workout. "Simple" doesn't mean "easy", but it does mean that it comes w/o a lot of the other crap other programs do. Like:
-do no traditional "cardio"
-no need to go to a gym unless you want to
-do the workouts almost anywhere you want
-everything laid out for you - sets, reps, exercises, backoff periods, and more
Sound like a pretty awesome thing all the way around?
Learn more:
By using just dumbbells, a medicine ball, and bodyweight exercises in well designed workouts using different kinds of advanced circuit training, you can do all of that...and more.
No joke.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
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