Wednesday, April 21, 2010

No Surgery for Me, Thanks

The other day, I told you about "Relax Into Stretch", a really bitchin' book on flexibility by Pavel Tsatsouline.

Yeah, it's one of his older books, but it's honestly probably his best on the subject.

Well, I goofed.

While I was on the subject of flexibility, I really shoulda talked about the shoulder.

See, the shoulder - along with the hips - are the most complex joints in the human body. And it's because of all the different ROM (Range of Motion) it can go through.

Put simply, it can not only move forward and back, and side to side, but in circles, too. And b/c of all this ROM, the shoulder is not only capable of doing a lot, but also more susceptible to injury.

The shoulders also get used A LOT more in general, everyday use. I mean, just think of your exercising - name me an upper body exercise that the shoulders aren't used, if just a stabilization role:

-horizontal pushing movements (benches, dips, pushups)
-horizontal pulling movements (rows)
-vertical pulling movements (chins, pullups, machine pulldowns)
-vertical pushing movements (OH presses, push presses)
-assistance movements (laterals, shrugs)
-arm movements (stabilize different kinds of curls, triceps exercises)

How about even some full body stuff like cleans? Snatches? High Pulls? Deadlifts?

The shoulders are used in all that stuff.

That means you gotta keep them healthy. And to do that, you'd be downright STUPID to not pick up The Rotater.

Yeah, the thing looks like some sorta...well...nevermind. (Get yer mind outta the But I'm here to tell you, the damn thing works.

I'll admit, I was kinda skeptical when I first got mine, but I figured "WTF - I'll try it out". Besides, I've had some nagging shoulder issues that could use fixing. And it's the kinda stuff that could turn into problems on down the road if I didn't get right.

(And mind you, I already do a lot of shoulder prehab stuff - band pull aparts, banded cuban presses, and more.)

I got the Rotater in the mail (which only took a couple days, btw - their customer service rocks), and didn't even watch the DVD on how to use it. I just looked at the directions on how to use it, and started "playing" with it.


No joke when I tell you that in the first no more than 3 days - after MAYBE a grand total of 10 mins of messing with this thing - I increased my internal *and* external rotation by at least 3 inches. My shoulders have never felt better.

I'm telling you - you owe it to yourself to get one of these things.

=>Get a Rotater and your shoulders will LOVE YOU for it

And be sure to tell 'em Wiggy sent ya. ;-)

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans

PS - Oh - and if you didn't check out "Relax Into Stretch", then you oughtta check that out, too. The Rotater and "Relax Into Stretch" make a pretty kickass combination, IMO.
=>Check out "Relax Into Stretch"

PS #2 - Interested in putting some Arm Size on?

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