Let's face it - most cardio workouts suck. You don't like it. I don't like it. I'm not sure *anybody* likes it.
(And anybody that actually *likes* doing cardio is somebody I'm not sure I wanna know anyway...)
I dunno about you, but I've got A LOT better things I could be doing than spending 4 or 5 days per week running mile after mile after mile after mile after mile.
And doing cardio in a gym is even worse. Just as long. Just as slow. Just as lousy. Only you don't actually GET ANYWHERE. Talk about twice as boring. Who
the hell wants to run for an hour straight and literally be have gone nowhere? At least when you run outside you get some scenery...
So, are we agreed? Long, slow, cardio workouts suck ass? Yeah - I thought we were. So what to do?
Circuit training.
See, circuit training (or stacking exercises together one after another), when done right, has more benefits than you can shake a stick at:
1 - gets your heart beating fast and you breathing hard (this means better cardio)
2 - is more intense than normal cardio (meaning you can do shorter workouts that are actually more effective)
3 - is easier on your joints than normal cardio (you think the pounding your ankles, knees, & hips take for endless miles is actually good for you?)
4 - actually works your entire body (instead of just your legs)
5 - can help you build muscle (which improves how you look, your overall body composition, makes bones stronger, and even burns more calories at rest)
6 - with the right programs, can be done literally anywhere (including the gym, at home, the local park, or even in front of your TV)
I could keep going, but do I need to? It's simple really...circuit training kicks ass.
But do you know how to design a good circuit training workout? What kind of exercises to use? What kinds of sets & reps? When to take days off? When to go hard? When to back off? How to order exercises? (And that's just the short-list of stuff you need to know.)
If not - don't worry. I can hook you up.
The "Working Class Cardio Workout" can give you all of the above (and a whole crap-ton more)...no thinking needed or involved. All you have to do is do the
workouts. I've taken care of everything else.
=>Do the "Working Class Cardio Workout" and get the results
Wouldn't it be nice to know you could dump the gym membership if you wanted to? Or that workouts will now be fun, challenging, and interesting?
Wouldn't it be cool to actually look forward to your workouts?
=>Get to WorkingClassCardioWorkout.com and look forward to working out again
Let me know if I can ever do anything.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, April 30, 2010
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