Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm Gonna GTFO!


See, I don't wanna brag, but in a few hours, I'm gonna hit the road, and go on a short weekend trip to the beach. And I can't wait to go! Takin' the kids for a few days out, and we're gonna have a blast.

Quick story I know y'all will be able to appreciate:

I'm gonna get getting the truck packed up so that we can hit the road today as soon as the kids home from school (I don't like to mess around - lol!). So last night, I was makin' sure we had everything all packed up and ready to go, and I was putting everything I needed to pack on the kitchen table.

The kids were brining out their bags and stuff, and here I came walkin' out carrying a couple adjustable dumbbells.

You shoulda seen the "WTF" look my boy was giving me.

"Are you taking *those*?" he asks me.

"Well DUH", I intelligently respond. hehe. He shoulda known better. I mean c'mon - go a few days w/o training? pfffttt.

Besides why wouldn't I? It's not like they're that tough to carry or pack.

And here's the BRILLIANT part of the whole thing...I've told y'all that as of late, I've gone back to doing my "Working Class Cardio Workout". (After all, what kinda guy would I be if I asked y'all to do workouts I don't or wouldn't do

And as bitchin' as the program is - you know, being able to:

-get stronger and more powerful
-improve your cardio (w/o having to run a single step!)
-lose bodyfat
-build the work capacity of a pack horse
-increase your vitality
-have a strong body, heart, and lungs
-plus a crap-ton more

One of the best things about the workout is the fact that the only equipment you need to do *any* of the workouts in the entire program are a couple DBs and a med ball.

That means you can do these cardio workouts ANYWHERE you want...

-at the gym
-in your garage
-at the local park
-the local high school or college weight room
-in your living room in front of the TV a pinch...even on vacation at the beach. (Just like I'm gonna do this weekend.)

After all, I'm only gonna be gone a few days, but say I was gonna be gone a week or two. Would pretty well suck to have to put myself on the shelf after having worked my ass off for a lotta weeks now, right?

Well, you can do the same thing, and have all the same benefits.

=>Get the all the info at

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans

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