As many of you know, I'm a big fan of circuit training and think it's MASSIVELY under-utilized and misused in the fitness industry.
Done correctly, circuit training can accomplish a whole ton of different goals. (Which, incidentally, is why I used it almost exclusively when I put together the "Working Class Cardio Workout".) But one of the things circuit training can be used for the best is fat loss.
Why is that? A few reasons actually.
#1 - Circuit training just plain makes you work. Stack together big, compound movements (done the right way that is - you can't just slap together any old combination of exercises and make it work) with very little overall rest, and you're working your ass off. This kinda hard work leads to burning a ton of calories, which leads to losing fat.
#2 - Circuit training builds muscle. Again, done correctly, circuit training will help you build muscle, which is important to losing fat b/c muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does. This means your body will burn more calories just to
sustain itself - and that's when you're *not* working out.
#3 - Circuit training is intense. If you've heard of interval training (which has become highly popular in recent years in the fitness industry), you'll likely know one of the reasons why it's so popular for burning fat is that it's so intense, that
it jacks up your metabolism, so that you continue to burn calories for hours after your workout is over.
Well, intense circuit training allows you to do the same exact thing, only it's not nearly as hard on your nervous system as interval training is.
I could go on for a while, but I think you get the picture...put simply circuit training is kickass stuff. just have to know how to do it right. If not, well, then you end up getting the same stinko results all the lycra-clad weenies using chrome universal machines did...which is what gave circuit training such a bad rap in the first place.
So how you do you avoid falling into the same trap all the lycra-clad weenies did?
Simple - just get the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
Everything is laid out for you - step by step, exercise by exercise, rep by rep. You'll know what to do, and when to do it. You'll know when to do heavy stuff, when to do explosive stuff, when to do shorter circuits, when to do longer ones, when to take "backoff" periods, and a whole lot more.
It's all right there in black & white - just do what you're told, and watch the results happen.
So why are you still reading this?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Main Principle Used in This Workout
Ok, people keep wanting to know exactly *why* I say the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is such a kickass program, and you can do much on it.
Stuff like:
-get better cardio...w/o doing "cardio"
-be stronger and more explosive
-lower your bodyfat
-have a better-looking physique
-do workouts that are actually shorter than usual
-be able to outwork anybody you know
-generally just be more healthy
There's more, but you get the idea.
So, is the "Working Class Cardio Workout" magic, am I full of crap and hype, or what? What's the deal? How does it all work?
I'm gonna lay it out - simple-style. There's "more to it" than this, but this is the general idea:
-circuit training allows you to do multiple exercises at one time
-not resting between exercises (only between circuits) means that while one muscle group is working, others are resting
-this allows muscle groups to still get the longer periods of rest they need, but your heart and lungs are working the entire time (not to mention your body as a whole)
See how that works? You basically just always work a part of the body, while another part of the body rests. This allows you to develop strength, be explosive, and build muscle.
Meanwhile, you're huffing and puffing the whole time, giving you better cardio - w/o doing an actual cardio workout.
The "trick" to the whole thing is that you can't just slap together a bunch of different exercises and think it's gonna work.
You gotta pick the right kinds of exercises, in the right order, stuff that works well with one another to promote blood flow between muscles (and makes your heart work the hardest...and there is a science to this).
As awesome as circuit training can be, if you goof it up, you'll end up just wasting your time. Which is what so many people did for so long...and why circuit training had such a bad reputation for so long (and still does in some circles).
So why not just avoid the guesswork, guarantee success, and just...
Then, all you gotta do is add effort. ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Got some cool stuff coming up in the next few days including a new blog post, that product review I was talking about the other day, and some other cool stuff. Keep your on the watchout...
Stuff like:
-get better cardio...w/o doing "cardio"
-be stronger and more explosive
-lower your bodyfat
-have a better-looking physique
-do workouts that are actually shorter than usual
-be able to outwork anybody you know
-generally just be more healthy
There's more, but you get the idea.
So, is the "Working Class Cardio Workout" magic, am I full of crap and hype, or what? What's the deal? How does it all work?
I'm gonna lay it out - simple-style. There's "more to it" than this, but this is the general idea:
-circuit training allows you to do multiple exercises at one time
-not resting between exercises (only between circuits) means that while one muscle group is working, others are resting
-this allows muscle groups to still get the longer periods of rest they need, but your heart and lungs are working the entire time (not to mention your body as a whole)
See how that works? You basically just always work a part of the body, while another part of the body rests. This allows you to develop strength, be explosive, and build muscle.
Meanwhile, you're huffing and puffing the whole time, giving you better cardio - w/o doing an actual cardio workout.
The "trick" to the whole thing is that you can't just slap together a bunch of different exercises and think it's gonna work.
You gotta pick the right kinds of exercises, in the right order, stuff that works well with one another to promote blood flow between muscles (and makes your heart work the hardest...and there is a science to this).
As awesome as circuit training can be, if you goof it up, you'll end up just wasting your time. Which is what so many people did for so long...and why circuit training had such a bad reputation for so long (and still does in some circles).
So why not just avoid the guesswork, guarantee success, and just...
Then, all you gotta do is add effort. ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Got some cool stuff coming up in the next few days including a new blog post, that product review I was talking about the other day, and some other cool stuff. Keep your on the watchout...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Work More, Breathe Less, Get More Done
Ever wonder why circuit training is so good for building work capacity?
Simple - it allows you to do more work than you normally would, while still continuing to work.
Look at it like this - let's say you're doing 4 sets of 4 exercises. You do all sets of an exercise before moving onto the next exercise. That's 16 total sets, and 16 total rest periods.
Now let's say you do them in circuit fashion, and do as set of each exercise back to back, and only rest after you've done a set of each exercise. Now you're doing 16 sets, but only getting 4 rest periods.
Your strength workout just turned into a cardio workout.
But why not do all sets of one exercise, but just shorten the rest periods? B/c you're doing so much work for a given set of muscles w/in a such a short period of time, that you'll never recover, and you have to use such light weight, that you're not getting the true benefit you need.
(More on that in a sec)
But if you stack different exercises back-to-back, then you attack one set of muscles, then while they're resting, you're attacking another set of muscles. Continue for each set of the circuit. But the entire time, your body is
working, you're continuing to breathe heavy, and your heart and lungs are being worked into better shape.
See how much more efficient that is overall? And how much better it is for you than normal boring cardio workout plans?
But - don't think you can just stack a bunch of exercises together and call it a circuit. There is a science to it. How?
Think of this - let's say you have barbell circuit that involves presses, bent rows, squats, DLs, and upright rows.
That complex sucks ass. Know why? The upright rows.
When doing circuits - the *right* way - you should only be using one (two max) piece of this case, a barbell. Well, do you really think that if your circuit involves upright rows, that you'll EVER be able to use a weight that will be
even REMOTELY challenging for squats or DLs?
Circuits and complexes are a bitchin' way to train - one of the best ways to train, IMO (esp for cardio) - but if you half-ass it or don't know what you're doing, you're gonna end up wasting A BUNCH of time.
So why not leave the program design to somebody that knows what they're doing? ;-) Kinda like what's in the "Working Class Cardio Workout"?
The WCCW is a 4-phase program that will increase your cardio, utilize circuit training the *right* way to increase your endurance, strength, power, and help you build more muscle, uses only dumbbells and a med ball (meaning you can do the
workouts virtually anywhere), and will help you build work capacity so that you can do almost anything w/o getting tired.
What's not to like?
Have an awesome weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Does this whole idea about the benefits of circuit training intrigue you? Wanna learn more? I'll be sending out a much more detailed email covering this topic in the next couple days to my "Poser-Fr'ee" newsletter list...which you can get on for GRATIS if you order the "Working Class Cardio Workout"!
Simple - it allows you to do more work than you normally would, while still continuing to work.
Look at it like this - let's say you're doing 4 sets of 4 exercises. You do all sets of an exercise before moving onto the next exercise. That's 16 total sets, and 16 total rest periods.
Now let's say you do them in circuit fashion, and do as set of each exercise back to back, and only rest after you've done a set of each exercise. Now you're doing 16 sets, but only getting 4 rest periods.
Your strength workout just turned into a cardio workout.
But why not do all sets of one exercise, but just shorten the rest periods? B/c you're doing so much work for a given set of muscles w/in a such a short period of time, that you'll never recover, and you have to use such light weight, that you're not getting the true benefit you need.
(More on that in a sec)
But if you stack different exercises back-to-back, then you attack one set of muscles, then while they're resting, you're attacking another set of muscles. Continue for each set of the circuit. But the entire time, your body is
working, you're continuing to breathe heavy, and your heart and lungs are being worked into better shape.
See how much more efficient that is overall? And how much better it is for you than normal boring cardio workout plans?
But - don't think you can just stack a bunch of exercises together and call it a circuit. There is a science to it. How?
Think of this - let's say you have barbell circuit that involves presses, bent rows, squats, DLs, and upright rows.
That complex sucks ass. Know why? The upright rows.
When doing circuits - the *right* way - you should only be using one (two max) piece of this case, a barbell. Well, do you really think that if your circuit involves upright rows, that you'll EVER be able to use a weight that will be
even REMOTELY challenging for squats or DLs?
Circuits and complexes are a bitchin' way to train - one of the best ways to train, IMO (esp for cardio) - but if you half-ass it or don't know what you're doing, you're gonna end up wasting A BUNCH of time.
So why not leave the program design to somebody that knows what they're doing? ;-) Kinda like what's in the "Working Class Cardio Workout"?
The WCCW is a 4-phase program that will increase your cardio, utilize circuit training the *right* way to increase your endurance, strength, power, and help you build more muscle, uses only dumbbells and a med ball (meaning you can do the
workouts virtually anywhere), and will help you build work capacity so that you can do almost anything w/o getting tired.
What's not to like?
Have an awesome weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Does this whole idea about the benefits of circuit training intrigue you? Wanna learn more? I'll be sending out a much more detailed email covering this topic in the next couple days to my "Poser-Fr'ee" newsletter list...which you can get on for GRATIS if you order the "Working Class Cardio Workout"!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
How Would You Like to Never Run Again?
Do you like running? Of course you don't - running sucks, right? (It's cool - you can tell me the truth.) I can't stand running, either. Now and then I'll go for a run, b/c they're pretty few and far in between.
But don't you need to run if you wanna have good cardio? I mean, isn't that what we've been told forever? And if you're not gonna run, then you have to do some sorta other cardio like the bike, rower, elliptical, or whatever?
Well, what if I told you that you never had to run again?
'Tis true.
So how do you get a good cardio workout w/o running? Thought you'd never ask.
By doing circuit training, you can get awesome cardio b/c you get to build up your work capacity. And what's work capacity?
Well, put simply, work capacity is kinda like your body's gas tank. It's what determines:
-how much work you can do
-how hard and fast you can do it
-how quickly you recover
-and a bunch of other stuff
In other words, the more work capacity you have, the more, just like the name says, capacity to work you have.
So how does that give you better cardio?
Simple - the more work you can do, the better shape you have to be in. I mean, think of it like this. Let's say you wanted to run a mile in 6 minutes. You'd have to have good cardio to do that, right?
Well, instead of trying to have good cardio so that you could run that fast, train to run that fast, and you can't help but have good cardio.
See what I mean? Your cardio is a by-product that you *can't help* but accomplish! When you train to increase your work capacity, great cardio (and all the benefits that go with it) ARE A GIVEN!!
Now, here's the thing - when you do circuit training to increase your work capacity, you develop your work capacity in a bunch of different ways:
-you build better cardio from all the work you do
-you decrease bodyfat b/c you're constantly moving
-you build strength and power with the dumbbell exercises
-you get better at moving your own body around with the calisthenics you do
And that's just the tip of the iceburg! When you train for work capacity, you get cardio - plus a bunch of other awesome benefits - w/o even having to try! They just happen!
But what kind of circuit training should to do for your cardio workouts?
The "Working Class Cardio Workout" is making believers outta people left and why not give it a shot?
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
But don't you need to run if you wanna have good cardio? I mean, isn't that what we've been told forever? And if you're not gonna run, then you have to do some sorta other cardio like the bike, rower, elliptical, or whatever?
Well, what if I told you that you never had to run again?
'Tis true.
So how do you get a good cardio workout w/o running? Thought you'd never ask.
By doing circuit training, you can get awesome cardio b/c you get to build up your work capacity. And what's work capacity?
Well, put simply, work capacity is kinda like your body's gas tank. It's what determines:
-how much work you can do
-how hard and fast you can do it
-how quickly you recover
-and a bunch of other stuff
In other words, the more work capacity you have, the more, just like the name says, capacity to work you have.
So how does that give you better cardio?
Simple - the more work you can do, the better shape you have to be in. I mean, think of it like this. Let's say you wanted to run a mile in 6 minutes. You'd have to have good cardio to do that, right?
Well, instead of trying to have good cardio so that you could run that fast, train to run that fast, and you can't help but have good cardio.
See what I mean? Your cardio is a by-product that you *can't help* but accomplish! When you train to increase your work capacity, great cardio (and all the benefits that go with it) ARE A GIVEN!!
Now, here's the thing - when you do circuit training to increase your work capacity, you develop your work capacity in a bunch of different ways:
-you build better cardio from all the work you do
-you decrease bodyfat b/c you're constantly moving
-you build strength and power with the dumbbell exercises
-you get better at moving your own body around with the calisthenics you do
And that's just the tip of the iceburg! When you train for work capacity, you get cardio - plus a bunch of other awesome benefits - w/o even having to try! They just happen!
But what kind of circuit training should to do for your cardio workouts?
The "Working Class Cardio Workout" is making believers outta people left and why not give it a shot?
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Please Don't Hate Me...
Been gettin' a lot of emails lately - can barely even keep up. Most of it has been about my cardio workout.
Some of it has been from people who've recently gotten the cardio workout, and are telling me how it's been kicking their asses.
Kinda like these:
"Just finished day one of Working Class Cardio. I officially hate you!!!! ;-)" - Jarrod
"So I just finished Week 1 and I want to say that I don't think my body has ever been in this state before. The workload is crazy..." - Shane
Needless to say, people are being massively surprised with the workout, and know that while the workouts are tough, they're getting in monster shape.
Some of the other emails I get are asking about how I keep talking about getting "cardio" w/o doing "cardio" - esp the claim I've made a time or two about never needing to run again.
I'll talk about this more tomorrow, but it's true. As long as you're getting yourself breathing super-heavy, and you keep your breathing like that, you're gonna be improving your cardio - simple as that.
But that's what so awesome about circuit training - you can:
-improve your cardio
-have better health and vitality
-decreased bodyfat
-improved recovery time
-and ton of other awesome benefits
However, at the same time, you get to:
-increase strength & power
-improve endurance
-build a more muscular and better looking physique
-increase how much work you can do
...and that's just the short list.
Sound interesting? Thought it might. Why not check out the workout that's making people "hate" me (lol!), while not only improving your own cardio, but accomplishing a bunch of other stuff at the same time?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Some of it has been from people who've recently gotten the cardio workout, and are telling me how it's been kicking their asses.
Kinda like these:
"Just finished day one of Working Class Cardio. I officially hate you!!!! ;-)" - Jarrod
"So I just finished Week 1 and I want to say that I don't think my body has ever been in this state before. The workload is crazy..." - Shane
Needless to say, people are being massively surprised with the workout, and know that while the workouts are tough, they're getting in monster shape.
Some of the other emails I get are asking about how I keep talking about getting "cardio" w/o doing "cardio" - esp the claim I've made a time or two about never needing to run again.
I'll talk about this more tomorrow, but it's true. As long as you're getting yourself breathing super-heavy, and you keep your breathing like that, you're gonna be improving your cardio - simple as that.
But that's what so awesome about circuit training - you can:
-improve your cardio
-have better health and vitality
-decreased bodyfat
-improved recovery time
-and ton of other awesome benefits
However, at the same time, you get to:
-increase strength & power
-improve endurance
-build a more muscular and better looking physique
-increase how much work you can do
...and that's just the short list.
Sound interesting? Thought it might. Why not check out the workout that's making people "hate" me (lol!), while not only improving your own cardio, but accomplishing a bunch of other stuff at the same time?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Monday, March 22, 2010
What Lenny Kravitz Can Teach You About Cardio
If you're a friend of mine on Facebook, you know that I try to post some kinda new music almost everyday. Most of the time it's "music to lift heavy sh!t to" (lol). Sometimes it's just good classic rock, or maybe even just some laid back, chill music.
Yesterday I was lookin' for some more good stuff I could post, and ended up listening to Lenny Kravitz's "Where Are We Running". What a badass tune - esp the guitar riffs.
Though I did kinda have to laugh at it though, in an "inside joke" kinda way.
See, I dunno about you, but I hardly ever run anywhere anymore. And if I do, it'd only b/c I feel like actually going for a run. I don't run...or any other traditional forms of "cardio" for that keep in shape.
Why not? I don't need to.
Instead, I do a ton of circuit and complex training, and get my cardio that way...not to mention my strength training, power training, endurance work, monster work
capacity, and a bunch more.
But how I do get the benefits of "cardio" when I'm not running or doing any "cardio"? Simple, really.
The body doesn't really know that you're running, per se (or on the bike, or rower, or whatever). It just knows that it has to work, and how hard it has to work.
So, to get "cardio" benefits, you have to tax the cardiovascular and cardio-respiratory systems. And how do you do that? By breathing hard (which is what cardio makes you do, right?).
Well, if all you really need to improve your cardio is to get breathing hard, if you could do that WHILE accomplishing a bunch of other stuff at the same time, wouldn't that make a ton of sense?
Sounds like it to me.
Besides...does anybody really like running anyway? I think it stinks. Not to say I don't enjoy getting out there and going for a run now and again, but I don't have the time nor the desire to spend a ton of hours "pounding the pavement"...not to mention that for the benefits to your heart and lungs, your body ends up taking a real pounding over the long term.
Worn-out hips, knees, and ankles - be it from running too many miles or simply just putting in a zillion reps (if you consider each step, row, or time you pedal a "rep"). Your body just wasn't designed to put in that many reps over the long haul.
It's like anything else - use it too many times, and something is gonna wear out.
Why do it when there is a smarter way? So you think circuit training might be a good idea? Damn straight it is.
Go check out the "Working Class Cardio Workout", and see just what all circuit training can do for you.
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Yesterday I was lookin' for some more good stuff I could post, and ended up listening to Lenny Kravitz's "Where Are We Running". What a badass tune - esp the guitar riffs.
Though I did kinda have to laugh at it though, in an "inside joke" kinda way.
See, I dunno about you, but I hardly ever run anywhere anymore. And if I do, it'd only b/c I feel like actually going for a run. I don't run...or any other traditional forms of "cardio" for that keep in shape.
Why not? I don't need to.
Instead, I do a ton of circuit and complex training, and get my cardio that way...not to mention my strength training, power training, endurance work, monster work
capacity, and a bunch more.
But how I do get the benefits of "cardio" when I'm not running or doing any "cardio"? Simple, really.
The body doesn't really know that you're running, per se (or on the bike, or rower, or whatever). It just knows that it has to work, and how hard it has to work.
So, to get "cardio" benefits, you have to tax the cardiovascular and cardio-respiratory systems. And how do you do that? By breathing hard (which is what cardio makes you do, right?).
Well, if all you really need to improve your cardio is to get breathing hard, if you could do that WHILE accomplishing a bunch of other stuff at the same time, wouldn't that make a ton of sense?
Sounds like it to me.
Besides...does anybody really like running anyway? I think it stinks. Not to say I don't enjoy getting out there and going for a run now and again, but I don't have the time nor the desire to spend a ton of hours "pounding the pavement"...not to mention that for the benefits to your heart and lungs, your body ends up taking a real pounding over the long term.
Worn-out hips, knees, and ankles - be it from running too many miles or simply just putting in a zillion reps (if you consider each step, row, or time you pedal a "rep"). Your body just wasn't designed to put in that many reps over the long haul.
It's like anything else - use it too many times, and something is gonna wear out.
Why do it when there is a smarter way? So you think circuit training might be a good idea? Damn straight it is.
Go check out the "Working Class Cardio Workout", and see just what all circuit training can do for you.
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Why Does Circuit Training = Better Cardio?
I know some are still wondering how circuits and complex training can help you get better cardio.
It's simple really. So simple you're gonna slap your forehead when I tell you.
When you lift a moderately heavy weight for a lot of reps, aren't you breathing hard at the end of the set? Esp if you're doing big, compound lifts? (You know, squats, presses, rows, swings, quick-lift hybrids, and the like.)
Heck yeah you are.
Well, take that huffing and puffing you're doing, and just repeat it. And repeat it. And repeat it. And repeat it. And then do it one last time. And then maybe again...just for good measure.
All of a sudden, you know what's happened? You've been huffing and puffing like a freight train for an entire workout. Just like you might w/"cardio"...only with all the lifting, you're getting a ton of other benefits at the same time. (The stuff I keep telling you about - strength, power, endurance, etc.)
So why do the complex training instead of just a bunch of straight sets with a bunch of exercises?
When you do complexes, you're stacking a bunch of exercises together back to back w/o rest. By doing that, you can let part of your body rest, while the body as a whole has to still work.
So, if you do presses then rows then squats, your shoulder girdle works first, but then rests the rest of the complex, right? Well, by the time the next set comes around, your shoulders are 'rested' but your body was still working as a whole, and you were still breathing heavy the whole time.
See what I mean? It's doing all the same kinds of work, but with literally a fraction of the rest.
How much work you can do goes through the roof...and again, you're huffing and puffing the entire time. Which means you're gonna have better cardio.
But you can't just slap a bunch of exercises together and call it a complex or circuit. You gotta do it the right way, or else you're gonna jack it all up.
You gotta make sure you use exercises that fit together, with set and rep schemes that work, making sure that when you use the same weight for all the exercises that you're in a work range that will still get max results. Then there's when to progress and when to back off. Then there's how to build up from never having done
complexes at all to being able to crank them out like a madman.
It's not just about picking a bunch of exercises outta hat, and doing them all for a bunch of reps. There is a TON more to it than that.
So why not take all the guesswork out of the whole thing and go get the "Working Class Cardio Workout"?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Watch the posts this week. I'm reviewing a couple products, and you know I'll give you my completely unbiased review - if it's good, you'll know. And if it sucks, well, you'll know that, too...
It's simple really. So simple you're gonna slap your forehead when I tell you.
When you lift a moderately heavy weight for a lot of reps, aren't you breathing hard at the end of the set? Esp if you're doing big, compound lifts? (You know, squats, presses, rows, swings, quick-lift hybrids, and the like.)
Heck yeah you are.
Well, take that huffing and puffing you're doing, and just repeat it. And repeat it. And repeat it. And repeat it. And then do it one last time. And then maybe again...just for good measure.
All of a sudden, you know what's happened? You've been huffing and puffing like a freight train for an entire workout. Just like you might w/"cardio"...only with all the lifting, you're getting a ton of other benefits at the same time. (The stuff I keep telling you about - strength, power, endurance, etc.)
So why do the complex training instead of just a bunch of straight sets with a bunch of exercises?
When you do complexes, you're stacking a bunch of exercises together back to back w/o rest. By doing that, you can let part of your body rest, while the body as a whole has to still work.
So, if you do presses then rows then squats, your shoulder girdle works first, but then rests the rest of the complex, right? Well, by the time the next set comes around, your shoulders are 'rested' but your body was still working as a whole, and you were still breathing heavy the whole time.
See what I mean? It's doing all the same kinds of work, but with literally a fraction of the rest.
How much work you can do goes through the roof...and again, you're huffing and puffing the entire time. Which means you're gonna have better cardio.
But you can't just slap a bunch of exercises together and call it a complex or circuit. You gotta do it the right way, or else you're gonna jack it all up.
You gotta make sure you use exercises that fit together, with set and rep schemes that work, making sure that when you use the same weight for all the exercises that you're in a work range that will still get max results. Then there's when to progress and when to back off. Then there's how to build up from never having done
complexes at all to being able to crank them out like a madman.
It's not just about picking a bunch of exercises outta hat, and doing them all for a bunch of reps. There is a TON more to it than that.
So why not take all the guesswork out of the whole thing and go get the "Working Class Cardio Workout"?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Watch the posts this week. I'm reviewing a couple products, and you know I'll give you my completely unbiased review - if it's good, you'll know. And if it sucks, well, you'll know that, too...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
How "Work Capacity" = Good Cardio
I've talked a lot about having good cardio w/o actually doing "cardio" training. And while some "get" it, others are completely lost.
How can my "Working Class Cardio Workout" help you get and have better cardio when you don't do any cardio?
Easy - it's something called 'work capacity'.
In other words, it's all about building a bigger gas tank. The bigger gas tank you have physically, the more work you can do. The more work you can do, the harder you can do that work.
Think of your car. If you have a 20-gallon gas tank, you can go a lot further than if you had a 10-gallon tank, right? And you not only drive further overall, but when you drive faster (which uses more gas), you can driver faster longer, right?
B/c your gas tank can hold more gas, it allows you to do more.
That's what work capacity does for you in a physical sense.
So, if you can build up some monster work capacity, you can work a lot harder, right?
Now think of this - think of the last time you moved something heavy a lot of times or for a long distance. It doesn't have to be a workout. Better if not, really.
Think of moving a heavy box or moving furniture or something like that. Anytime you had to be lifting or moving something heavy for a while. What were you doing? You were working really hard, right? And you were likely huffing and puffing after doing it, huh?
Well, what if you were able to keep doing that and keep doing that and keep doing that and keep doing that?
Think of not only how much work you'd get done, but how good your cardio would have to your strength...and power...and endurance...and a ton of other physical qualities.
That'd be pretty badass, right? *You* would be pretty badass, right?
Well, that's *exactly* what you can be when you do the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
So why not get your copy and get to being a badass...pronto.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
How can my "Working Class Cardio Workout" help you get and have better cardio when you don't do any cardio?
Easy - it's something called 'work capacity'.
In other words, it's all about building a bigger gas tank. The bigger gas tank you have physically, the more work you can do. The more work you can do, the harder you can do that work.
Think of your car. If you have a 20-gallon gas tank, you can go a lot further than if you had a 10-gallon tank, right? And you not only drive further overall, but when you drive faster (which uses more gas), you can driver faster longer, right?
B/c your gas tank can hold more gas, it allows you to do more.
That's what work capacity does for you in a physical sense.
So, if you can build up some monster work capacity, you can work a lot harder, right?
Now think of this - think of the last time you moved something heavy a lot of times or for a long distance. It doesn't have to be a workout. Better if not, really.
Think of moving a heavy box or moving furniture or something like that. Anytime you had to be lifting or moving something heavy for a while. What were you doing? You were working really hard, right? And you were likely huffing and puffing after doing it, huh?
Well, what if you were able to keep doing that and keep doing that and keep doing that and keep doing that?
Think of not only how much work you'd get done, but how good your cardio would have to your strength...and power...and endurance...and a ton of other physical qualities.
That'd be pretty badass, right? *You* would be pretty badass, right?
Well, that's *exactly* what you can be when you do the "Working Class Cardio Workout".
So why not get your copy and get to being a badass...pronto.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Monday, March 15, 2010
Who's it Good For?
Super-busy day today (aren't Mondays *always* friggin' nuts?), but I wanted to shoot this out to y'all real quick...
Been gettin' the question a lot about just *who* the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is for.
Namely, I've been getting different kinds of combat athletes (wrestlers, BJJers, boxers, etc) and military/law enforcement/fire & rescue/etc asking me if this would be a "good program for them".
My quote "Stone Cold" Steve Austin...
lol. ;-)
Because the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is a program made up of circuits and complex training all using nothing but dumbbells, a medicine ball, and bodyweight exercises, not only can you do these workouts anywhere you want, but as long as YOU
put the effort in and work hard enough...
...i.e. lift heavy, be explosive, work hard, etc...
You'll build some INSANE work capacity.
That means you'll not just be strong, but you'll be strong for a lone time. You'll not just be powerful, you'll be powerful for a long time. You'll not just have
good wind, you'll have great wind.
In short, you'll be able to work your ass off...and just not get tired.
(Which is where the whole "cardio" thing comes from in the first place.)
Now...does that sound like something that would be good for athletes, military, and the like? Damn straight.
And if you're not an athlete, military, or the like, does it sound like something you'd like or could help you? I'd sure hope so.
So why are you still reading? Go check it out...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Watch out for tomorrow's post - got something SUPER-COOL that you're not gonna wanna miss...
Been gettin' the question a lot about just *who* the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is for.
Namely, I've been getting different kinds of combat athletes (wrestlers, BJJers, boxers, etc) and military/law enforcement/fire & rescue/etc asking me if this would be a "good program for them".
My quote "Stone Cold" Steve Austin...
lol. ;-)
Because the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is a program made up of circuits and complex training all using nothing but dumbbells, a medicine ball, and bodyweight exercises, not only can you do these workouts anywhere you want, but as long as YOU
put the effort in and work hard enough...
...i.e. lift heavy, be explosive, work hard, etc...
You'll build some INSANE work capacity.
That means you'll not just be strong, but you'll be strong for a lone time. You'll not just be powerful, you'll be powerful for a long time. You'll not just have
good wind, you'll have great wind.
In short, you'll be able to work your ass off...and just not get tired.
(Which is where the whole "cardio" thing comes from in the first place.)
Now...does that sound like something that would be good for athletes, military, and the like? Damn straight.
And if you're not an athlete, military, or the like, does it sound like something you'd like or could help you? I'd sure hope so.
So why are you still reading? Go check it out...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Watch out for tomorrow's post - got something SUPER-COOL that you're not gonna wanna miss...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Why You'll Get More Than Just "Cardio"...
Ok, there is one question I've been getting a ton of lately, and it's high time I just addressed the masses with it.
First of all, the feedback on the "Working Class Cardio Workout" continues to be completely awesome. People that have it love, and people that don't seem to want it.
However, I keep getting asked if the "Working Class Cardio Workout" can be combined with (insert any other workout here) for maximum results.
And the answer is....
...usually not.
Here's why.
The "Working Class Cardio Workout" isn't just a set of 'cardio' workouts. It's not all about some new wazoo method of running on the treadmill or wasting time on the bike.
It's not traditional long-distance cardio, and it's not interval training (which is super-hard on your CNS, and will give you dismal results unless you train hard enough), either.
Rather, it's all about conditioning. Doing a ton of hard ass work.
It's circuit and complex training using dumbbells, a medicine ball, and bodyweight exercises. It's a complete S&C program that focuses on you working your ass off with as little rest as possible.
That's how you get such good cardio - b/c you're just always damn working, and working hard. And as a results, the harder you work, the better you get.
With the "Working Class Cardio Workout", there's no running, no hamster-like 'cardio' training, and no sprints. It's all about working. Strength work. Power work. Endurance work. Circuits. Complexes. Different kinds of GPP work. Bodyweight calisthenics.
All in a highly organized, structured, progressive, and cyclical set of workouts. You start out small, build up, back off, build up, back off, and continue that
until you're a total badass.
And the harder you work - the more effort you put in, the heavier you lift, the more explosive you focus on being, the less you rest - the better results you're gonna
This was intended to be just a "cardio" program, but I'm having athletes, BJJ players and martial artists, wrestlers, fire dept/military/law enforcement, and more do this
workout, and they're getting into condition they never thought possible.
B/c they're putting in the work.
Will you put in the work?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
First of all, the feedback on the "Working Class Cardio Workout" continues to be completely awesome. People that have it love, and people that don't seem to want it.
However, I keep getting asked if the "Working Class Cardio Workout" can be combined with (insert any other workout here) for maximum results.
And the answer is....
...usually not.
Here's why.
The "Working Class Cardio Workout" isn't just a set of 'cardio' workouts. It's not all about some new wazoo method of running on the treadmill or wasting time on the bike.
It's not traditional long-distance cardio, and it's not interval training (which is super-hard on your CNS, and will give you dismal results unless you train hard enough), either.
Rather, it's all about conditioning. Doing a ton of hard ass work.
It's circuit and complex training using dumbbells, a medicine ball, and bodyweight exercises. It's a complete S&C program that focuses on you working your ass off with as little rest as possible.
That's how you get such good cardio - b/c you're just always damn working, and working hard. And as a results, the harder you work, the better you get.
With the "Working Class Cardio Workout", there's no running, no hamster-like 'cardio' training, and no sprints. It's all about working. Strength work. Power work. Endurance work. Circuits. Complexes. Different kinds of GPP work. Bodyweight calisthenics.
All in a highly organized, structured, progressive, and cyclical set of workouts. You start out small, build up, back off, build up, back off, and continue that
until you're a total badass.
And the harder you work - the more effort you put in, the heavier you lift, the more explosive you focus on being, the less you rest - the better results you're gonna
This was intended to be just a "cardio" program, but I'm having athletes, BJJ players and martial artists, wrestlers, fire dept/military/law enforcement, and more do this
workout, and they're getting into condition they never thought possible.
B/c they're putting in the work.
Will you put in the work?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, March 12, 2010
The #1 Secret to Great Cardio
There is ONE main thing you gotta do when you wanna get your cardio better.
Listen up, b/c I'm about to reveal probably the #1 secret to getting results w/your cardio workout...
What's the main #1 most important thing you have to do to improve your cardio? It's probably not what you think...and it sure ain't what you wanna hear.
Is the answer to do traditional, long-distance cardio?
Is the answer to do the now-popular interval training?
Is the answer to use a particular cardio machine?
*slaps forehead*
The answer...the one thing you've GOT to do to have awesome cardio, decreased bodyfat, a healthier heart and lungs, more vitality, even more muscle and a higher
work capacity is...
To work your friggin' ass off.
What's that I hear? Yeah...a collective groan from everybody reading. I thought so.
You were probably hoping for some sorta secret or something like that, right? Well sorry - there ain't one. The big secret is that everything all the infomercial giants, fitness "gurus" (i.e. - scammers), and other know-nothing jackasses out there tell you is for the most part...pure crap.
You know the old saying "there's no such thing as a free lunch"? That means nothing comes free...everything has a price.
Well your cardio workout ain't no different.
That doesn't mean you can't be economical with your time, and can't get 2-3x the results if you go on a good cardio workout.
That's where the "Working Class Cardio Workout" comes in.
See, you could go on a traditional long-distance cardio plan, or you could even do interval training. Both are very good, and very valid methods of training in their own right. But for most folks, doing those and those alone is just an incomplete
Most people don't have the time to do a separate strength program, in addition to their cardio workout. And to have complete health, you have to be strong. You have to develop strength and muscle in your body.
And cardio by itself won't do that.
But when you do the "Working Class Cardio Workout", you can accomplish a ton of different stuff at one time, b/c it's all based around different types of circuit and complex training.
This means you can not only improve your cardio, decrease your bodyfat, and all that other great stuff, but also build muscle, improve your endurance, increase your work capacity, and a ton more.
All you have to do is put the effort in. So if you're gonna be putting the effort in anyway, why not get more "bang for your buck"?
Makes sense to me.
Have a kickass weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Listen up, b/c I'm about to reveal probably the #1 secret to getting results w/your cardio workout...
What's the main #1 most important thing you have to do to improve your cardio? It's probably not what you think...and it sure ain't what you wanna hear.
Is the answer to do traditional, long-distance cardio?
Is the answer to do the now-popular interval training?
Is the answer to use a particular cardio machine?
*slaps forehead*
The answer...the one thing you've GOT to do to have awesome cardio, decreased bodyfat, a healthier heart and lungs, more vitality, even more muscle and a higher
work capacity is...
To work your friggin' ass off.
What's that I hear? Yeah...a collective groan from everybody reading. I thought so.
You were probably hoping for some sorta secret or something like that, right? Well sorry - there ain't one. The big secret is that everything all the infomercial giants, fitness "gurus" (i.e. - scammers), and other know-nothing jackasses out there tell you is for the most part...pure crap.
You know the old saying "there's no such thing as a free lunch"? That means nothing comes free...everything has a price.
Well your cardio workout ain't no different.
That doesn't mean you can't be economical with your time, and can't get 2-3x the results if you go on a good cardio workout.
That's where the "Working Class Cardio Workout" comes in.
See, you could go on a traditional long-distance cardio plan, or you could even do interval training. Both are very good, and very valid methods of training in their own right. But for most folks, doing those and those alone is just an incomplete
Most people don't have the time to do a separate strength program, in addition to their cardio workout. And to have complete health, you have to be strong. You have to develop strength and muscle in your body.
And cardio by itself won't do that.
But when you do the "Working Class Cardio Workout", you can accomplish a ton of different stuff at one time, b/c it's all based around different types of circuit and complex training.
This means you can not only improve your cardio, decrease your bodyfat, and all that other great stuff, but also build muscle, improve your endurance, increase your work capacity, and a ton more.
All you have to do is put the effort in. So if you're gonna be putting the effort in anyway, why not get more "bang for your buck"?
Makes sense to me.
Have a kickass weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Best Core Workout Available Today
I dunno about you, but I can't stand the term "core work", "core workout", or "core" anything for that matter.
It's not that I'm against *doing* core work - that's not it at all.
It's that the fitness industry and infomercial do-gooders have come out with so many damn stupid gadgets and crap that now the just the term "core" makes me wanna gag.
Now, if you've ever read my stuff, you know that I've never been one to prescribe a ton of direct core work. Instead, I've always been a fan of doing heavy, compound
lifts that will force your core to be strong.
For example - if you get to where you can press or push-press your bodyweight overhead. Think you're gonna hold your bodyweight overhead w/o having a strong trunk, lower back, and the rest?
What about doing squats with 2-2.5x your bodyweight? Same thing.
Well, what if could take the 'basics' like that, and ramp it up a notch?
Take hardcore, compound moves - and specifically design them to make your core strong?
And then, take it even a step further, and design those exercises to be specifically applicable to combat training?
Well, that's what my buddy Smitty over at the Diesel Crew did in his "Combat Core" manual.
Smitty - who is already one of the smartest dudes in the S&C industry, IMO - took his knowledge of anatomy & physiology, applied his awesome S&C knowledge, and put together EASILY the most complete and thorough core training manual available today.
There are at least 125 different exercises - all specifically targeting the core - using sandbags, kettlebells, bodyweight movements, decline benches, resistance bands, heavy bags, and almost anything else you can think of. Smitty has outlines specific programs, as well as how to integrate the work into your current workouts, as well as how to progress.
(So, in other words, if you're say already in the middle doing a kickass program - like the "Working Class Cardio Workout" for example - which TONS of people are getting amazing results with, you can take Smitty's core workouts and just implement them into your current workouts.)
Hell, just the people who've given their "thumbs up" to Smitty's "Combat Core" manual is like a who's who in the S&C industry to include my buddies Ross Enamait and Alywn Cosgrove, Jim Wendler, Rob Pilger, Joe DeFranco, and a ton more.
You know, I've rambled long enough - just go check out the book for yourself:
While you're there, notice all the bonuses Smitty will give ya if you hook yourself up with a copy of the "Combat Core" manual...those alone are worth the asking price.
And speaking of bonuses, b/c I really believe in this product and think you should get a copy, I'll even hook you up w/a bonus of my own!
When you get Smitty's "Combat Core" manual, forward me a copy of your order confirmation, and I'll get you in on my "" newsletter list, gratis. This is my "special" list that you either have to have been a prior customer or actually had to *pay* to get on.
My "" list gets training tips and ideas that I don't give to anybody else, gets discounts on products (as well as "first dibs" on my new stuff...which I'll have some new stuff coming out real soon), and gets a FR-EE copy of my "TCC" manual, which details my workouts and training I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq, and how you can use this type of training to further your own goals.
You'll get that all for FR-EE if you just get yourself a copy of Smitty's "Combat Core" manual.
Trust me - you don't wanna pass this offer up.
More soon...still got that rant on "exercise in a pill" coming...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
It's not that I'm against *doing* core work - that's not it at all.
It's that the fitness industry and infomercial do-gooders have come out with so many damn stupid gadgets and crap that now the just the term "core" makes me wanna gag.
Now, if you've ever read my stuff, you know that I've never been one to prescribe a ton of direct core work. Instead, I've always been a fan of doing heavy, compound
lifts that will force your core to be strong.
For example - if you get to where you can press or push-press your bodyweight overhead. Think you're gonna hold your bodyweight overhead w/o having a strong trunk, lower back, and the rest?
What about doing squats with 2-2.5x your bodyweight? Same thing.
Well, what if could take the 'basics' like that, and ramp it up a notch?
Take hardcore, compound moves - and specifically design them to make your core strong?
And then, take it even a step further, and design those exercises to be specifically applicable to combat training?
Well, that's what my buddy Smitty over at the Diesel Crew did in his "Combat Core" manual.
Smitty - who is already one of the smartest dudes in the S&C industry, IMO - took his knowledge of anatomy & physiology, applied his awesome S&C knowledge, and put together EASILY the most complete and thorough core training manual available today.
There are at least 125 different exercises - all specifically targeting the core - using sandbags, kettlebells, bodyweight movements, decline benches, resistance bands, heavy bags, and almost anything else you can think of. Smitty has outlines specific programs, as well as how to integrate the work into your current workouts, as well as how to progress.
(So, in other words, if you're say already in the middle doing a kickass program - like the "Working Class Cardio Workout" for example - which TONS of people are getting amazing results with, you can take Smitty's core workouts and just implement them into your current workouts.)
Hell, just the people who've given their "thumbs up" to Smitty's "Combat Core" manual is like a who's who in the S&C industry to include my buddies Ross Enamait and Alywn Cosgrove, Jim Wendler, Rob Pilger, Joe DeFranco, and a ton more.
You know, I've rambled long enough - just go check out the book for yourself:
While you're there, notice all the bonuses Smitty will give ya if you hook yourself up with a copy of the "Combat Core" manual...those alone are worth the asking price.
And speaking of bonuses, b/c I really believe in this product and think you should get a copy, I'll even hook you up w/a bonus of my own!
When you get Smitty's "Combat Core" manual, forward me a copy of your order confirmation, and I'll get you in on my "" newsletter list, gratis. This is my "special" list that you either have to have been a prior customer or actually had to *pay* to get on.
My "" list gets training tips and ideas that I don't give to anybody else, gets discounts on products (as well as "first dibs" on my new stuff...which I'll have some new stuff coming out real soon), and gets a FR-EE copy of my "TCC" manual, which details my workouts and training I did while doing govt. contract work in Iraq, and how you can use this type of training to further your own goals.
You'll get that all for FR-EE if you just get yourself a copy of Smitty's "Combat Core" manual.
Trust me - you don't wanna pass this offer up.
More soon...still got that rant on "exercise in a pill" coming...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
combat core,
combat core strength,
core training,
core workout,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
New Blog, a Rant, and Lotsa Burpees
I dunno about you, but I'm sick of people being pansy-ass pusses.
There's no reason you gotta be a wuss, even though in today's society it's not considered "cool" to be strong, tough, dedicated, a leader, of convictions, or the like.
Well, that's not the kinda person I am, nor is it the kinda person I wanna be around.
If you agree w/me, then check out my new blog over at GI Nutrition.
I talk about what it takes to be a "real man" in today's society, why I the best place to be a "real man" is with a real workout. I'm going to be discussing my own workouts as well.
(What are my own workouts? I'll be's like I've said before. I don't ask anybody to do something I wouldn't do myself. I recently just went back and started the "Working Class Cardio Workout" - the exact same thing I sell on my site. In fact, yesterday's workout was GPP then 125 burpees. Did the burpees w/no jump,
and tried to crank them out as quick as I could. Got them in just under 9 mins.
If that kinda workout sounds like your thing, then GO HERE TO SEE MORE.)
I'll be updating the blog hopefully a couple times/week, so be sure to watch for it.
Don't worry - I'll send you links when I do!
And while you're over at the GI site, be sure to check their "Ideal" line of supps. Awesome stuff at a great price (and I never thought I'd endorse supps). Use the promo code "WIGGY" when you check out to save 10%.
Again, go find out what it's like to be a "real man":
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Got some COOL stuff coming up in the coming days, including a review of probably the MOST COMPLETE core training manual ever produced, as well as a monster rant on this link a buddy of mine sent me about "exercise in a pill"...argh...
There's no reason you gotta be a wuss, even though in today's society it's not considered "cool" to be strong, tough, dedicated, a leader, of convictions, or the like.
Well, that's not the kinda person I am, nor is it the kinda person I wanna be around.
If you agree w/me, then check out my new blog over at GI Nutrition.
I talk about what it takes to be a "real man" in today's society, why I the best place to be a "real man" is with a real workout. I'm going to be discussing my own workouts as well.
(What are my own workouts? I'll be's like I've said before. I don't ask anybody to do something I wouldn't do myself. I recently just went back and started the "Working Class Cardio Workout" - the exact same thing I sell on my site. In fact, yesterday's workout was GPP then 125 burpees. Did the burpees w/no jump,
and tried to crank them out as quick as I could. Got them in just under 9 mins.
If that kinda workout sounds like your thing, then GO HERE TO SEE MORE.)
I'll be updating the blog hopefully a couple times/week, so be sure to watch for it.
Don't worry - I'll send you links when I do!
And while you're over at the GI site, be sure to check their "Ideal" line of supps. Awesome stuff at a great price (and I never thought I'd endorse supps). Use the promo code "WIGGY" when you check out to save 10%.
Again, go find out what it's like to be a "real man":
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Got some COOL stuff coming up in the coming days, including a review of probably the MOST COMPLETE core training manual ever produced, as well as a monster rant on this link a buddy of mine sent me about "exercise in a pill"...argh...
gi nutrition,
working class cardio workout
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
How to Get More Than Just "Cardio"
Evidently, some people think either I'm a liar or just making sh!t up.
The past couple days, I've been telling y'all about how the body doesn't really know what kind of work it's doing - it just knows that it has to work, how hard it has to work, etc.
And consequently, if you can find *better* ways to get similar results, that different types of training can give you benefits that you might not necessarily
Which, again, is why I keep telling you that to get all the benefits of cardio training, including:
-healthier lungs and heart
-more vitality
-more wind
-better endurance
-decreased bodyfat
-improved recovery time
-and a whole slew of other stuff...
You DO NOT NEED to do actual "cardio" work.
I'm gonna repeat that one more time, b/c I keep getting people that don't seem to believe me...
You DO NOT need to do "cardio" to get all the benefits of "cardio".
Yeah, I know it goes against the grain of everything you've read forever, but it's simply the truth. You can do other types of exercise - namely different types of
circuit and complex training - and get all the same benefits.
Here's the rub though...
When you're doing "cardio", you might get improved cardio and all the stuff I just mentioned. Which is great.
But when you're doing circuit and complex training, you ALSO get:
-stronger and more powerful
-more athletic
-develop a more muscular and better physique
-actually burn MORE calories (b/c of the increased muscle you build)
-develop work capacity that allows you to do more
than just have good wind
...and that's just the short list.
It's like getting 2 or 3 times the benefits with the same amount of time and effort!
And even better, circuit training is A LOT more fun (notice I didn't say easier - LOL). It's not boring as all hell like hamster-wheel cardio. You don't need to buy
some stupid cardio machine or join a gym.
Get a couple dumbbells, a medicine ball, and about 6-8 feet of space, do some hardcore circuit and complex training, and you can turn yourself into an absolute MONSTER.
But what sorta programs should you use?
Thought you'd never ask... ;-)
This simple (not "easy"), hardcore, and CHEAP workout program can be done almost anywhere including in the gym (if you want), at the local park, or even in your own living room.
There are a ton of people *right now* that are doing this program and the results and feedback are amazing. I told you about Aaron last week. His bro Matt is just as kickass. And since telling y'all Aaron's story, y'all have been sending me your own success stories.
And lemme tell you, it's inspirational as all hell. I'll be sharing more with you soon.
But until then, you'd better jump on the bandwagon...before you get left behind.
More real soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow for a link to a new blog I'm writing for a new site. It's good stuff. I talk about being a "real man" in today's "pussified" society and culture, and I talk about my own, personal workouts. And just what *are* my own personal workouts? I'll give you a hint - check out EXACTLY what I'm doing HERE.
The past couple days, I've been telling y'all about how the body doesn't really know what kind of work it's doing - it just knows that it has to work, how hard it has to work, etc.
And consequently, if you can find *better* ways to get similar results, that different types of training can give you benefits that you might not necessarily
Which, again, is why I keep telling you that to get all the benefits of cardio training, including:
-healthier lungs and heart
-more vitality
-more wind
-better endurance
-decreased bodyfat
-improved recovery time
-and a whole slew of other stuff...
You DO NOT NEED to do actual "cardio" work.
I'm gonna repeat that one more time, b/c I keep getting people that don't seem to believe me...
You DO NOT need to do "cardio" to get all the benefits of "cardio".
Yeah, I know it goes against the grain of everything you've read forever, but it's simply the truth. You can do other types of exercise - namely different types of
circuit and complex training - and get all the same benefits.
Here's the rub though...
When you're doing "cardio", you might get improved cardio and all the stuff I just mentioned. Which is great.
But when you're doing circuit and complex training, you ALSO get:
-stronger and more powerful
-more athletic
-develop a more muscular and better physique
-actually burn MORE calories (b/c of the increased muscle you build)
-develop work capacity that allows you to do more
than just have good wind
...and that's just the short list.
It's like getting 2 or 3 times the benefits with the same amount of time and effort!
And even better, circuit training is A LOT more fun (notice I didn't say easier - LOL). It's not boring as all hell like hamster-wheel cardio. You don't need to buy
some stupid cardio machine or join a gym.
Get a couple dumbbells, a medicine ball, and about 6-8 feet of space, do some hardcore circuit and complex training, and you can turn yourself into an absolute MONSTER.
But what sorta programs should you use?
Thought you'd never ask... ;-)
This simple (not "easy"), hardcore, and CHEAP workout program can be done almost anywhere including in the gym (if you want), at the local park, or even in your own living room.
There are a ton of people *right now* that are doing this program and the results and feedback are amazing. I told you about Aaron last week. His bro Matt is just as kickass. And since telling y'all Aaron's story, y'all have been sending me your own success stories.
And lemme tell you, it's inspirational as all hell. I'll be sharing more with you soon.
But until then, you'd better jump on the bandwagon...before you get left behind.
More real soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow for a link to a new blog I'm writing for a new site. It's good stuff. I talk about being a "real man" in today's "pussified" society and culture, and I talk about my own, personal workouts. And just what *are* my own personal workouts? I'll give you a hint - check out EXACTLY what I'm doing HERE.
Monday, March 08, 2010
Learning the HARD WAY
Some people just have to learn the HARD WAY.
Was talking to a buddy of mine yesterday, and the subject of training came up. He just came home from Iraq (Army), and was saying that he was gonna have to start working out to make sure he kept in shape, as he was only gonna be drilling on weekends once/month from now on.
So, I told him about the benefits of circuit and complex training - all the kinda stuff I put in yesterday's post.
(You know - the kinda training and workouts I have in the "Working Class Cardio Workout".)
Well, he tells me that all sounds cool, but wants to know how much running he's gonna have to do. I tell him he probably should every now and then just to be 'used' to
running for any kind of Army PT he might have to do, but other than that, he won't need to do any running.
He wasn't having it. "No way you can have good cardio w/o running" he tried to tell me.
So I tried to RE-EXPLAIN it all to him. I could tell he thought I was full of crap. Fine. Let's SHOW him. So I told him to get to my place ready to work out.
Now, if any of you are on my Facebook page, you might've seen that I felt like CRAP this weekend. I'm not sure exactly what hammered ass looks like, but I know that's how I felt. But I was gonna show this dude what was what.
So he comes over, and I put him through what I tell him is a basic cardio workout - kind of a 'mish-mash' of a few things from the FIRST WEEK (i.e. - the easiest part of the whole damn thing) of my "Working Class Cardio Workout".
We start off with some real easy bodyweight GPP, then hit up some heavy DB C&P and DB Rows, with med ball woodchoppers, seal jacks, and other stuff in between. We did a
couple other little things, and then finished up with good ole' burpees for 50 reps, 10 at a time, resting only 20 secs between sets.
Now, mind you, my buddy is a small dude. He's 130-140 lbs at the most. And given his recent military service, he should be in good shape, right? I know he thought he was gonna "show" me.
How did it go? Well....let's just say I drove his ass into the ground. The worst part of it all? His wind - he couldn't EVER catch his breath.
I don't say any of this to brag or make myself sound 'tough' or whatever. I'm telling you all this to prove a point...
...the same point I was trying to drive home yesterday.
Actual cardio training just IS NOT necessary to be in good shape. You can do the kinda thing in the "Working Class Cardio Workout" and once you get into good shape, drive about anybody you know into the ground yourself.
What are you waiting for?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Was talking to a buddy of mine yesterday, and the subject of training came up. He just came home from Iraq (Army), and was saying that he was gonna have to start working out to make sure he kept in shape, as he was only gonna be drilling on weekends once/month from now on.
So, I told him about the benefits of circuit and complex training - all the kinda stuff I put in yesterday's post.
(You know - the kinda training and workouts I have in the "Working Class Cardio Workout".)
Well, he tells me that all sounds cool, but wants to know how much running he's gonna have to do. I tell him he probably should every now and then just to be 'used' to
running for any kind of Army PT he might have to do, but other than that, he won't need to do any running.
He wasn't having it. "No way you can have good cardio w/o running" he tried to tell me.
So I tried to RE-EXPLAIN it all to him. I could tell he thought I was full of crap. Fine. Let's SHOW him. So I told him to get to my place ready to work out.
Now, if any of you are on my Facebook page, you might've seen that I felt like CRAP this weekend. I'm not sure exactly what hammered ass looks like, but I know that's how I felt. But I was gonna show this dude what was what.
So he comes over, and I put him through what I tell him is a basic cardio workout - kind of a 'mish-mash' of a few things from the FIRST WEEK (i.e. - the easiest part of the whole damn thing) of my "Working Class Cardio Workout".
We start off with some real easy bodyweight GPP, then hit up some heavy DB C&P and DB Rows, with med ball woodchoppers, seal jacks, and other stuff in between. We did a
couple other little things, and then finished up with good ole' burpees for 50 reps, 10 at a time, resting only 20 secs between sets.
Now, mind you, my buddy is a small dude. He's 130-140 lbs at the most. And given his recent military service, he should be in good shape, right? I know he thought he was gonna "show" me.
How did it go? Well....let's just say I drove his ass into the ground. The worst part of it all? His wind - he couldn't EVER catch his breath.
I don't say any of this to brag or make myself sound 'tough' or whatever. I'm telling you all this to prove a point...
...the same point I was trying to drive home yesterday.
Actual cardio training just IS NOT necessary to be in good shape. You can do the kinda thing in the "Working Class Cardio Workout" and once you get into good shape, drive about anybody you know into the ground yourself.
What are you waiting for?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Sunday, March 07, 2010
LOL - You're STUPID!!
Ok - don't get mad! I'm not *really* calling you stupid...
...well maybe I am. Kinda.
Actually, what's stupid is your body - not you. And by "stupid", I mean your body, as an amazing of a creation as it is, still doesn't always know "what's up".
For example, let's take training.
When it comes to getting stronger, your body has no friggin' clue that it's lifting weights. Really - it doesn't. All it knows is that it has to work hard - to produce force, in a given direction, for a given number of reps, etc.
You could be lifting rocks, barbells, doing calisthenics, using resistance bands - your body has no idea what any of those things are. Now, that's not to say they
don't all target the body slightly differently (hence the different results they all produce), but your body has nothing to do w/that.
Same goes with cardio training.
See, when it comes to your cardiovascular and cardio-respiratory systems, your body has no clue if you're running, using a bike, a rower, or what. All it knows is how hard you're breathing, and how fast your heart has to beat.
So...that means that traditional "cardio" training is not now, nor will it *ever* be necessary to develop good cardio, or get any of the health benefits from it - like
a stronger heart and lungs, lower bodyfat, better work capacity, and a whole ton of other stuff.
Now - does that mean that you can get "cardio" benefits w/o doing "cardio" training?
Yup. ;-)
Just like the stuff in the "Working Class Cardio Workout". All the awesome benefits of cardio training, w/o actually having to do any of the sucko, boring, cardio work.
Plus, b/c it's all based around using dumbbells, a med ball, and bodyweight calisthenics, there are a TON of extra benefits that this type of program will give
-more strength and power
-more endurance
-a more muscular physique
-the ability to train literally ANYWHERE you want
-develop yourself into an absolute "work-horse" that just doesn't get tired
Should I keep going?
Wanna see more, then...
And find out just what awesome cardio you can have...w/o actually doing cardio!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
...well maybe I am. Kinda.
Actually, what's stupid is your body - not you. And by "stupid", I mean your body, as an amazing of a creation as it is, still doesn't always know "what's up".
For example, let's take training.
When it comes to getting stronger, your body has no friggin' clue that it's lifting weights. Really - it doesn't. All it knows is that it has to work hard - to produce force, in a given direction, for a given number of reps, etc.
You could be lifting rocks, barbells, doing calisthenics, using resistance bands - your body has no idea what any of those things are. Now, that's not to say they
don't all target the body slightly differently (hence the different results they all produce), but your body has nothing to do w/that.
Same goes with cardio training.
See, when it comes to your cardiovascular and cardio-respiratory systems, your body has no clue if you're running, using a bike, a rower, or what. All it knows is how hard you're breathing, and how fast your heart has to beat.
So...that means that traditional "cardio" training is not now, nor will it *ever* be necessary to develop good cardio, or get any of the health benefits from it - like
a stronger heart and lungs, lower bodyfat, better work capacity, and a whole ton of other stuff.
Now - does that mean that you can get "cardio" benefits w/o doing "cardio" training?
Yup. ;-)
Just like the stuff in the "Working Class Cardio Workout". All the awesome benefits of cardio training, w/o actually having to do any of the sucko, boring, cardio work.
Plus, b/c it's all based around using dumbbells, a med ball, and bodyweight calisthenics, there are a TON of extra benefits that this type of program will give
-more strength and power
-more endurance
-a more muscular physique
-the ability to train literally ANYWHERE you want
-develop yourself into an absolute "work-horse" that just doesn't get tired
Should I keep going?
Wanna see more, then...
And find out just what awesome cardio you can have...w/o actually doing cardio!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, March 05, 2010
Down 30+ lbs and 6-8" Waist Size
Turns out some of the info I gave y'all the other day was bogus.
The response I've gotten from the article I wrote about my boy Aaron and the kickass results he's gotten from the "Working Class Cardio Workout" has been outta this world.
But shortly after I sent out the newsletter about the article, Aaron himself emailed me to tell me I was wrong.
See, in the article, I said he'd gone from 190-195 lbs. down to 165.
Turns out now he's not 165, but actually down to and even lower freakin' 159. Wow.
(And as an aside, he also let me know that his waist/pants size has gone from a 38 to a 30/32, depending on the pair of pants.)
And the numbers his putting up in the gym are outta sight, too. Like he told me the other day - 175 medicine ball burpees in just over 19 minutes.
Pretty kickass.
In case you missed the article, you should give it a look - and check out the pics of Aaron's progress:
It'll sure as hell be motivating. If it's not, you'd better check to see if you have a pulse...
Have an awesome weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - OH OH OH!! I almost forgot!!
My buddy Tom Venuto is still giving away his brand new "Holy Grail" book for FR-EE...but TODAY is the LAST DAY!!
I recently reviewed the book (and how to get it) on my blog, so go take a look:
The response I've gotten from the article I wrote about my boy Aaron and the kickass results he's gotten from the "Working Class Cardio Workout" has been outta this world.
But shortly after I sent out the newsletter about the article, Aaron himself emailed me to tell me I was wrong.
See, in the article, I said he'd gone from 190-195 lbs. down to 165.
Turns out now he's not 165, but actually down to and even lower freakin' 159. Wow.
(And as an aside, he also let me know that his waist/pants size has gone from a 38 to a 30/32, depending on the pair of pants.)
And the numbers his putting up in the gym are outta sight, too. Like he told me the other day - 175 medicine ball burpees in just over 19 minutes.
Pretty kickass.
In case you missed the article, you should give it a look - and check out the pics of Aaron's progress:
It'll sure as hell be motivating. If it's not, you'd better check to see if you have a pulse...
Have an awesome weekend.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - OH OH OH!! I almost forgot!!
My buddy Tom Venuto is still giving away his brand new "Holy Grail" book for FR-EE...but TODAY is the LAST DAY!!
I recently reviewed the book (and how to get it) on my blog, so go take a look:
Thursday, March 04, 2010
"Holy Grail" ebook...cheez-ball or truth?
A couple days ago, I mentioned my buddy Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" ebook package.
In case you missed it, Tom Venuto is a fat loss coach, steroid-free bodybuilder, nutritionist, and a whole bunch of other stuff. In the end, all you really need
to know is that when it comes to diet and nutrition, Tom knows his stuff...big time.
He's had some 400+ articles published, has written for all the top magazines, been on ESPN radio, and a whole slew of other accolades. In fact, there are probably 10 or 12 guys out there who've had absolutely no success in their lives whatsoever, b/c Tom has hoarded it all. LOL.
I'm gonna get down to business here - his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" is one awesome book. So awesome, that (the world's top electronic product
published/distributor) has ranked BFFM the #1 selling diet ebook on the entire internet.
Pretty awesome stuff.
Well, Tom has just come out with a new book, and he shot me a copy to take a look at.
I thought BFFM was pretty good, but this one takes it to a whole new level. This book talks about how you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time...and yeah, it's possible.
Tom calls the book the "Holy Grail Body Transformation Program".
Yeah, I know - the title is kinda cheez-ball, but the info in it is pure gold. Tom goes through how to cycle your diet through days of low calories and days of higher calories, all depending on your goal. (Whether you wanna mainly just lose fat, you wanna gain lean muscle, etc.)
He also goes through how and when to eat your daily meals, and when it's best to eat protein and carbs during the day, depending on when you work out.
I will say that he's probably gonna piss a few people off w/his discussion on pre and during workout meals, shakes, and the like. And I'm always up for pissing off the establishment. ;-)
The thing I like about Tom's writing is that, while not quite as "laid back" as mine is, it's all REALLY easy to read. I've read some nutrition books that are WAY out there and make things way too overly complicated to read.
Reading Tom's stuff, you really get the idea that he's taking complicated stuff, and putting it into simple language that you and I can understand.
Bottom line is this - the "Holy Grail" book is kickass, and I completely recommend it.
And you can get it for NOTHIN'.
Tom is gonna be releasing the "Holy Grail" ebook as a complete stand-alone product here soon, but for a REALLY limited time, you can get a copy for FR-EE if you order "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle".
But, the offer expires soon. Like by tomorrow soon. Yeah, I know, short notice. Sorry.
When I got my copy of the book, I didn't think it was gonna be this good. I honestly just finished going through it myself...
To get your copy for in nothin'
Do it now. You'll like it. Promise.
And if you don't, I can personally tell you that Tom's customer service is absolutely kick-ass.
Tell him Wiggy sent ya... ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Got a quick update on my buddy Aaron from yesterday's post...will put up a quick update tomorrow to let you know!!
In case you missed it, Tom Venuto is a fat loss coach, steroid-free bodybuilder, nutritionist, and a whole bunch of other stuff. In the end, all you really need
to know is that when it comes to diet and nutrition, Tom knows his stuff...big time.
He's had some 400+ articles published, has written for all the top magazines, been on ESPN radio, and a whole slew of other accolades. In fact, there are probably 10 or 12 guys out there who've had absolutely no success in their lives whatsoever, b/c Tom has hoarded it all. LOL.
I'm gonna get down to business here - his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" is one awesome book. So awesome, that (the world's top electronic product
published/distributor) has ranked BFFM the #1 selling diet ebook on the entire internet.
Pretty awesome stuff.
Well, Tom has just come out with a new book, and he shot me a copy to take a look at.
I thought BFFM was pretty good, but this one takes it to a whole new level. This book talks about how you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time...and yeah, it's possible.
Tom calls the book the "Holy Grail Body Transformation Program".
Yeah, I know - the title is kinda cheez-ball, but the info in it is pure gold. Tom goes through how to cycle your diet through days of low calories and days of higher calories, all depending on your goal. (Whether you wanna mainly just lose fat, you wanna gain lean muscle, etc.)
He also goes through how and when to eat your daily meals, and when it's best to eat protein and carbs during the day, depending on when you work out.
I will say that he's probably gonna piss a few people off w/his discussion on pre and during workout meals, shakes, and the like. And I'm always up for pissing off the establishment. ;-)
The thing I like about Tom's writing is that, while not quite as "laid back" as mine is, it's all REALLY easy to read. I've read some nutrition books that are WAY out there and make things way too overly complicated to read.
Reading Tom's stuff, you really get the idea that he's taking complicated stuff, and putting it into simple language that you and I can understand.
Bottom line is this - the "Holy Grail" book is kickass, and I completely recommend it.
And you can get it for NOTHIN'.
Tom is gonna be releasing the "Holy Grail" ebook as a complete stand-alone product here soon, but for a REALLY limited time, you can get a copy for FR-EE if you order "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle".
But, the offer expires soon. Like by tomorrow soon. Yeah, I know, short notice. Sorry.
When I got my copy of the book, I didn't think it was gonna be this good. I honestly just finished going through it myself...
To get your copy for in nothin'
Do it now. You'll like it. Promise.
And if you don't, I can personally tell you that Tom's customer service is absolutely kick-ass.
Tell him Wiggy sent ya... ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Got a quick update on my buddy Aaron from yesterday's post...will put up a quick update tomorrow to let you know!!
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Working Class Cardio Workout Success Story (w/pics)
Yesterday, I told you I was gonna tell you all about one of my "all-star" customers...
Well, I wrote up a quick article about him, how he's worked his ass off, how long he's been training, and what he did win the respect of the trainers at his local gym.
And there are some bitchin' "before" and "during" pics of his progress, too.
Before and...during? WTH do I mean by "during"?
Read the article and you'll find out.
PS - Remember that diet ebook I told you about by Tom Venuto yesterday? Well, he emailed me last night, and he's giving away another FR-EE book...details tomorrow...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Well, I wrote up a quick article about him, how he's worked his ass off, how long he's been training, and what he did win the respect of the trainers at his local gym.
And there are some bitchin' "before" and "during" pics of his progress, too.
Before and...during? WTH do I mean by "during"?
Read the article and you'll find out.
PS - Remember that diet ebook I told you about by Tom Venuto yesterday? Well, he emailed me last night, and he's giving away another FR-EE book...details tomorrow...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Just Eat It
I musta struck a chord w/my whole doing "cardio" w/o doing "cardio" post yesterday, as I got a fair amount of emails on it.
(BTW - wanna have all the benefits of cardio w/o having to do "cardio"? Then CLICK HERE.)
But that led to a bunch of other questions...
...namely about fat loss.
And of course, that led to questions on diet.
I've told you before, I'm not afraid to admit when I'm no guru on something. I know training like a mofo, but when it comes to diet, though I know enough, I'm sure as heck no "expert".
That's why when people have questions re diet, I point them to Tom Venuto, and his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" book.
Haven't heard of it? Then you're living under a rock, b/c it's the #1 best-selling diet ebook on the internet...EVER.
Yeah - Tom knows a thing or two.
So pick up your own copy and get to readin'.
=>"Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle"
Keep your eyes glued to tomorrow's post, as I'm gonna give you an update on one of my "all-stars"...a dude I've told you about before, keeps doing my workouts, and is turning into an absolute freakin' animal.
So much so, in fact, that he's got the gym staff (who used to give him crap about his workouts) shaking his hand afterward now, b/c he's the resident badass in the gym.
More tomorrow.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
(BTW - wanna have all the benefits of cardio w/o having to do "cardio"? Then CLICK HERE.)
But that led to a bunch of other questions...
...namely about fat loss.
And of course, that led to questions on diet.
I've told you before, I'm not afraid to admit when I'm no guru on something. I know training like a mofo, but when it comes to diet, though I know enough, I'm sure as heck no "expert".
That's why when people have questions re diet, I point them to Tom Venuto, and his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" book.
Haven't heard of it? Then you're living under a rock, b/c it's the #1 best-selling diet ebook on the internet...EVER.
Yeah - Tom knows a thing or two.
So pick up your own copy and get to readin'.
=>"Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle"
Keep your eyes glued to tomorrow's post, as I'm gonna give you an update on one of my "all-stars"...a dude I've told you about before, keeps doing my workouts, and is turning into an absolute freakin' animal.
So much so, in fact, that he's got the gym staff (who used to give him crap about his workouts) shaking his hand afterward now, b/c he's the resident badass in the gym.
More tomorrow.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Monday, March 01, 2010
You Don't Need "Cardio" to Get Cardio
Just got in a kickass cardio workout - and the best thing about it was that I did no actual "cardio".
I'm actually going back and doing my own Working Class Cardio Workout. (Yeah, I do my own workouts...unlike a bunch of the other fitness "gurus" out there.)
I keep telling people you can get kickass cardio, fat loss, heart benefits, and everything else without having to actually do "cardio".
B/c let's face it...cardio sucks. Right?
So how to get cardio w/o doing cardio?
By doing a ton of damn work and resting very little. For example, my workout today had roughly 10 mins of bodyweight GPP (I upped the ante here from the actual workout), over 150 med ball woodchoppers, 400 seal jacks, lifted over 18,000 lbs total, and more. Never rested more than 20-25 secs at a time, and the whole workout took <40 mins.
Think I didn't just improve my cardio? Damn right I did.
Wanna learn more?
=>Then hit up
(Get it now, and you'll get a lifetime membership to my new "" newsletter list - which you normally have to pay for - gratis.)
Check it out -> have cardio w/o doing cardio
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
I'm actually going back and doing my own Working Class Cardio Workout. (Yeah, I do my own workouts...unlike a bunch of the other fitness "gurus" out there.)
I keep telling people you can get kickass cardio, fat loss, heart benefits, and everything else without having to actually do "cardio".
B/c let's face it...cardio sucks. Right?
So how to get cardio w/o doing cardio?
By doing a ton of damn work and resting very little. For example, my workout today had roughly 10 mins of bodyweight GPP (I upped the ante here from the actual workout), over 150 med ball woodchoppers, 400 seal jacks, lifted over 18,000 lbs total, and more. Never rested more than 20-25 secs at a time, and the whole workout took <40 mins.
Think I didn't just improve my cardio? Damn right I did.
Wanna learn more?
=>Then hit up
(Get it now, and you'll get a lifetime membership to my new "" newsletter list - which you normally have to pay for - gratis.)
Check it out -> have cardio w/o doing cardio
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Awesome Highlight Slideshow
I've talked about my buddy Andy Hepler of before.
Andy owns his own sports performance facility in Thomasville, NC, where he trains high school and middle school athletes. Just recently, Andy celebrated his 1 year anniversary of opening his gym, and had a little "shindig" for his athletes.
Check out this slideshow Andy put together of his athletes training and competing - it's pretty badass.
Oh - and that box jump (w/drop step) at the end of the vid is by Dylan Gallimore. Dylan is 16 years old, bench 275 x 2, pushpresses 225, weighs 175, and has only been training w/Andy for a year.
If Dylan keeps training w/Andy, he's gonna be an absolute monster by the time he's a senior...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Andy owns his own sports performance facility in Thomasville, NC, where he trains high school and middle school athletes. Just recently, Andy celebrated his 1 year anniversary of opening his gym, and had a little "shindig" for his athletes.
Check out this slideshow Andy put together of his athletes training and competing - it's pretty badass.
Oh - and that box jump (w/drop step) at the end of the vid is by Dylan Gallimore. Dylan is 16 years old, bench 275 x 2, pushpresses 225, weighs 175, and has only been training w/Andy for a year.
If Dylan keeps training w/Andy, he's gonna be an absolute monster by the time he's a senior...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
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