Monday, March 15, 2010

Who's it Good For?

Super-busy day today (aren't Mondays *always* friggin' nuts?), but I wanted to shoot this out to y'all real quick...

Been gettin' the question a lot about just *who* the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is for.

Namely, I've been getting different kinds of combat athletes (wrestlers, BJJers, boxers, etc) and military/law enforcement/fire & rescue/etc asking me if this would be a "good program for them".

My quote "Stone Cold" Steve Austin...


lol. ;-)

Because the "Working Class Cardio Workout" is a program made up of circuits and complex training all using nothing but dumbbells, a medicine ball, and bodyweight exercises, not only can you do these workouts anywhere you want, but as long as YOU
put the effort in and work hard enough...

...i.e. lift heavy, be explosive, work hard, etc...

You'll build some INSANE work capacity.

That means you'll not just be strong, but you'll be strong for a lone time. You'll not just be powerful, you'll be powerful for a long time. You'll not just have
good wind, you'll have great wind.

In short, you'll be able to work your ass off...and just not get tired.

(Which is where the whole "cardio" thing comes from in the first place.)

Now...does that sound like something that would be good for athletes, military, and the like? Damn straight.

And if you're not an athlete, military, or the like, does it sound like something you'd like or could help you? I'd sure hope so.

So why are you still reading? Go check it out...


Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans

PS - Watch out for tomorrow's post - got something SUPER-COOL that you're not gonna wanna miss...

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