Monday, December 29, 2008

"Frying Another Turkey"

Hey folks,

Hope y'all had a great holiday - I
know I did.

Got a quick story I gotta tell y'all
about - it still makes me laugh.

So, it's Christmas Day, and we're
over at the in-laws' place. My wife
has a lot of family, and, like all big
family shindigs, there are a few people
there I don't really know.

This year, some distant cousin of my
wife showed up with her new boyfriend
(they both in their early 20s).

This guy shows up with wearing a
Tapout hat and Affliction t-shirt, and it
took him all of about 90 seconds to start
telling everybody what a badass he was.

I rolled my eyes and went outside to do
my holiday tradition of deep frying a turkey.

(Yeah, frying a turkey isn't great for the diet,
but HOLY COW it sure tastes good! ;-)

After a while, this tough-guy wannabe comes
outside and starts in with more of his crap - how
he "trains MMA" and "is going to get a tryout
w/the UFC in a the spring". Oh boy.

He ends up saying that he's heard that I put
together fighter workouts. I tell him a
little of what I do and give him my website
. He asks if I've "trained anybody 'good' -
anybody in the UFC"..."because all the guys
he trains with are former UFC."

I tell him that UFC and Cage Rage vet Leigh
Remedios has used my stuff to help prepare
for fights, and that a contestant on the latest
season of The Ultimate Fighter just picked
up my "Working Class MMA Workout Program".

He doesn't seem impressed, and tells me that
he "might" look over my site, but that he was
probably in too good of shape for my workouts
to help him.

At this point, it was freakin' on.

I look at my watch, and tell him my turkey has
another 14 minutes until it's done, and bet him
$50 that I can put him through a workout that
will fry HIM before the turkey is done being fried.

He agrees. I grin. ;-)

First, I hop on his back (like a piggy-back
ride) and have him do 8 squats. Immediately
after that, I have him go to the stairs next to
the deck and jump to the 3rd stair 20 times.
Rest for a minute.

Then I grab his feet and hold them at my
shoulders, and make him do 8 pushups.
Right after that, he has to walk up and down
the 3 deck steps 3x. Another minute rest.

Then I have him grab this big, cast-iron
flower pot full of soil (prob. weighed ~50
lbs.) and pull it from the ground to his chin
8 times, followed up with 15 full burpees
(inc. a pushup and a jump).

By this time, this guy is sweating profusely,
cussing and groaning loudly, and sucking
wind like you wouldn't believe. He is literally
lying on his back in my in-laws' driveway....
on Christmas Day.

I look at my watch, and say "got 6 minutes
left - want more?" He rolls his head back
and forth, and mumbles something about
checking out my website.

My wife sees all this going on, comes out
and asks me, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," I smile and reply, "just frying another

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins

PS - Want to "fry" your own "turkey"? Head
to right
now and get started. Maybe you can be like
the guy who just emailed me to say that he'd
put 85 lbs. on his squat in two months using
my programs...

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