Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Genetics" - the ultimate cop-out

Just so y'all know up front - I'm in
one of my moods today, and am gonna
rant a little. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I don't know about you, but I am fed
the hell up with people talking about
how "genetics" are responsible for
one's state in life.

If somebody is fat, it's b/c of genetics.
If somebody is trim, it's b/c of genetics.
If somebody is strong, it's b/c of
genetics. If somebody is slow it's b/c
of genetics.

Maybe I missed the bulletin on this, but
I always thought that these sort of things
were determined more by your own frickin'
habits and actions than what your DNA

Now, I'm not saying that genetics don't play
a role, b/c they do. They ultimately determine
what you can or can't do. But that doesn't mean
that you don't, can't, or shouldn't put the work in.

This is absolutely true - late last week, I saw a
commercial for the late local news, and one of
their lead stories was that scientists may have
discovered a gene that leads to obesity.

Really guys? A gene, huh? Let me guess - it's
the gene that makes you always shove cupcakes
into your big mouth, right?

I remember when somebody was fat, slow, and
out of shape, it was b/c they were just lazy
and wouldn't get their ass off the couch. Now,
we're supposed to believe that it's b/c it's in their

On the flip side, I remember when, though you'd
see 'natural athletes' now and then, most of the
folks that were strong, fast, or elite athletes were
the ones who got up early, stuck to their strict diets,
stayed in when their friends partied on Saturday
nights, and just plain worked their ass off.

But now, many want you to believe that it's
b/c these people were almost "destined"
to be this way b/c of their genes.

Well, you know what I say?

I say "f@ck the genes".

Your genes are ultimately going to decide what
you can or can't do - we know that.

For instance, a guy my size (I'm 5'6", have a
natural big bone structure and slow metabolism)
ain't ever gonna play in the NBA. As much as I
might want to, I just don't have a snowballs' chance
in hell.

But does that mean I should sit on the couch, pissed
at my parents for giving me lousy DNA, and eat
cheez doodles all day?

Hell. Freakin'. No.

Sure, I might never be that seven-foot tall dude
dunking the basketball on national TV, but that
doesn't mean I can't find something that I *would*
be good at.

I can get big and muscular. I can get strong.
I can get powerful. I can get fast. I can get

(Hell, I bet a bunch of those NBA guys would
have a might tough time keeping up with me
in a workout full of "Power Complexes".)

All it takes is discipline, work ethic, and effort.

You can do the same thing.

In fact, let me take that back...You SHOULD do
the same thing.

Don't let society tell you that you physical success
is only for those with superior genes. Give 'em the
finger and show 'em that you're gonna get it
done anyway.

And if you're one of the few that do have good
genetics, don't sit on your natural gifts. Work
your ass off, too. In fact, you should even more,
b/c there are probably 10 people that would KILL
to have the gifts that you do. So don't take them
for granted.

Create your goal. Create a plan to achieve it. And
go kick some ass.

Genes be damned.

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

PS - If you're ready to achieve your goals - regardless
of what people tell you your genes are - but need help
with a plan, then head over to http://www.workingclassfitness.com
and check out my "Working Class MMA Workout
" right now.

Working your ass off won't do you any good if
you're not working smart. Let me help you give
your genes and those that underestimate you "the
bird", and help you get into the best shape of your
freakin' life.

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