Ok, so not long ago, I'm flipping through the channels, and there's a TV spot for a new fitness gadget. Great...just what we needed. As if there weren't enough of
them out there already.
But this one was COMPLETELY different.
It was supposed to be for a little piece of equipment that was supposed to help women "tone up" their arms, chest, shoulders, etc.
Watching this commercial literally had me speechless and laughing my ass off at the same time.
Wanna find out what the stupid little gadget was (and why it HAD to have been a dude that designed it?)
Then you gotta be on the "poser-free" newsletter list. Only members get the whole newsletter, all the good info, cool freebies, and even discounts on upcoming products.
You on the "poser-free" list yet?
Your best bet is to show all goofs using the workout info-mercial crap that it is all just crap and get in on some of the best MMA workouts on the whole internet:
or just get in on the newsletter list here.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Gettin' Bigger
Got an email the other day from one of y'all asking about a certain muscle-gaining protocol that a big-name training/supplement/bodybuilding site is promoting.
Now, I'm not gonna name the site/method specifically, as I don't wanna cause any trouble (I've done enough re KBs over at my facebook page and re a certain guru's
new "tactical" program over at the S&C forum at mixedmartialarts.com).
But suffice it to say that I'm not a big fan of what I've seen of the program, nor the supplementation program.
The supplementation program, IMO, while all the "secret" stuff in it is, I'm sure, good supps and all, the biggest "secret" to the whole thing is that by the time you're done w/your daily dose of supps, you're taking in an extra 1000+ cals and some 100+ grams of protein/day.
You mean if you add 1000 cals and 100g of protein/day to your diet, that you're gonna put some muscle on?
Who'd have thunk it? ;-)
(And if any of you know what I'm talking about, and wanna get pointed in a direction to get basically the same thing this site is selling...for WAY less...then shoot me
an email and I'll hook you up w/the link for the info.)
Now, as far as the training program goes...I just don't think it's all that either. I won't get into specifics, but there are certain things you need to gain muscle.
Wanna read the rest? Then you gotta be on the "poser-free" newsletter list. Only members get the whole newsletter, all the good info, cool freebies, and even discounts on products.
Heck, the new "TCC" program overview you get just for joining up (yeah - a freebie) is getting some pretty awesome reviews.
You on the "poser-free" list yet?
There are only two ways to get in on it:
or just get in on the newsletter list here.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Now, I'm not gonna name the site/method specifically, as I don't wanna cause any trouble (I've done enough re KBs over at my facebook page and re a certain guru's
new "tactical" program over at the S&C forum at mixedmartialarts.com).
But suffice it to say that I'm not a big fan of what I've seen of the program, nor the supplementation program.
The supplementation program, IMO, while all the "secret" stuff in it is, I'm sure, good supps and all, the biggest "secret" to the whole thing is that by the time you're done w/your daily dose of supps, you're taking in an extra 1000+ cals and some 100+ grams of protein/day.
You mean if you add 1000 cals and 100g of protein/day to your diet, that you're gonna put some muscle on?
Who'd have thunk it? ;-)
(And if any of you know what I'm talking about, and wanna get pointed in a direction to get basically the same thing this site is selling...for WAY less...then shoot me
an email and I'll hook you up w/the link for the info.)
Now, as far as the training program goes...I just don't think it's all that either. I won't get into specifics, but there are certain things you need to gain muscle.
Wanna read the rest? Then you gotta be on the "poser-free" newsletter list. Only members get the whole newsletter, all the good info, cool freebies, and even discounts on products.
Heck, the new "TCC" program overview you get just for joining up (yeah - a freebie) is getting some pretty awesome reviews.
You on the "poser-free" list yet?
There are only two ways to get in on it:
or just get in on the newsletter list here.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Another Rant...
Ok, I'm gonna try not to "go off" to hard on this one, but I'm not making any promises.
Yesterday, my buddy Andy forwarded me a video he made of one of the athletes he trains (a 14-year old girl) doing some KB juggling w/a 20-lb KB.
The video was great. She was flipping the 'bell, tapping it, and a bunch of other cool stuff.
What was even cooler was that she did all this after only roughly 5 mins of instruction. So much for KBs being so hard to learn how to use and needing "certified" instructors and all that crap.
(I thought KBs originally supposed to be so good b/c they were easy to use? *shrug*)
I posted the vid to my Facebook page, and it didn't take long for folks to start busting on how Addie (the girl in the vid) was using bad form, "my athletes do better", blah, blah, blah.
I dunno why many KBers seem to have a cornerstone on the "I gotta prove myself to everybody" market, but sonofabitch they need to get over themselves.
1st of all, was Addie's form perfect in the vid? No. 2nd of all, did it need to be? Again...No.
Here's the thing many KBers don't seem to get:
If you're into KB lifting for the sake of KB lifting, then that's great. Knock yourself out. Ultra-perfect technique is exactly what you need.
But if you're using KBs for general strength & conditioning work, then you DON'T NEED
the ultra-perfect technique that will get you the max number of reps (or lifting the heaviest 'bell possible) that is so desired in many KB circles.
Look - the bench press is a great way to make your upper body stronger. And you could spend 20 mins w/a guy like Dave Tate or Jim Wendler, and they could show you technique improvements that would likely put 20-30 lbs. onto your bench 1RM.
So what?
Did you just get stronger? NO. You got more efficient. And unless the bench is your competition, then who cares?
Same goes for KB lifts. As long as you're developing the traits (hip drive, explosiveness, conditioning, etc) that will help you become a better athlete, and your form is good enough to keep this going w/o getting injured, then run w/it.
There's a huge difference between having good form or very good/perfect form, and having good form or lousy form.
*waits for hate mail from mad KBers*
Changing gears, The "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is just a few days away. Wanna keep getting my newsletters? Then you'd better get on the stick, son.
You can avoid being mowed down like a fool on the wrong end of a Tommy-Gun by either:
or just getting in on the newsletter list (and why I'm doing this) here.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Yesterday, my buddy Andy forwarded me a video he made of one of the athletes he trains (a 14-year old girl) doing some KB juggling w/a 20-lb KB.
The video was great. She was flipping the 'bell, tapping it, and a bunch of other cool stuff.
What was even cooler was that she did all this after only roughly 5 mins of instruction. So much for KBs being so hard to learn how to use and needing "certified" instructors and all that crap.
(I thought KBs originally supposed to be so good b/c they were easy to use? *shrug*)
I posted the vid to my Facebook page, and it didn't take long for folks to start busting on how Addie (the girl in the vid) was using bad form, "my athletes do better", blah, blah, blah.
I dunno why many KBers seem to have a cornerstone on the "I gotta prove myself to everybody" market, but sonofabitch they need to get over themselves.
1st of all, was Addie's form perfect in the vid? No. 2nd of all, did it need to be? Again...No.
Here's the thing many KBers don't seem to get:
If you're into KB lifting for the sake of KB lifting, then that's great. Knock yourself out. Ultra-perfect technique is exactly what you need.
But if you're using KBs for general strength & conditioning work, then you DON'T NEED
the ultra-perfect technique that will get you the max number of reps (or lifting the heaviest 'bell possible) that is so desired in many KB circles.
Look - the bench press is a great way to make your upper body stronger. And you could spend 20 mins w/a guy like Dave Tate or Jim Wendler, and they could show you technique improvements that would likely put 20-30 lbs. onto your bench 1RM.
So what?
Did you just get stronger? NO. You got more efficient. And unless the bench is your competition, then who cares?
Same goes for KB lifts. As long as you're developing the traits (hip drive, explosiveness, conditioning, etc) that will help you become a better athlete, and your form is good enough to keep this going w/o getting injured, then run w/it.
There's a huge difference between having good form or very good/perfect form, and having good form or lousy form.
*waits for hate mail from mad KBers*
Changing gears, The "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is just a few days away. Wanna keep getting my newsletters? Then you'd better get on the stick, son.
You can avoid being mowed down like a fool on the wrong end of a Tommy-Gun by either:
or just getting in on the newsletter list (and why I'm doing this) here.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Monday, February 08, 2010
Leading By Example
Not long ago I shot y'all an email talking about the benefits of Vitamin D3, and how some pretty "in-the-know" folks were giving Vitamin D3 the thumbs up...even above fish oil.
And I'm a big fan of fish oil.
Well, just wanted y'all to know that I'm not one of those "do as I say, not as I do" kinda dudes, and that I don't/wouldn't ask y'all to do anything I wouldn't do myself.
Got myself some Vitamin D3 this weekend and am on my 2nd day of it.
Now, the recommendations I originally read were to either take 10,000 IU per day (though doing it like this could take up to 3 months to get your Vit. D3 levels up to snuff) or to mega-dose it and take 30,000-50,000 IU 2x/week.
Well, I've got a little something different I'm gonna try...not sure how it'll work. I will hopefully know pretty soon. And you can be sure that when I know,
y'all will be the first ones to know about it.
...you'll only get to find out if you're still on my newsletter list.
The "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is coming in a week. So, you'd better make sure you make the cut.
Or else.
(BTW - there was an exception to the rule that I had neglected to mention before...do you meet it?)
Wanna make sure you meet the cut...and get some KICK ASS workouts...at the same time?
Just wanna get the info on the "St. Valentine's Day Massacre"...and see if you meet the "exception to the rule"?
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
And I'm a big fan of fish oil.
Well, just wanted y'all to know that I'm not one of those "do as I say, not as I do" kinda dudes, and that I don't/wouldn't ask y'all to do anything I wouldn't do myself.
Got myself some Vitamin D3 this weekend and am on my 2nd day of it.
Now, the recommendations I originally read were to either take 10,000 IU per day (though doing it like this could take up to 3 months to get your Vit. D3 levels up to snuff) or to mega-dose it and take 30,000-50,000 IU 2x/week.
Well, I've got a little something different I'm gonna try...not sure how it'll work. I will hopefully know pretty soon. And you can be sure that when I know,
y'all will be the first ones to know about it.
...you'll only get to find out if you're still on my newsletter list.
The "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is coming in a week. So, you'd better make sure you make the cut.
Or else.
(BTW - there was an exception to the rule that I had neglected to mention before...do you meet it?)
Wanna make sure you meet the cut...and get some KICK ASS workouts...at the same time?
Just wanna get the info on the "St. Valentine's Day Massacre"...and see if you meet the "exception to the rule"?
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
Friday, February 05, 2010
This Weekend's UFC - Couture/Coleman
Got another UFC this weekend - and this weekend's main event is a "doozy"...esp if you're a long-time MMA fan like myself.
Mark Coleman vs. Randy Couture
Now both of these guys are legends in the sport of MMA. Both are former multi-time champs - Randy in the UFC as a LHW and a HW, Mark as HW UFC Champ and the Pride 2000 GP Champ.
Both are a little older, hopefully a little wiser, and have a little less hair...but both are still awesome fighters..
Now call me crazy, but I think it's kinda badass that two guys in their 40s are not only big enough names to main-event a UFC, but are still good enough that people wanna see them as a main event.
Here's the question though - how are these two guys, at an age where you're supposed to slow down, start "taking it easy", and take up golf, still kicking ass, taking names, and showing 20-somethings what being a 'real man' is all about?
There are several reasons, but there is one main thing that these two guys have in common:
Both have always taken their workouts, fitness, diets, and supplementation very seriously.
I remember seeing Mark Coleman being used as a "poster boy" for a certain supplement warehouse's catalog back in in the late '90s...when he was UFC HW champ. And Randy
brought "greens" supplements to the forefront in certain circles the first time he dropped down to 205.
And although they take vastly different approaches to working out, both have taken their training very seriously over the years and dedicated themselves to staying in shape. If they hadn't, there is no way either could still be competing at such a high level now at their age.
So how is their training so different?
Well, Randy is well-known for using complexes and plyometrics in his workouts. Coleman, on the other hand, has been more known for almost old-school bodybuilding type training (though he's switched up some from what I've seen) - hard and heavy lifting.
And, in a way, it shows - Randy has always been known for being in great shape and having great conditioning, but not really being that strong.
"The Hammer", on the other hand, was always been known for being super strong, but having a suspect gas tank.
Call me crazy, but you'd think that it'd make sense to kinda mix the two, right? Hard and heavy lifting to be strong, and complexes for conditioning.
Makes sense to me, anyway.
Of course, that is *exactly* how I designed "Program #1" in Working Class Fitness - The Programs...basic compound movements on a particular progression combined with weight-based conditioning and complex training. Kinda the "best of both worlds"...ya know?
And thousands of people all over the world have used "Program #1" to get stronger, faster, and in better shape...with some pretty badass results...
...just sayin'. ;-)
If you wanna pick up "Program #1"...as well as the other FIVE 8-week programs (6 programs...a YEAR'S worth of training)...plus a dedicated, specific MMA-fight prep workout...and SAVE 40% when you do...then hit up the link below:
Enjoy the fights...oh...and the Super Bowl, too. ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - The "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is coming in a little over a week. If you wanna keep getting my newsletters, then get here and make sure you do...otherwise you're gonna be caught up in the "Massacre"...just like everybody else...
Mark Coleman vs. Randy Couture
Now both of these guys are legends in the sport of MMA. Both are former multi-time champs - Randy in the UFC as a LHW and a HW, Mark as HW UFC Champ and the Pride 2000 GP Champ.
Both are a little older, hopefully a little wiser, and have a little less hair...but both are still awesome fighters..
Now call me crazy, but I think it's kinda badass that two guys in their 40s are not only big enough names to main-event a UFC, but are still good enough that people wanna see them as a main event.
Here's the question though - how are these two guys, at an age where you're supposed to slow down, start "taking it easy", and take up golf, still kicking ass, taking names, and showing 20-somethings what being a 'real man' is all about?
There are several reasons, but there is one main thing that these two guys have in common:
Both have always taken their workouts, fitness, diets, and supplementation very seriously.
I remember seeing Mark Coleman being used as a "poster boy" for a certain supplement warehouse's catalog back in in the late '90s...when he was UFC HW champ. And Randy
brought "greens" supplements to the forefront in certain circles the first time he dropped down to 205.
And although they take vastly different approaches to working out, both have taken their training very seriously over the years and dedicated themselves to staying in shape. If they hadn't, there is no way either could still be competing at such a high level now at their age.
So how is their training so different?
Well, Randy is well-known for using complexes and plyometrics in his workouts. Coleman, on the other hand, has been more known for almost old-school bodybuilding type training (though he's switched up some from what I've seen) - hard and heavy lifting.
And, in a way, it shows - Randy has always been known for being in great shape and having great conditioning, but not really being that strong.
"The Hammer", on the other hand, was always been known for being super strong, but having a suspect gas tank.
Call me crazy, but you'd think that it'd make sense to kinda mix the two, right? Hard and heavy lifting to be strong, and complexes for conditioning.
Makes sense to me, anyway.
Of course, that is *exactly* how I designed "Program #1" in Working Class Fitness - The Programs...basic compound movements on a particular progression combined with weight-based conditioning and complex training. Kinda the "best of both worlds"...ya know?
And thousands of people all over the world have used "Program #1" to get stronger, faster, and in better shape...with some pretty badass results...
...just sayin'. ;-)
If you wanna pick up "Program #1"...as well as the other FIVE 8-week programs (6 programs...a YEAR'S worth of training)...plus a dedicated, specific MMA-fight prep workout...and SAVE 40% when you do...then hit up the link below:
Enjoy the fights...oh...and the Super Bowl, too. ;-)
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - The "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is coming in a little over a week. If you wanna keep getting my newsletters, then get here and make sure you do...otherwise you're gonna be caught up in the "Massacre"...just like everybody else...
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Was I Completely Wrong?
Not long ago, I posted about how if you were gonna be taking just one supplement, it should be fish oil.
I hate to say it, but I mighta been completely wrong.
A buddy of mine hooked me up with a link to a blog post from Charles Poliquin just recently.
(If you don't know who Charles Poliquin is, let's keep it simple - he's one of the best trainers in the world. This guy has forgotten more in one day than probably any
other 10 trainers ever knew put together. He's that good.)
Anyway, his blog post was about Vitamin D3. In the post, Poliquin says:
"Fish oil also has amazing properties, but it takes a backseat to vitamin D3."
Check out Poliquin's post here => Viatmin D3 blog post
I've not used it yet, so I can't personally comment on how good D3 is yet...but if Poliquin says take it, then you can bet your ass I'm gonna...esp considering that
like fish oil, it's cheap.
I'll let you know what I find out...and if you start taking it - or take it already - lemme know how it goes.
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Are you on my newsletter list? Do you want to continue to be? This is important! If you do, then you'd better CLICK HERE
pronto...the "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is coming...
If you don't, or what you see in that link pisses you off, then unsubscribe now...
I hate to say it, but I mighta been completely wrong.
A buddy of mine hooked me up with a link to a blog post from Charles Poliquin just recently.
(If you don't know who Charles Poliquin is, let's keep it simple - he's one of the best trainers in the world. This guy has forgotten more in one day than probably any
other 10 trainers ever knew put together. He's that good.)
Anyway, his blog post was about Vitamin D3. In the post, Poliquin says:
"Fish oil also has amazing properties, but it takes a backseat to vitamin D3."
Check out Poliquin's post here => Viatmin D3 blog post
I've not used it yet, so I can't personally comment on how good D3 is yet...but if Poliquin says take it, then you can bet your ass I'm gonna...esp considering that
like fish oil, it's cheap.
I'll let you know what I find out...and if you start taking it - or take it already - lemme know how it goes.
More soon.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
PS - Are you on my newsletter list? Do you want to continue to be? This is important! If you do, then you'd better CLICK HERE
pronto...the "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is coming...
If you don't, or what you see in that link pisses you off, then unsubscribe now...
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
My 1st Run in MONTHS
Well, it *actually* happened...and I'm still having a hard time believing it.
We got snow and ice here in central North Carolina.
And in typical fashion, most of the area shut down. Schools were canceled, churches didn't hold services, and everybody flocked to the grocery stores to get their
milk, bread, and eggs.
(As an aside...WTF is w/everybody wanting milk, bread, and eggs before a big storm comes in? *shrug*)
Anyway, when the storm hit, we got a bunch of ice, freezing weather, and even some snow. The ice was crazy...was coming down like snow...only it was ice.
What an awesome time for a workout. ;-)
Call me crazy, but I couldn't help myself...I had to be outside working out in the crazy weather. I usually work out outside anyway - which is a major benefits of using dumbbells, medicine balls, calisthenics, etc - you can train anywhere. But I just *had* to get a workout in outside in this nutso weather.
So what did I do? I went old school - some good ole' traditional roadwork. Went for a run through a wooded area near the house...then went for another one later that day...in the snow and ice...through the forest...all bundled up...
Pure Rocky IV style, baby.
Here was the cool thing though - I had an awesome run! Felt great. Had fun. Ran hard. Kickass workout.
Why was that so cool?
B/c before then, I literally hadn't run anything over probably 50 yards in while. Quite a while, actually. As in MONTHS.
But there I was....doing it like it was nothing.
Wind was great. Conditioning was great. Endurance was through the roof.
B/c of the hard workouts I've been doing. Plenty of circuit training, complexes, intense full-body movements, little rest...
...you know...all the kinda stuff found in the "Working Class
Cardio Workout".
I dunno what you think, but me, I thought it was pretty kickass to be able to have such an awesome run...when all my workouts have been (more or less) standing in one place.
Interested in similar results?
Then CLICK HERE NOW => www.workingclasscardioworkout.com
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
We got snow and ice here in central North Carolina.
And in typical fashion, most of the area shut down. Schools were canceled, churches didn't hold services, and everybody flocked to the grocery stores to get their
milk, bread, and eggs.
(As an aside...WTF is w/everybody wanting milk, bread, and eggs before a big storm comes in? *shrug*)
Anyway, when the storm hit, we got a bunch of ice, freezing weather, and even some snow. The ice was crazy...was coming down like snow...only it was ice.
What an awesome time for a workout. ;-)
Call me crazy, but I couldn't help myself...I had to be outside working out in the crazy weather. I usually work out outside anyway - which is a major benefits of using dumbbells, medicine balls, calisthenics, etc - you can train anywhere. But I just *had* to get a workout in outside in this nutso weather.
So what did I do? I went old school - some good ole' traditional roadwork. Went for a run through a wooded area near the house...then went for another one later that day...in the snow and ice...through the forest...all bundled up...
Pure Rocky IV style, baby.
Here was the cool thing though - I had an awesome run! Felt great. Had fun. Ran hard. Kickass workout.
Why was that so cool?
B/c before then, I literally hadn't run anything over probably 50 yards in while. Quite a while, actually. As in MONTHS.
But there I was....doing it like it was nothing.
Wind was great. Conditioning was great. Endurance was through the roof.
B/c of the hard workouts I've been doing. Plenty of circuit training, complexes, intense full-body movements, little rest...
...you know...all the kinda stuff found in the "Working Class
Cardio Workout".
I dunno what you think, but me, I thought it was pretty kickass to be able to have such an awesome run...when all my workouts have been (more or less) standing in one place.
Interested in similar results?
Then CLICK HERE NOW => www.workingclasscardioworkout.com
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
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