Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Rant...

Ok, I'm gonna try not to "go off" to hard on this one, but I'm not making any promises.

Yesterday, my buddy Andy forwarded me a video he made of one of the athletes he trains (a 14-year old girl) doing some KB juggling w/a 20-lb KB.

The video was great. She was flipping the 'bell, tapping it, and a bunch of other cool stuff.

What was even cooler was that she did all this after only roughly 5 mins of instruction. So much for KBs being so hard to learn how to use and needing "certified" instructors and all that crap.

(I thought KBs originally supposed to be so good b/c they were easy to use? *shrug*)

I posted the vid to my Facebook page, and it didn't take long for folks to start busting on how Addie (the girl in the vid) was using bad form, "my athletes do better", blah, blah, blah.


I dunno why many KBers seem to have a cornerstone on the "I gotta prove myself to everybody" market, but sonofabitch they need to get over themselves.

1st of all, was Addie's form perfect in the vid? No. 2nd of all, did it need to be? Again...No.

Here's the thing many KBers don't seem to get:

If you're into KB lifting for the sake of KB lifting, then that's great. Knock yourself out. Ultra-perfect technique is exactly what you need.

But if you're using KBs for general strength & conditioning work, then you DON'T NEED
the ultra-perfect technique that will get you the max number of reps (or lifting the heaviest 'bell possible) that is so desired in many KB circles.

Look - the bench press is a great way to make your upper body stronger. And you could spend 20 mins w/a guy like Dave Tate or Jim Wendler, and they could show you technique improvements that would likely put 20-30 lbs. onto your bench 1RM.

So what?

Did you just get stronger? NO. You got more efficient. And unless the bench is your competition, then who cares?

Same goes for KB lifts. As long as you're developing the traits (hip drive, explosiveness, conditioning, etc) that will help you become a better athlete, and your form is good enough to keep this going w/o getting injured, then run w/it.

There's a huge difference between having good form or very good/perfect form, and having good form or lousy form.

*waits for hate mail from mad KBers*

Changing gears, The "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is just a few days away. Wanna keep getting my newsletters? Then you'd better get on the stick, son.

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Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans

1 comment:

John said...

To be fair I read it . I think the vid was fine but he did not help himself with his hate barrage on the Kettlebell Certifications . If you attack any group they will defend themselves.
Tell a Judo guy BJJ is better and see what happens .