Some people just have to learn the HARD WAY.
Was talking to a buddy of mine yesterday, and the subject of training came up. He just came home from Iraq (Army), and was saying that he was gonna have to start working out to make sure he kept in shape, as he was only gonna be drilling on weekends once/month from now on.
So, I told him about the benefits of circuit and complex training - all the kinda stuff I put in yesterday's post.
(You know - the kinda training and workouts I have in the "Working Class Cardio Workout".)
Well, he tells me that all sounds cool, but wants to know how much running he's gonna have to do. I tell him he probably should every now and then just to be 'used' to
running for any kind of Army PT he might have to do, but other than that, he won't need to do any running.
He wasn't having it. "No way you can have good cardio w/o running" he tried to tell me.
So I tried to RE-EXPLAIN it all to him. I could tell he thought I was full of crap. Fine. Let's SHOW him. So I told him to get to my place ready to work out.
Now, if any of you are on my Facebook page, you might've seen that I felt like CRAP this weekend. I'm not sure exactly what hammered ass looks like, but I know that's how I felt. But I was gonna show this dude what was what.
So he comes over, and I put him through what I tell him is a basic cardio workout - kind of a 'mish-mash' of a few things from the FIRST WEEK (i.e. - the easiest part of the whole damn thing) of my "Working Class Cardio Workout".
We start off with some real easy bodyweight GPP, then hit up some heavy DB C&P and DB Rows, with med ball woodchoppers, seal jacks, and other stuff in between. We did a
couple other little things, and then finished up with good ole' burpees for 50 reps, 10 at a time, resting only 20 secs between sets.
Now, mind you, my buddy is a small dude. He's 130-140 lbs at the most. And given his recent military service, he should be in good shape, right? I know he thought he was gonna "show" me.
How did it go? Well....let's just say I drove his ass into the ground. The worst part of it all? His wind - he couldn't EVER catch his breath.
I don't say any of this to brag or make myself sound 'tough' or whatever. I'm telling you all this to prove a point...
...the same point I was trying to drive home yesterday.
Actual cardio training just IS NOT necessary to be in good shape. You can do the kinda thing in the "Working Class Cardio Workout" and once you get into good shape, drive about anybody you know into the ground yourself.
What are you waiting for?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans
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1 comment:
Hey Matt,
Have you seen articles like this:
The author talks about why he doesn't do "aerobics". One reason is that it lowers testosterone and HGH levels.
Good post, Matt.
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