Sunday, January 31, 2010

Herschel Walker Wins MMA Debut...What You Can Learn

Well, former NFL pro-bowler, Heisman Trophy winner, and
even US Olympic bobsledder Herschel Walker won his pro
MMA debut in Strikeforce last night.

At 47 years old. Holy crap.

Herschel has been known for accomplishing some pretty
amazing athletic feats in his career. The least of which
is his workout program he's known for...which includes
literally THOUSANDS of reps of various calisthenics
each and every day.

Check my thoughts on Herschel's win - including
video highlights of the fight - his workout, and what you
should use of his in your own training.


More soon. And be sure to lemme know if I can help
y'all w/anything...

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
MMA Training | MMA Workout | Cardio Workouts | Workout Plans

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