Which sucked.

Thank goodness it wasn't me who moved, though. My bro-in-law just landed himself a sweet new job, and a new pad was part of the deal. So, like good family, I helped him move.
Too bad I absolutely hate moving. I've done so much of it in my life.
It wasn't bad as a kid (I only remember moving twice growing up, and the first time I was really too little to have to do anything...the second time was a beast, though). However, in college, I moved all the damn time. Being that I grew up in central Oregon, then went to college in North Carolina, there was a ton of moving involved...moving into the dorms in the Fall, out of the dorms in the Spring...into and out of storage garages and friend's houses during the summer, into my own place my senior year...
Then there's all the times I've helped various family members and friends move.

Needless to say, I freakin' hate moving. It almost disgusts me.
But, I was happy for the bro-in-law, and he didn't have a whole lot of help, and being that it's not just him (he's married and has two very little girls to look after), I didn't mind helping him out.
There's one thing I have to say...if you're somewhat big, and are a strong dude, I don't care who you are or what you've done...
You're the most popular guy in town on moving day.
And rightly so. After all, who else is gonna move that couch? Or bed? Or washer? Or dryer? Or bookshelf? Or...

Helping my bro-in-law move in, there were basically three of us doing all the 'heavy lifting'. There was me, my bro-in-law, and a guy from his church. And there was a ton of 'heavy lifting' to do.
Which I did the great majority of.
Now, in their defense, they had packed everything up the day before. Loaded up one of those giant U-hauls, a truck, a trailer, and a bunch of other stuff. I just helped them unpack it all at the new place.
But I still worked circles around them.
Which is cool. I work out a ton, and am in pretty good shape. I'm strong, am conditioned, and have pretty darn good endurance. And my work capacity puts a lot of folks to shame.
(All of these qualities, are developed like a mofo in the "Working Class MMA Workout Program - Championship Edition". By the way - had you heard? When you pick up the "Championship Edition", now you get a ton of FREE STUFF. Check it out HERE for the scoop.)
This is all a perfect example of being able to apply everything you do in the gym in real life.

Only instead of taking a guy down, or trying to sink in that submission, I was moving furniture, boxes, appliances, and a ton of other stuff.
Ever been in a situation where a big dude should've been able to really hold his own, but he gets just whipped by some little dude...or at least somebody smaller than him?
I dunno about you, but out of the two, I'd always be a lot stronger than I looked...instead of looking stronger than I was.
But sometimes, you can have both.
(*begin shameless plug here*)
Which is why you should check out the "Working Class MMA Workout Program - Championship Edition"...and get FREE STUFF while you're at it.
(*end shameless plug here*)
All kidding aside, don't ever let yourself get in a situation where you're not as strong, fast, conditioned, or whatever than you look. It's ultra-embarrassing. Not to mention whatever you're doing is a lot more effort. While being made fun of.
No thanks.
I'll just be strong, thanks.
Just watch yourself - you never know when somebody is gonna ask you to prove yourself. Hell, I just might call you to come help me move...
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
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