Ever wonder why? I always thought it was kinda dumb. I mean, scars are ugly and funky to look at, right? Why would girls find them attractive?
Some say it's b/c it gives a dude a certain persona - makes him seem dangerous, 'naughty', a 'bad boy' or something like that.
Personally, I think it's something a little more primal.
I think it shows a girl that you're not afraid to bleed or get hurt. Regardless of what you were doing when you got the scar (unless it was a complete accident, b/c scars are only cool if you were doing something cool or heroic when you got them), it shows...at a basic level...that when you really want something, that you're willing to sacrifice even your own well-being to get it.
And girls are gonna think that's hot...especially if they think you'll have that same feeling (that you'd bleed) for them.
But here's the kicker - it doesn't really mean anything. It's all opinion of personality.

But here's the kicker (again) - a muscular build doesn't necessarily mean anything anymore.
Now, I'm not talking about how 'tough' a guy is, whether he can fight, or any of that other stuff.
I mean whether or not a guy who has a nice looking body can actually do anything with it. I bet there are a ton of underwear models out there that the girls would drool all over...but I sure as hell hope that ain't the guy you're depending on to save you from a burning building or chase down that crook who just snatched your purse.
Back in the days of 'physical culture' - up until say around the 1940s or so - the idea of good looks and great performance went hand in hand. Along with a sound mind and spirit (which were all a part of physical culture), the idea was to train one's body so that it not only looked good, but was strong, conditioned, vibrant, healthy, etc.
But along the way, a line was drawn, and somebody thought you could only train one way or the other - for looks for for performance.
And that notion has just been furthered over the years...so much so that strength athletes (powerlifters, Olympic lifters, strongman contestants, etc.) and bodybuilders don't like each other...much less respect each other.
Then you've got fighters who don't like either one, but that's another story.

Why does it have to be that way, though? Personally, I don't think it does.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a good looking body that performs well. Many pro-athletes have physiques like this. And it's not just b/c of genetics, either.
And it doesn't take much. Just take a good, athletic, performance-based program, and add a little 'extra' to it (as long as it won't cause you to overtrain). A few sets of curls. Maybe some lateral raises. Even calf work.
I know that's how I design a lot of my workout programs.
(Quick plug - I've got a kickass sale going on. CLICK HERE to find out how to save 40%!)
I reminded of quick football story.
I used to be a big Notre Dame football fan back in the late '80s and early '90s. Before a big game, fullback Jerome Bettis wanted to tape up his shoes. Problem was that then coach Lou Holtz didn't allow it. Bettis asked Coach Holtz, and he wanted to know why guys wanted to tape their shoes.
Some guys said it kept shoe laces from coming untied, and others tried to say it gave them more support, but old Lou wasn't buying any of that crap.
Finally, Bettis piped up and said that taping his shoes just made him 'feel good'. And when he felt good, he played good.
Made sense to Lou. All Notre Dame football players were then allowed to tape their shoes.
There isn't anything wrong with wanting to look good - especially if it helps you perform good.
And then there is what that little cutie you've had your eye on will think the next time she sees you with your shirt off, or just a short-sleeved shirt stretched around a big set of 'guns'.
(HINT - it will likely impress her more than telling her your new squat 1RM).
And when that sh!t does hit the fan, and you can back up everything it looks like you can do...and more...well...
You look just that much better.
And you don't even need to bleed to do it.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
PS - that link again to Save 40% is HERE.