Monday, February 12, 2007

Interest in Article(s) About Iraq?

I've been thinking about writing an article or two (or three or four?) about my experiences during my year in Southern Iraq.

I'm not out to bash or raise the US Govt. and the war in Iraq. Rather, I'd just kinda described some of the events that happened while I was there, what the reaction of the forces at the base I was at was (it was an REO - Regional Embassy Office site w/primarily British military), and what the feelings of myself and the people I worked and lived with were like.

Would you folks be interest in this?

I watched "Flags of Our Fathers" this weekend (PHENOMENAL film, by the way - I HIGHLY recommend it!), and there was a great quote at the very beginning (this might not be word-for-word):

"Every jackass thinks they know what war is like. Especially those who have never been in one."

This is SO TRUE. I'd like to bring the readers of my blog into my experiences through my eyes...then you might be able to see the way things were really like out there. Regular information without media or govt. bias....

If you'd be interested in reading this, leave a comment.



tmorenz said...


Hope you get to feeling better.

I for one, would enjoy seeing your views of Iraq. My closest friend here and a colleague I work with was in a national guard military police unit in Baghdad for a year. Kim and I had dinner with he and his wife last night. I can only imagine what you have seen.

Like dusty rhodes used to say, "The cost is high....that is the price of freedom."

I just finished working out so hard, that it is labor just to type or hold a bottle of gatorade long enough to drink ;)


Chris said...


I'd definitely like to read your thoughs on Iraq. the bits you wrote on Bryce's board some months ago were fascinating and moving.

it puts all this training into perspective.

There was a good article in the New Statesman this week which explained the Sunni / Shia stuff that I'd not realy understood before: