
Well, first of all, Gabriel is from Puerto Rico. And to my knowledge, this is the first time I've ever traded emails with anybody located in Puerto Rico. And it'd never have happened had him and I not been online.
God bless the intrawebs.
Second, what Gabriel was telling me was something I love to hear. (And NO, it wasn't about how awesome or good looking I am...hahaha.)
Gabriel had tried to order some of my books in the past, but unfortunately, paypal had given him trouble and the order wouldn't go through.
Damn intrawebs. ;-)
Right about here is where most people give up. As soon as they run into an obstacle...no matter how slight...they throw their hands in the air and just freakin' give the f@ck up.

Most people do that not because they can't succeed. Not because the task before them is too daunting. Not because they don't know what to do. Not because they have no idea how to go forward.
They do it because they're just damn lazy.
And that, my dear readers, JUST. PLAIN. SUCKS.
Got any idea just how further along we'd be as a race, a nation, a civilization, as plain old PEOPLE if we didn't give up so damn easy? A lot further ahead than we are now.
Most great people in the world weren't great because they had extraordinary brains or extraordinary brawn. They were great because they had extraordinary willpower.
In fact, just yesterday I was watching a documentary on the World's Strongest Man contest. (Thanks SILK - I owe you one! ;-)
It was being discussed that if guys who had won several contests (Bill Kazmaier - won 3x, the late Jon Pall Sigmarsson - won 4x, Magnus Ver Magnusson - won 4x, and Mariusz Pudzianowski - record holding 5x winner) could all compete against each other in their primes, who would be the best.

Kazmaier said something that was pretty awesome about Magnus (and I'm paraphrasing here):
"Magnus was never really the strongest guy in the contest. But he had a willpower that just wouldn't let him lose. That was why he always found a way to win."
Can you imagine competing with the strongest men in the world...and NOT being the strongest guy there? Yet, Magnus not only won the contest, but won it FOUR TIMES. Only two other people in the 30+ year history of the WSM contest have equaled or bettered that mark.
Pretty inspirational stuff, if you ask me. Especially coming from a guy like Kaz.
Let's get back to my new buddy, Gabriel.
Gabriel couldn't get his hands on my products. But he didn't let that stop him. He went to my articles page, and devoured all the info there. He started doing sample workouts and working his ass off. He wasn't quite sure how to do some stuff, but he just went with it anyway. And got great results.
Why did he get such great results? (Listen up folks - this is key, here.)
Because he did the work.
Gabriel didn't sit around, doing the whole 'woulda, shoulda, coulda'. He didn't feel sorry for himself because paypal didn't work in his native Puerto Rico. He didn't just quit, because he wasn't sure exactly what to do. (After all, hasn't the fitness industry all but convinced you that you have to be spoon fed everything?)

And his workouts isn't the area Gabriel does this. Did I mention he's a Puerto Rico national kickboxing champion in the FPK (Federacion Puertorriqueña de Kickboxing)?
That means Gabriel is no chump. Which is why he busts his tail day in and day out. Doing one leads to the other.
What about you? Are you a chump? What have you gotten done today?
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
PS - If you're no chump, but aren't quite sure what direction to go with your workouts, go HERE and get all the info you'll ever need. And for CHEAP.
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