In the fitness industry (especially anybody trying to sell MMA Workouts), almost everybody is trying to sell the "one true way". They are all trying to tell you how their workout better than everything else out there, and how their system is the only real way to make gains and get better.

It's almost as if using their system is the way to untold fortunes, true happiness, and a gateway to the heavens.
Listen up, 'cause I'm gonna only say this once...
Yeah, I said it. There is no 'one true way' to train for strength, power, conditioning, cardio, work capacity, fitness, or whatever. Truth be told...lots of things work.

You mean that there isn't a "best" way to work out? Am I crazy? I've got to be. After all, isn't there a "best" way to do almost everything?
Not this time, there buddy. Sorry.
Now, it might not make a whole lot of sense for me to be saying something like least not good business sense, anyway. Because I know there is at least one of you out there in internet-dom saying something like, "But Wiggy, if there isn't a 'best' way to train, then why do you sell workout programs? Even better yet, why should I buy your workout programs? What makes them better than anything else if everything works?"
Yeah, you're right - I sell workout programs. And they're pretty damn good ones, too - especially for MMA training.
(If you don't believe me, just check out the testimonials on my site - everything from UFC/MMA stars and camps like Joe Rogan, Leigh Remedios, and American Top Team - to celebrity trainers - like Scott Sonnon and Scooter Honig, LL Cool J's trainer - to regular folks like you and me.)
But go back and look at the products I offer. "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" is actually 6 different programs (each 8 weeks long). The "Working Class MMA Workout" is completely customizable. Even my old "Singles & Doubles" stuff that went from sandbags to barbells. Each are completely different in their own way.
This is because there is no "one true way" to work out. Different things work for different people, in different situations.

Well, exercise is the same way. Different methods are needed for different goals at different times.
Does that mean that certain methods aren't any better than others? Of course not. If you're trying to build upper body strength, a good 5x5 or pyramid type of workout with heavy pressing movements will work much better than just cranking out endless sets of pushups. But, at the same time, that 5x5 or pyramid program won't (potentially) work as well for muscular-endurance as cranking out a couple sets of high-rep pushups will.
And neither one will do much for your cardio.
See what I mean?
There is gonna be at least some hype behind pretty much every fitness program. Whether we like it or not, it's a necessary evil in the business - it's what gets the bills paid. (And past experience tells me that paying bills on time is a good thing.)
But watch out when the hype gets too big...when it claims too much. When you've got one program (and I see this all the time with dudes trying to sell the latest MMA workout "flavor of the month") that claims to be better than everything else for everything, then you might wanna watch out.
After all, you know what they say about "If it's too good to be true, it probably is."

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
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