Friday, April 03, 2009

Look in the F@CKING MIRROR

Hey y'all,

Fair warning - I'm kinda fired up today. I'm feelin'
a monster rant coming on. If you don't like rants, or
a little bit of harsh language, then maybe you'd better
just go ahead and close this email.

Don't say I didn't tell you.

I don't know about you, but I am getting SICK AND
TIRED of 'deflectors'.

What's a 'deflector'?

A deflector is somebody who spends all his time bitching
and moaning about all his problems, pointing the finger
at everybody and everything else as the reason why he
can't get ahead...but won't get off his lazy ass to do it

I got a clue for you, here people - the world can really
suck. It will beat you down, hold you down, kick you
while you're down, spit on you, and laugh at you while
it does it. And when you try to get back up, it runs back
at you and does it again.

Know what? That's life. That's fact. Ain't nothin' gonna
change it.

Sure some people have it easy. So the hell what. They're
the exception - not the rule.

And know what else? More than likely, you're part of the
rule - not an exception.

Get over it.

Here's the thing - you have to deal with it. So do I. So
does almost everybody.

The question is whether or not you can find a way to win
in spite of everything....b/c we all have to do it.

What pisses me off is instead of finding a way to win, too
many people spend their time looking at every reason why
it's not their fault they fail.

And that sucks.

Recently, I had a guy email me looking for workout advice.
We traded a couple emails back and forth, and he finally got
to the point where he was ready to put a program together,
which he asked me to do.

I told him I couldn't put him a program together, as I sold
programs on my site. Not only would it be shooting myself in
the foot from a business sense, but it wouldn't be fair to all the
good people (like many of y'all) who've plunked down their
hard-earned cash to buy my products.

(And to those of you reading this who have bought my stuff
in the past, let me again say "thank you" - as I really appreciate

How did the guy respond? He starts to go off on me, saying
I'm just out to 'line my own pockets' and am 'screwing people'
and that my stuff 'isn't that good anyway'.

Yeah, sure buddy - that's why I've gotten the 'thumbs up' in
recent weeks from Scooter Honig (LL Cool J's celebrity
trainer) as well as fighters from one of the best MMA gyms
in the United States (American Top Team Boca).

(And incidentally, the programs they're raving about are as
cheap or cheaper than anything else you're gonna find like
it on the market - see more at

What this guy's real problem is, is that he's really looking for
somebody to point the finger at. He's not in shape, and me
not giving him a program is just another in a long line of excuses

I've seen this sooooo many times - people griping b/c they
don't have money, or don't have time, or don't have equipment,
or don't have good genetics, or what-the-f@ck-ever.

But here's the thing - if you wanted to get in shape bad enough,
you'd figure out a way to f@cking do it.

I know b/c I hear from and see people every damn day that do it.

You know the old kids' saying "For every finger you point at somebody
else, there are three more pointing back at yourself"?

That is oh-so-true.

The next time you're gonna complain about why you can't get the job
done, take a second and look in the mirror - maybe the real reason
you're not going anywhere

Have a good weekend, folks.

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins

1 comment:

Zak said...

Out to line your pockets? Riiight. Because selling a few thousand copies of a $25 book is going to have you rolling in it. So, basically, you're nice enough to trade a couple emails, give this douche a bit of advice, and now he expects everything for free.

Ask him whether or not he would do his job for free. I know I don't work for free and I wouldn't expect you to either.

Keep up the good work.