Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Body Becomes Its Function

If any of you read professional bodybuilding magazines back in the late '90s, you probably saw ads for the "Serious Growth" books. These books were by Leo Costa, Jr., Dr. R.L. Horine, and later Tom Platz. There ended up being some 4+ books in all, and were (supposedly) based on methods that they had learned from Bulgarian Olympic lifting coaches, and had applied to bodybuilding.

Now, I'm not sure how accurate the idea that they were inspired by Bulgarian principles is, but there were some good ideas in these books, nonetheless.

One of the principles that they (again, supposedly) learned from the Bulgarian coaches was that the "Body Becomes Its Function." They felt that if the body was trained enough to perform a certain function, that it could almost "become" that function.

In more simple terms, what it means is that whatever you train, you'll become better at.

Simple concept, right? It should be, though many times it's not viewed that way.


If you'd like to read the rest of this FREE article, just click on http://www.workingclassfitness.com/bodybecomesfunction.shtml and check it out!

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

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