Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hard Work + Great Programming = AWESOME Success

I keep saying that the best workout programs in the world won't do you any good, if you don't put the work in to actually do them. I got more "real-world" proof of this in my inbox:

"Matt, I’m an ex Football player turned Motocrosser. I have been working out since 1990 and have done the same old thing for ever. I purchased your program and am very impressed. I’m currently on program 3 week 7 and haven’t missed a day. I love this thing. I love the variety of exercises and they way it is put together. I have seen about a 10-15 lb drop in my weight and have lost about 4” in my waist. Oh ya I’m a hell of a lot stronger now. In 2 weeks I was dead lifting about 50 lb over my max when playing college ball. The best part is the guys at the gym just get tired watching me work out. The dirt bike is just a warm up now. I just don’t get tired.

I have been a huge fan of MMA for a while and this is how I discovered your program. My brother and I have even considered going into jits. I want to test this out and see how fun it can be to throw dudes around. I just wanted to thank you for such a great tool. It truly has changed my body and my focus on physical fitness. I look forward to the pain to come in the following programs. I do have to say that I love the tire. It just feels great to get a workout and pull 2-3 of the neighborhood kids around at the same time.

Thanks again Matt


See the part in bold? That kind of commitment, when coupled with a kick-ass program, is GUARANTEED to get results.

Think you can put in the same effort Aaron does? Then hop on the bandwagon and get with the best workout plans you can get, and start getting the amazing benefits for yourself.


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