Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Go Take a Hike!!

Take it easy - I'm not trying to tell you off, haha. I'm trying to tell you to actually go for a hike...or at least a long walk.

Walking is about the most basic form of transportation known to man. Aside from crawling and rolling around on the ground, it's about the first real mode of getting from "here" to "there" we ever learn. And unfortunately, it's one we all but abandon as we age.

Either we "don't have time" for walking (we park our car closer to the door, take the elevator, drive down to the corner store, or ride the moving sidewalk at the airport - of which are much quicker than walking), or we don't think it's "intense" enough (which is where running, sprinting, spinning, calisthenics, etc. all come in).

I think we should get back to walking - for a variety of reasons.

1. It Doesn't Take a Toll

By now you know the differences between different types of conditioning (esp if you've been reading my articles - if not, get to http://www.workingclassfitness.com/articles.shtml and study up). You know that for cardiovascular conditioning, you can go hard or go long, but you can't go both. Most of the cardiovascular conditioning I recommend is of the short, intense, interval variety.

While interval conditioning is highly beneficial, it also can be kinda tough on the body. Being an intense exercise, it can take a toll on the joints, and work muscles as hard as any weight training workout.

It can also take quite a toll on your CNS (Central Nervous System). This won't cause physical fatigue, per se, but rather mental fatigue. This is the kind of fatigue that can lead to overtraining pretty quickly if you're not careful.

Walking, on the other hand, is easy on the body (unlike interval's high-impact style, walking's impact is very low). You're not gonna hear about somebody having sore knees, ankles, hips, etc. from walking (unless they're seriously overweight and out of shape, but that's another story).

And because walking isn't that intense, it's also very easy on the CNS. You'd have to try pretty hard to overtrain or burn yourself out by walking. Ever have a day that you just didn't feel like going balls out? You'd have to be pretty lazy to have a day that you didn't feel like going for a walk.

The great thing about walking is that you can add it to your current activity level (even if you're already pretty active), and don't really have to worry about it affecting your other workouts/activities.

2. It's Good For Recovery and Heart Health

In addition to the points above, walking can get the blood flowing through the body. This will facilitate recovery from your more intense training sessions. It's also a great form of cardiovascular activity to keep your heart healthy. Studies have proven this a bunch of times - go google it.

3. It'll Help Burn Off a Few Pounds

Walking at a decent, brisk pace can actually help you burn calories. Did you know that the average 200 lbs. man, walking at roughly 4 mph (that's a brisk walk a little faster than average) could put on a 20 lbs. weight vest and burn roughly 250 calories in 30 mins? Sure, it's not a crazy amount, but it's 250 calories you hadn't burned before, right? And it sure beats sitting on your ass in front of the TV for an extra 30 mins. Walking up hills, going at a little faster pace, or walking over rougher terrain (say in the woods) ups the calorie usage quick.

4. It's Good For the Mind

I like walking because it gives me a chance to think. I use my walks as a time to contemplate my next business decision, upcoming articles/products/workouts, think about my family, pray and meditate...all things we don't do when we're "plugged in" to normal life. I can feel like crap, and be unsure of what to do in a situation, yet after a good, vigorous 3-4 mile walk, will end up back at the house refreshed, recharged, and will know exactly which direction I want to go in.

If you can take a spouse, loved one, child, good buddy, etc. with you, it can also be a good time to just talk and spend time with somebody that means something to you.

Go for a walk now and then - I guarantee you'll feel better when you're done.

For more tips like this, workout plans that will help you achieve physical domination over your life, be sure to check out http://www.workingclassfitness.com

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

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