Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ok, I'll Just Post It...$10

If you get my Working Class Fitness Newsletter (the link to subscribe is over on the right side of the page), you know about the deal I've been offering on Working Class Fitness - The Programs. You can get it for $10. Yep - that's right. TEN BUCKS. That's almost 75% off.

The response via the Newsletter has been AMAZING so far. I want to tell even more folks about it, so I figured "What the hell - I'll just post the deal on the blog."

So here is what I sent out in the newsletter...


Well, let's get into the deal I have for you. Trust me when I say this is probably the best deal I've ever offered.

You know how above, I was talking about Instinctive Training, and how sometimes you have to go with that "gut feeling?" There might not be a rhyme or reason to it, but you just know that you're supposed to do something?

Well, for the past few days, I've had a gut feeling about a few things - and doing this is one of them. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to do this, but I just am - so, I'm going to.

I've been extremely fortunate in areas of my life as of late, and I want to "spread the wealth" (for lack of a better term). So, that's why I'm offering up my best-selling "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" at a HUGE discount.

Normally, "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" goes for $39 - and it sells like hot-cakes...as it should - that's a helluva deal. But I won't get into all that - you can read my ad copy on www.workingclassfitness.com for that.

Here is what I'm going to do - I'm not going to offer it for 25% off. Not for 30%. Not even for 50% off. How about ALMOST 75% OFF!!!!

Yeah, you read it right - ALMOST 75% OFF!!

For a limited time (and I don't know how limited) you can get "Working Class Fitness - The Programs" for $10.

Yeah, you read that right, too - only TEN BUCKS.

Like I said, though - the offer is going to be limited. I'm not sure how limited, though. It could only be a day, it could be until this weekend, it could be a week - I just don't know. So you'd better jump on this one RIGHT NOW!!

Why am I doing this? Again, because something in my gut is telling me to. I want EVERYBODY to be able to get into great shape. My programs can help them. And at $10, there's no reason not to. If you say you can't afford the $10, then it's *you* who is choosing not to do it.

As great of a deal as this is, you *do* have to do a little work for it. I don't have any sort of fancy order page, or specialized form for this deal. If you want the deal of a lifetime, all you have to do is go to www.paypal.com, and send $10 (USD) to sales@workingclassfitness.com

This is for Working Class Fitness Newsletter subscribers only though, so when you make the payment, make sure you put "Newsletter Special" in the little comments section.

This deal is only available through PayPal - if you don't have a PayPal account, or don't want to use PayPal, then I'm sorry. I guess you're outta luck. But for the PHENOMENAL DEAL you're getting, isn't it worth getting over yourself just for a few minutes?

Like I say, go to www.paypal.com, and send $10 to sales@workingclassfitness.com

You'll spend more than $10 on a lot less usefull things - and probably today. Why not get something that will help you get into the best shape of your life?


So that's the deal. PayPal $10 to sales@workingclassfitness.com and you'll get Working Class Fitness - The Programs.

But don't mess around - I probably ain't gonna be doing this much longer...


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