Friday, February 09, 2007

Today's Workout - 09 Feb. 2007


-Kettlestack Snatches x 8 (each side)
-Side-to-Side Jumps over Kettlestack x 8
-Kettlestack Cleans/High Pulls* x 8 (each side)
-Forward Jumps over Kettlestack x 8

Repated 4x. Each complex was spread throughout the day - roughly an hour or so between each one.

*I did Clean on two of the complexes, and High Pulls on the other two.

There was also various DB and KS Snatch practice throughout the day, some core work, and an easy mile run this morning.


Chris said...

What weight is on the kettlestack Wiggy?

Wiggy said...

55 lbs.

All snatches were done "Dead Hang" style w/minimal dip. Cleans and High Pulls used a little more swing/hip snap. At the top of the High Pulls, I pulled the KStack "back" some - almost as if doing a rowing motion.


Chris said...


I like the deadhang variation for snatches - but find it easier with a DB than a KS.

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