There is plenty out there for the pro-wrestling...or 'sports entertainment' (if
you wanna call it that)...fan these days.

Just like the UFC buying out Pride, WWE has bought out much of its competition over the years, including WCW and ECW.
Though, as good as a promoter Vinny Mac is, he hasn't had a whole lot of success
outside of the squared circle.
Remember the XFL? Oh boy. What a mess that was. "He Hate Me." LOL.
Before that, Vince tried his hand at pro bodybuilding, starting up the WBF. Like in the "Monday Night Wars", were pro-wrestling feds were jockeying for talent, Vince started up the WBF and immediately signed a number of high level bodybuilders from the IFBB.
(The IFBB is the Weider-run fed that contests the Mr. Olympia, Arnold's Classic, and other such prominent shows.)
The WBF did a little better than the XFL - it took 2 years to fold instead of just one. ;-)
Along with the WBF, Vince tried his hand at the supplement market - IcoPro.
Remember that stuff? The best thing about them was their slogan:
"You've gotta want it!"

And as hokey as the rest of all of Vince's undertakings have been, I'm a big fan of that tagline.
Really, b/c it's so true.
Take case in point - my long-time customer Aaron Bonafede.
I've written about Aaron before. Aaron is a kickass trainee who has spent LOADS of time on my programs, had physical setbacks, and come back to overcome the adversity. Time and time again Aaron has emailed me to tell me about a new PR or accomplishment he's done.
This morning, I got another email from Aaron, telling me how well he's doing. But that wasn't what caught my eye about Aaron's email.
This time, it was how he's trying to help others...but they just don't want to seem to put in the work.
"They see the work I put in and the results and want the same thing. I have been steering them towards your website...Some of them may try it but most of them aren't willing to put in the work... can't tell you how many people I give advice to and they all just look at me like I'm crazy or that there is no way they could stick to a program like that."
What a damn shame.
Here Aaron is, trying to help people accomplish the exact same thing he's done...but they're too damn lazy to do it. I mean, Aaron has been busting his ass on my programs for going on 2 years now.
You ain't gonna turn into a stud like Aaron overnight with some pansy-ass program.
Like the old IcoPro slogan used to say..."YOU'VE GOTTA WANT IT!"
Do you want it?
If you do, then check out "Working Class Fitness - The Programs", and get on your way to being the same kinda badass Aaron is. 6 workout programs - all 8 weeks each - for one stupid low price. CLICK HERE and get my MMA Championship Edition Program with it and Save 40%.
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins
PS - That link again to SAVE 40% is HERE.
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