First, he was really the first martial artist to ever embrace aspects of many different martial arts at the same time. Using his notion that "no way" was the one true "way", many consider Lee to be the first ever Mixed Martial Artist.
Lee also brought martial arts (esp Chinese) to mainstream media in the US via his role on TV's "The Green Hornet" as well his many kung fu movies (with "Enter the Dragon" arguably the most popular long-term) to Hollywood's big screen.

Lee spent countless hours on his physical development, and studied countless books and courses, trying to learn as much about training as he could.
As diligent as he was with his martial arts training, he was just as diligent with his physical training.
In fact, as known as Lee was for being "ahead of his time" in the realm of martial arts, he was really just as "ahead of his time" in physical training.
Know how popular interval training (also known as "HIIT") has become in recent years? Well, Bruce Lee was doing it back in the 1970s!
In fact, one of Lee's favorite interval training programs (as described in the John Little book, "The Art of Expressing the Human Body") was as follows:
-jog x 60 seconds
-run (sprint) x 30 seconds
-walk x 60 seconds
Build up to 10-20 rounds, and you've got a helluva workout - one I use pretty often myself.
However, the two different interval times for this workout can make it a real pain in the ass. Because I don't know about you, but when I'm running, I don't like having to watch a stopwatch all the time.
I'd rather just use a timer. Makes things a lot more simple, and I don't have to worry about watching the clock - I can just worry about running.
But most timers won't let you use two different time intervals.
What a pain.
Enter the Gymboss.

The Gymboss is a cool little timer that lets you program it with two different interval lengths, up to 99 rounds, act as a stopwatch, act as a countdown timer, is small and easy to carry, water and shock resistant...
(...the list of benefits goes on for quite a while...)
The best thing about it is the price - you can pick up this cool little gadget for less than $20!
Hell, a wall clock is gonna cost you seven or eight bucks by itself...and it can't touch everything the Gymboss can do.
What are you waiting for? CLICK HERE for more info on the Gymboss.
...and get to work kicking ass on your own interval workouts!
Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins