Monday, September 14, 2009

Are You Prepared?

Would you be willing to put your life on the line if you had to?

It's been a very somber few days. First, last Friday was the 8th anniversary of the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks. Then, this weekend, a guy I used to work with in Iraq was shot and killed.

(In case you didn't know, I did govt. contract work in Iraq for the better part of 2.5 years. If you haven't seen the news articles, you can see info on the wall of my Facebook page.)

But, in both of these tragic instances, there is true cause to draw inspiration.

While so many people died on Sept. 11, 2001, 40 people were heroes, in bringing down Flight 43 so that it couldn't be used as a weapon. Similarly, my friend died trying to subdue and disarm a soldier who meant to cause harm to other innocent people.

In both cases, 'ordinary' people were faced with impossible situations, and had to do 'extraordinary' things...and ultimately paid the ultimate price.

What would you do if you were thrust into this kind of literal 'do or die' scenario? Would you be ready? Would you be prepared?

You can honestly never say what you would or wouldn't do, because unless you've been in that sort of situation before, you couldn't know how you might react. You just don't know. I know I don't.

However, what you can do is make sure you're ready...just in case.

Are you ready physically? Are you strong, conditioned, flexible, in good shape, etc?

Are you ready mentally? Do keep yourself acute? Do you get enough rest? Are you aware of your surroundings? Is your mind quick?

Are you ready emotionally? If you were to die in a tragic incident today, would you have things left unsaid in your life? Are there relationships you have not yet mended? Are there people you need to tell things to? Do those close to you know how you really feel about them?

Are you ready spiritually? I won't turn this into a religious discussion, but I'm not ashamed to say I'm a Christian. If you believe like I do, then there are certain things you have to do to make sure you're ready for life after death. Are you ready to meet God?

I don't know what I'd do if I were ever put in such a situation. I'd like to think that I'd do the right thing. Hopefully, I'll never have to find out.

And hopefully, you'll never have to find out, either.

But, if that tragic, crazed, insane, impossible situation was ever dropped at your feet, would you be ready?

I hope so.

Take a look in the mirror. Are you ready right now? If not, then you'd better think about getting yourself ready.

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-
Matt "Wiggy" Wiggins

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