Monday, September 22, 2008

Do You "Refuze"!?!

I'm REALLY excited to announce a new partnership between Working Class and Refuze Limitations!

Refuze is a clothing company that strives to not accept social pressures, demands, or methods of thinking. Refuze wants you to question, to think, to ponder - to be your own person. Taken directly from Refuze's website:

Refuze is a company that represents those individuals who investigate true human potential by not conforming to the limitation dictated by social acceptance. We are not trying to spark a revolution; we are simply recognizing the inevitable evolution of passion, hunger, and desire. Honoring these individuals, Refuze's symbol, the Exquion, flies as an official flag of this powerful mindset.

Our uniquely designed, very in your face clothing lines, have received world renowned attention and are fast becoming a prominent staple to the fashion scene. With our universal flair spanning over all genres; Grunge, Urban, etc. we have a flavor for everyone. Keeping up on the latest advancements in technology and textiles, we will continue to come out with new and inventive garments always remaining as a front runner in today's trends as well as carving new paths for tomorrow.

Refuze has spent its time and energy trying to reach those involved in activities and forms of expression that go beyond the "normal" sports and/or activities. This includes Parkour/Free Running, "Stuntaz", BMX, professional wrestling, fitness models, bands, and more.

When Refuze's "main man" TK Refuze and Wiggy met up, it seemed a perfect match. Refuze works to help you think. Working Class works to get you in shape. Thus a partnership was born.

"Training 2 Refuze" is a new collaboration between Refuze and Working Class T2R will be be made up of all the stuff you've come to expect from Wiggy - quality and informational (and FREE) articles, sample workouts, and full-fledged workout programs - all with the goal of helping you not only get in better shape, but do so, so that you can express yourself in whatever physical way you like. Think of all the work that Working Class has put forth in the MMA world and to "regular joes" with the free fitness articles, workout plans, and more - only expanded.

You can check out the Train 2 Refuze home page here:

There you'll find articles to my first two articles geared at Parkour Conditioning. But that won't be all - there is a lot more to come from TK Refuze and Wiggy.

So don't screw around and get to the T2R page and check it out - pronto!

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Article Up at MMA Weekly

My new article, "400 Meters to Ultimate Cardio" is up at MMA Weekly. Go check it out:

For workout programs that you could plug your 400m training into, hop over and check out Working Class Fitness - The Programs.

Train Hard, Rest Hard, Play Hard-


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's Never Forget

It was seven years ago today, that the attacks on Sept. 11th occurred. Two planes into the World Trade Center. One into the Pentagon. And one more, valiantly brought down by its passengers in Pennsylvania.

These attacks have shaped the history of America, and have forever changed us as a country. On a personal note, it was these attacks that actually set in motion the events that would eventually lead to my spending the better part of 2.5 years in Iraq with a contracting job.

They say time heals all wounds. This is a wound that while easier to bear, we should never heal from. We should never act as if we're now "Ok". We should never feel that it's "in the past".

One of my greatest fears is that down the road, Sept. 11th will suffer the fate of Dec. 7, 1941. Do you know what this day is? If you don't, you should honestly be ashamed of yourself. It was the date that Pearl Harbor was attacked (thus leading us into entering WWII). It was the last time there was a foreign attack on our own soil.

I'm sure that throughout the 1940s and even into the 1950s, people remembered and revered this day. But somewhere along the line, it became less and less of a deal. As the people of that generation that experienced that horrible tragedy died off, the following generations paid less and less attention to this date.

Now, the date passes without a thought. And I'd even venture to say that if you stopped random people on the street, and asked them what the significance of Dec. 7, 1941 was, they couldn't even tell you.

Don't let this happen to Sept. 11th. Don't let it become unimportant. Don't let it pass. Don't let others take the date lightly.

Don't ever forget.

Though many of you may not agree with our current presence in the Middle East, there is one thing we should all agree on, and that's the courage, will, perseverance, and fortitude of our men and women serving there (and all over the world, for that matter).

The next time you see member of our Armed Forces (current or veteran), take a minute, and thank them for everything they've done for our great country.

And to the all current and veteran members of our Armed Forces, I humbly say "thank you."


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Evan Tanner Quotes

In the wake of the news of Evan Tanner's death, various snippets of his writings, blog posts, and comments are being posted around the internet. I will post some of these snippets here.

If you have a good one you like, send it to me, and I'll put it up.


It is a shame that in this society we've been taught to judge a man's worth by what he owns instead of who he is. Everything is surface, and so few look beyond it. A man will sell his soul, he will lie, cheat and steal, for money. If he has it, he can buy respect. Wear the right clothes, drive the right car, have the right friends, that's all that matters. Our lives are consumed in a selfish, self absorbed quest for possessions, the latest and the best in a never-ending cycle until the day we die. We forget what it means to be truly human. We forget the things that really matter. We lose the magic of what life should be.

I won't live by rules that make no sense to me.


I will do nothing lightly. When I walk, I will walk heavily. When I fight, I will fight with conviction. When I speak, I will speak strongly. When I feel, I will feel everything. When I love, I will love with everything.


RIP Evan Tanner

Former UFC MW Champion Evan Tanner was found dead yesterday, 09-Sept-08.

Prayers to Evan's friends and family - Evan will be sorely missed.


MMA Weekly's article on the circumstances surrounding Evan's death can be found here:


I just posted this on the Underground Forum:

I didn't know Evan. I never corresponded with him via myspace, email, or the like. I never got to meet him. Hell, I never even got to see him fight live.

Yet, his death is really hitting me hard.

Somebody else said it might be somewhat strange to feel this way about somebody that you've never met. I agree, b/c I feel the same way.

One of the things that originally drew me to MMA (originally via the UFC) was that it wasn't glitz. It wasn't glamor. It wasn't about pretty boys or prima-donnas.

MMA was about regular guys, who had worked their asses off, wanting to test themselves. At the time, there was no (at least very little) money in the sport. Fighters had to still work full-time jobs, and many times put their fighting careers on hold just to support their family.

It wasn't about riches, or fame, or fighting in front of crowds, or getting your face on a reality TV show. It was about being a warrior, and testing yourself as one.

This is what Evan Tanner was - a warrior for the sake of being a warrior.

Most people in the limelight have issues - as do most folks. But issues generally aren't allowed in the limelight. Unless it's for deliberate attention, or a matter of public record, these issues are buried - buried deep down so that others may not see that the image of our favorite personality just *might not* be what everybody thinks it is.

Not Evan.

As was said, he wore his heart on his sleeve. He fully embraced something I try to do, and that's to fulfill the old computer term - WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get.

No facades, no acts, no gimmicks, no lies from Evan - just the genuine article.

And in this fast-growing, seemingly almost over-popular sport we call MMA, that is what I'll miss most.

RIP Evan - you will be missed.


