Saturday, September 08, 2007

Life Imitates Art? + Last Night's Workout

You know how when a movie is made, and then something in real-life happens that is very similar, they say that "life is imitating art?" Well, that sorta happened to me yesterday.

You know how I'm always saying that for us "regular folk," you never know when physical challenges might arise, and you have to be in shape to meet them? Well, I like to not to only be able to meet them, but crust them like an ant, but that's another story... ;-)

Well, yesterday (and I won't bore you with the long story as to why/how), I ended up on "sandbag detail" here in Iraq. Basically, we're hauling and stacking sandbags for Force Protection reasons. Now, these sandbags aren't heavy (probably between 10-15 and 35-40 lbs. each, depending on how much sand was put into a bag.

The way it worked was simple, there would be a pallet of sandbags, and we'd line up, handing them from one person to another assembly-line style, until it got to the end of the line, who did the stacking. The work wasn't "hard", but it was hot out, and it was fairly consistent. Keep the bags moving, keep the bags moving...

If you weren't in shape (and there were a few guys out there who weren't!), you'd get winded pretty quick, and tire easily. Not me though - I felt great. I look at this sort of stuff as a workout - and always try to outwork everybody there. In fact, I started "talking trash" to the other guys to see who could keep up!

We only ended up being out there for an hour, but some of the guys were toast. I've seen one or two today, and they're tired and sore. Not me though - I felt great and was "itching" for more! In fact, it seemed to tune me up for the night's workout!

A couple hours later, here is what I did:

Strength Work:
-Weighted Dips x 25 reps (as many sets as needed - 3 sets)
-DB Snatches x 25 reps each side (4 sets)
-DB Curls x 20 reps each side (4 sets)


-MFD on Elliptical Trainer x 25 min


-Band Cuban Presses: 2 sets x 12 reps

Got done, took a shower, and felt AWESOME! I'll be back out there loading sandbags today - can't wait! ;-)


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