Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Last Night's Workout

Didn't really feel like working out last night (haven't been sleeping well as of late), but knew I had to get *some* work in, so I went in to just do some easy conditioning. After I got started/warmed up, I ended up feeling pretty good. Just goes to show that you have to really pay attention to yourself - there is a big difference between needing a day off, and just being lazy. Had I really needed the day off (which I knew I didn't), I've been training enough to know that soon after getting started, my body would've told me "Nope - this is a no-no. Take it easy today." And it didn't tell me that.

Conditioning on Treadmill

-5 min easy warmup

-Intervals: 40 secs sprint, 20 secs rest
*Repeat 10x

-5 min cool down

Then I did 3 rounds of a workout called "The Magic 50" from Ross Enamait:

-Burpees x 10
-DB Snatch x 5 (each side)
-DB Swing x 5 (each side)
*Repeat 3x

Ended up having a great workout!



Anonymous said...

Question about your treadmill run. Did you keep the treadmill on the same speed? Or did you change the speed every 20 to 40 seconds.

Wiggy said...

When I do intervals like this, I leave the Treadmill going, and rest on the side-rails.

I find that if I try to change speeds (so that I can jog/walk during rest periods), it takes too long for the treadmill to change speeds.

Hope that helps.
