Friday, August 03, 2007

Row, Row, Row Your Boat...

Man, I'm one happy dude. There is a small MWR close to the LSA I stay at. In laymen's terms, there is a small gym and TV/game room close to the series of hooches us contractors stay in. I was in there a couple days ago, checking the place out. The weight room is small, but very doable (besides, there is a bigger gym just a few minute's walk away). Then I noticed a little room off to the side with the door closed. I opened the door to see what was in there.

What did I find? In the small room, all by itself, in all its glory - a Concept 2 Rower!!

*key the choir*


I had used a Concept 2 quite extensively when I spent my year in Basrah, and couldn't wait to jump back on one. I decided I should get re-acquainted with the Concept 2 with the quickness. Two nights ago, I rowed 3500m, and last night, it was a 5k. My times weren't staggering, but MAN, what a good workout.

I love that thing. It's going to be an exclusive part of my conditioning while I'm in Iraq.

Good thing I was nosy enough to see what was in that room! HA!


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