Friday, July 06, 2007

Joe Rogan Likes My Stuff...

I had the opportunity to trade emails with UFC Color Commentator Joe Rogan a few days ago through MySpace.

Most folks know Joe for his time on Fear Factor, and now on the UFC. However, Joe is a VERY accomplished martial artist. Before learning of MMA, and training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (he's a brown belt under Eddie Bravo and Jean Jacques Machado), he was a US Open Tae Kwon Do Champion (at only 19 years old, no less), and went on to be a Middleweight and Heavyweight TKD Grand Champion. Needless to say, he's been around the block a couple times.

Here is what Joe had to say:

"Hey man, that's so f@#$ing crazy that you just emailed me, I'm reading your article about sand bags right now on MMA Weekly! I would love to try one of your workouts. I've read several of your articles, and I really like your approach...You've got some great ideas, man. I really liked the sand bag article. Thanks again, and take care,"

The sandbag article Joe was talking about was the one I recently had posted at MMA Weekly. Here is the LINK.

The good words about Working Class Fitness just continue to spread...

Let's keep it that way! ;-)


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