Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm here and it's freakin' HOT

Well, I finally got to my final duty station located in Diwaniyah, Iraq. I got in a couple days ago.

Things aren't too bad here - could be better, could be worse. I was pretty disenfranchised when I first got here, but I'm warming up to it.

Speaking of warming up, it is FREAKIN' HOT here! Today at a little past noon, it was 144 degrees - 122 in the shade.

**Boys and girls, this blog post was brought to you by the word "Dehydration."**

Man, cold water never tasted so good...

I've yet to make it to the main gym yet (I had to send my sneakers home at the last minute due to baggage weight limit restrictions so I need to get them sent to me). There is a smaller gym closer to the living area that I can use, though. There's a Concept II rower there... ;-)

I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories as time passes, so be sure to check back often.

I'm also way behind on my articles at MMA Weekly. Never fear, though - I'll have a couple done shortly and submitted. They should be up soon.

Well, it's been a long day, and I'm about to turn in.

Y'all take care of each other and ENJOY BEING HOME!!! I wish I was... ;-)



Chris said...

Good to hear you are doing OK out there.

Stay safe

God Bless


mmafan said...

Wiggy..Stay safe and hope you get back Home Ok.

Gil AKA "pushupaddict"