Monday, February 25, 2008

20 Minutes + 2 Exercises = Your Ass Kicked

If you want a great workout in 20 minutes, have no equipment (but a little bit of room), and don't mind huffing, puffing, sweating, and overall kicking your own ass, here is a great workout for you.

Set a stopwatch (or just look at a clock - one with a sweeping second hand would work best) and every minute, on the minute, do a set. Alternate between Burpees and Jumps. Repeat for 10 rounds. 10 rounds = 20 minutes.

Each "even" minute (0,2,4,6,8,etc.) is a set of burpees. Each "odd" minute (1,3,5,7,9,etc.) is a set of jumps. At the end, you'll have done 10 sets of each.

The burpees are in "traditional" format - squat down, thrust feet out, do a pushup*, thrust feet back under you, and stand up (we won't use a jump with these burpees). Burpees are done in sets of 10. When that gets easy, bump it up to 12, then 15. If you want to substitute Squat-Thrusts (same movement minus the pushup), you can, but start with a minimum of 12 reps. Then 15, then 20.

(*To make the burpees harder, thrust the feet out and do the lowering portion of the pushup in one motion, so that for a second or so, your hand are supporting your entire bodyweight.)

For the jumps, just get an object that is roughly 18-24" high, and jump over it facing forward. Turn around, and jump back. Repeat until you've done 10 reps. Jumps can be done all forward, forward and back, side to side, etc. - mix it up. Make sure your object is something that can easily be knocked over, you won't get hurt on, and that you won't damage should you not make the jump or trip.

The first few rounds will seem easy. Don't let that fool you. Somewhere around 6-7, you'll suddenly realize that you're working a lot harder than you were in the beginning, and this is harder than you thought it was gonna be. Did anybody get the number of that truck? :-)

This is the exact workout I did today. I did Squat Thrusts for 15, and Jumps (over a box roughly 20" high) for 12. 10 rounds later, I had done 150 Squat Thrusts, and 120 Jumps. I was toast. I finished up with a slow 5 mins jog to cool down.

25 minutes and I was in and out.

For those of you that are looking for some variety in your Density Conditioning, (esp. when using it in Working Class Fitness - The Programs), try giving this a shot. Do more reps and rest less to make the workout more "dense".

Let me know how it goes.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Article at MMA Weekly - "Are You A Strong Man?"

My new article, "Are you a Strong Man?" got up at MMA Weekly yesterday.

If you haven't already, check it out:



Monday, February 04, 2008

New MMA Weekly Article - "1 Left + 1 Right DB Clean & Press"

My new article, "1 Left + 1 Right DB Clean & Press" is up at MMA Weekly. Check it out.

